Reception – Transition week!


Dear children and parents,
We have had a very interesting week with new children settling in, a morning with Mrs Thompson and planning an End of Reception party!

In Maths and Little Wandle we are revisiting tricky learning like bonds to 10, odd and even numbers, reading longer words like portrait and sight reading words like when, what and why. That gives us extra time for games and spending quality time with each other in the last weeks of Reception… Where did the time go? We played parachute games on the field, baked muffins and enjoyed the sunshine. Have a look:

Thursday morning was such a success and Mrs Thompson was absolutely impressed with all children and their exceptional behaviour and knowledge. The children spent the time in year 1 classroom painting, listening to a story and playing outside!

As you probably already know, on Friday next week, we are going to have an End of Reception party! All children are very excited and looking forward to it. We have decided to make a party food list and everyone brings something different. Please make sure you check your child’s reading record for further information 🙂

And finally… we are all very excited about the Euro final on Sunday! We made flags to support England! We all hope that they are going to win!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 19th July – Reading morning
Friday 19th July – Last day of term. School finishes at 1:30pm.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova