Nursery – 28.06.2024

This week in maths we explored ‘what comes next’. We helped bunny work out what number comes next by using a dice and a number track. On Tuesday we played a game of missing number – the children had to work out which number was missing and find the missing number on their number fan. On Thursday we were given a number and had to work out which number came next to make a number line.

In RE this week we talked and thought about God’s Wonderful world. We remembered our RHE learning from autumn term and talked about the things God made during the 7 of Creation. We listened to Louis Armstrong’s very lovely song ‘What a wonderful world’.

Important Dates

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day – 10:00AM. Please enter school via the KS2 gate. Nursery children will need to wear white polo shirt, blue/black shorts or leggings and trainers. Children will need to wear their school cap.

Friday 5th July – Reading Morning


Children need a blue school hat.

Water bottles need to have fresh water every day.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor