Sunshine for year 4

All our learning was school-based this week, with a visit to church halfway through. For a short week, the children have completed a lot of learning. In the last term of year 4, they are showing the maturity and stamina for learning and writing which are good to see.

The sunshine was welcomed by everyone, with playing on the field at playtime and learning cricket skills on the field for PE very much enjoyed.

I am convinced there will be many doctors, surgeons and dentists from this class in the future, going by the great interest the children have in acquiring knowledge about the body. They loved following the progress of food through the body and this week were fascinated in the functions and structure of teeth. There will also be some CTOs, I am sure, going from the way that the class is enjoying learning about computer networks and the internet. They are all doing very well understanding decimals. Please keep up practice and progress in times-table fact learning. A few more children have “gone green” now and we need to see more children doing this.

The week was finished with a trip to the library, always a highlight. The children are ready for their weekend with you and I hope you all have a great time together. I look forward to seeing them again on Monday.