Reception – May the Month of Mary


Dear children and parents,

We entered May thinking about Mary, Mother of Jesus. The children prepared a lovely display with the 12 Apostles and helped write their names. They were singing the hymns beautifully and their behaviour during the assembly was exceptional!

In RE we also continued our learning about Pentecost and read the story of the Holy Spirit.

Forty days after his Resurrection Jesus returned to his Father in heaven. His friends were sad. They missed him.  They felt lonely and afraid without him.  On Pentecost day, they were all together in the house.  Crowds of people came to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. The friends of Jesus did not go out to join them.  They stayed all together in the house.  They talked about Jesus and remembered what he had told them.   As the wind filled the room, they began to feel different.  Joy and happiness filled their hearts.  It was wonderful.  They knew that Jesus had kept his promise to send a new friend, the Holy Spirit.  “Let’s go out and join the crowds.”  Peter said.  “Let’s tell them the Good News that Jesus is alive.”

Based on Acts 2: 1-4.

We talked about the Holy Spirit as something we can’t see or touch, but feel. The children began learning a new song as well:

In Little Wandle we continued learning phase 4 sounds, but this week we focused on words with short vowels like train, track, bring and smash. We also learnt 4 new tricky words. Please practice these at home too for building fluency.

In Maths the children built on their understanding as they explored the change structure of addition by adding more and subtraction by taking away. The focus was on increasing and decreasing a quantity by a given amount, while continuing to work within 10. The children used real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more or taking away.

And finally… a caterpillar update! The caterpillars are growing big and fat and entering into the next stage of the life cycle – chrysalis. We observed the changes carefully and talked about what comes next.

Dates to remember:
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Wednesday 8th May – School photos
Friday 10th May – Reading morning

Have a wonderful weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday!
Mrs Solakova