Nursery – 24.05.2024

This week in maths we did some activities and used the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We had our own teddy bears and had to give them cubes, one bear with more and one with fewer. We also played a game with our friends where we had to close our eyes and take bears from a bag, we then talked about who had more and who had fewer.

In RE we talked about the word ‘friend’ and made a list of how to be a good friend, the children came up with the following suggestions ‘share our toys’, ‘give our friends a cuddle if they are sad’ and ‘ask a friend to play’.

We also designed our own ‘teddy paperchain of friendship’.

Other photos this week

Friday 7th June – Reading Morning

Have a lovely half term and see you on Monday 3rd June.

Miss Taylor