It was wonderful to see many adults at Harvest Festival and we hope you enjoyed the year 4 enthusiastic song about healthy eating.
We started our new book “Varmints” this week and the children have done some very thoughtful writing using adverbial phrases of place, personification and expanded noun phrases. Ater half-term they will write an alternative version of the story.
In our Reading sessions, we are reading an amazing book together, called “The Wild Robot” which covers themes such as being an outsider and what it means to be human. The children love choosing books in the beautiful library and relaxing when we go there on Fridays.
The children all love their trips to the library, both getting new books and enjoying the books and library with their friends. We have very efficient librarians who carry out their duties very well.
The children continued to learn about electricity by investigating which materials are conductors and which are insulators.
I hope you all have a very enjoyable week during the half-term break and look forward to seeing you the week after.