Nursery – 19.05.2023

This week we have been reading the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children have been enjoying playing with the characters and acting out the story in our tuff tray.

Our new role play is now open, we now have a Garden Centre. The children are enjoying using their basket to buy different items, scanning the items on the till and having a cup of tea and a cake in the garden centre cafe.

In PE we are continuing with our movement development unit, this week we played a game called ‘Rob the nest’. The children had to collect the correct colour beanbag from one nest and take it back to their own.

The caterpillars are still in their cocoons and the children are keeping a watchful eye on them.

Other photos this week:

We hope you can join us for our Pentecost party on Wednesday 24th May at 2:15pm, it looks like the weather will be nice. Children can wear red to school that day; red being the liturgical colour of Pentecost.

Friday mornings are reading morning – Please join us from 8:45 – 9:00 to read a story with your child.

Next Friday is Nursery and Reception Cake Sale after school – we would welcome any donations of cakes.

As the weather start to improve children will need sun cream applied before they come to school. Children might like to wear a hat too as we will be spending more time outside during the Summer term.

Have a great weekend and hopefully next week we will have some butterflies.

Miss Taylor