This half-term has got off to a flying start.
The children are concluding learning about states of matter and had good ideas as to why the ice with the salt on it melted faster than without salt.

With Mrs Gallaher, the children composed music for the “flying car” scene in “Harry Potter”.

The children thought carefully about what they could do in Lent to be closer to God , whether their promise was to do with giving, praying or giving something up. Their behaviour in the Ash Wednesday service was impeccable and they enjoyed learning about the symbolism involved. We are doing activities from The Mission Together Lenten Calendar – which has some lovely things to do. I sent one home earlier this week. It wasn’t compulsory home learning – I just thought it was a really nice, engaging activity you might enjoy. We’ve reflected on the significance of 40 during Lent and why Jesus went into the desert.

The children are really enjoying our new book – “The Lion and The Unicorn”, which is providing inspiration for writing. In Reading sessions we are reading “The Firework-Maker’s Daughter”, which I’m mentioning at consultations. These books are online in various ways. It’s always useful to read the books at home to share what your children are learning, discuss vocabulary and themes in the book. Like the other books we read, they are beautiful and full of lovely language and ideas. They could give you an idea of what to wear for World Book Day next Friday!
It’s been lovely to speak to all the parents about your wonderful children, their achievements and progress.
I hope you all have great weekends.