What an yummy first week back we’ve had. With pancakes and delicious toppings. The children had lovely time mixing the batter and then flipping the pancakes… well at least we tried and nothing went on the ceiling 🙂

Our pancake cafe was fully booked and we even had to have a waiting list! We invited Nursery children too to help us with all the prep work.

In RE this week we talked about Lent, and how during Lent we will try to grow in many ways…. and it could be very hard. The children all had their Lenten promise heart to take home. Please help your children and think about what that promise could be and then return them to school so we can create a special Lenten promise tree.
Wednesday was a very special day as Mrs Porter gave us the ashes. We talked about where do the ashes come from and why we are receiving them.

Finally thank you very much for coming to parents consultations meetings. It was lovely to see you all in person and talk about your children’s progress. And as always thank you very much for supporting us in this journey. We wouldn’t be able to do it well without your help and determination.
Things to remember:
Friday reading mornings – 8:45am to 9:00 am.
3rd of March (Friday) we will be celebrating World book day and the children can come and dressed as their favourite book character.
Please bring in your Lenten Promise by Friday 3rd March.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Solakova