What an excellent first full week back to school. We have packed so much in, from hatching chicks to meeting an athlete!
We started the week buy visiting the hatching chicks based in Nursery. We have been learning about different animal groups in Science, and identify the chicks were in the bird group as they are laid in eggs, have feather and wings.
Later on in the week, paralympian Kate Gray gave us an inspirational talk about never giving up. Her story was very inspiring and she even joined us for the daily mile.
As some of you may know, we have started using Numbots to help children with their addition and subtraction knowledge. Each child’s log in details should be stuck into their reading record or tucked away in their book bag. A letter also went home today with some more information too.
Don’t forget, RE homework needs to be in by Wednesday 4th May. Please the updated RE blog for more details.
Miss Battams