Mother’s Day preparation and amazing miracles
This week has been Mocks week, which was a practice run for SATs week in May. The children coped remarkably well with the changes to routine and we are very proud of them all.
However, we found time to prepare for Mothers Day- after all we recognise the amazing impact all our Mums have on our lives. We each made 3d Mother’s Day cards in art and another one in French.

We have also been practicing for our performance at the Mother’s Day assembly. The children worked together to write their own lyrics for their own version of Mamma Mia. We think our Mums will be pleased with the result when they see us perform it at Friday’s assembly.
In RE, we read and analysed the amazing miracle Jesus performed when he raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. We looked at how the Holy Spirit helped Jesus and what it must have been like for witnesses to this spectacular event. Some members of the class imagined they were characters from the story and we interviewed them by putting them in the Hot Seat.

Ultimately, we realised that Jesus, and only He, could have performed such a miracle. Through this miracle we learn about God’s power over death and His promise of eternal life for us. Jesus said, “ I am the resurrection, He who believes in me will live.”
So despite all our hard work, we have much to celebrate: our successes, our mothers and our faith.