Learning about the Renaissance Period

Y6 have begun their art unit on Human- learning how different artists have portrayed the human form in a variety of art mediums.

This week, the children researched what the Renaissance period was and explored some of the Renaissance art which is famous today. 

We looked at paintings such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci and the paintings Michaelangleo did on the Sistine Chapel such as the painting of The Creation of Adam.

We critiqued the colours, perspective and tones the artists used.

The artist the children focused on was the life and works of Michelangelo.

We learned how Michelangelo used different forms of art such as sculpture. We did some observational drawings of David, one of Michelangelo’s masterpieces.

This week we developed our observational skills a little more by learning observational and shading techniques to draw an eye. We are rather pleased with the results.