News from Year 4

We started this week with an unusual discovery: a strange silver object on top of the PTA container on the field. Once we had brought it back into class, the children speculated on what it might be. Thankfully, the answer to the question, ‘Is it a bomb?’ turned out to be, ‘No.’ but it certainly got us thinking before we started to read ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes in English.

In maths, we have been learning about numbers to 10,000, counting in steps of different sizes and getting to grips with place-value and ordering numbers.

In other subjects, we have been learning about the geography of Europe in relationship to other continents and designing our own slingshot cars in DT. In RE, we are learning about families as an introduction to learning about the ancestors of Christ.

The children have made a great effort through their first full week of year four and I am looking forward to the weeks ahead.

Have a great weekend!