This week the children were challenged to complete 4 tricky challenges. The class were very enthusiastic and enjoyed completing them.
In English we are looking at the story Here Comes Mr Postmouse. We looked at the journey of mail. We shall be spending next week writing letters.
In Maths, we are securing our understanding of Numbers to 40 and making sure we have a good understanding of place value.
We have continued our topics on The UK and Plants. The children have each planted a flower each and various vegetables. They are keeping a diary entry of their flower to watch it grow.
The class looked fab all in red. Thank you for supporting Comic Relief.

After Easter, I shall be setting home learning every Friday which can be found on our Google Classroom. It shall consist of spellings each week and a topic based activity every couple of weeks.
Next weeks challenges:

Thank you for all your continued support,
Miss Perry