Good afternoon Reception parents,
Thank you for preparing your children so well for their return to school. They have settled back into school life amazingly well. Indeed, it was difficult to choose the Head Teacher’s Award today and I, therefore, decided to present it to the whole class for being enthusiastic learners.
Our main focus has been reminding the children of the class routine in terms of organising their own belongings, preparing for lunch time, tidying up and getting ready to go home at the end of the day. We have also concentrated on learning through play to allow the children time to rekindle friendships and use of the learning environment.
The happy boxes have been a great success, allowing the children to develop their language skills whilst reconnecting with home. To quote one of the children “If you feel a bit sad, you can have a look at them”.
On Tuesday the children enjoyed participating in PE and learnt how to collaborate together playing parachute games. Getting ready for PE required a lot of concentration and perseverance. Supporting your child to dress and undress independently will really help increase your child’s confidence.
We continued our learning about the season of Lent and the children listened to Luke’s story (based on Luke 2: 51, 52.):

The children have been sharing their Lenten promises. Thank you to all those parents who sent their child’s Lenten promise to me via Tapestry. If your child has not yet shared their Lenten promise with me, perhaps your child could bring into school a picture to help them talk about their Lenten promise.

Wishing all the mums a very happy Mother’s Day. The children made cards which you will find in their book bags – they decided upon their own decorations and they are very much from their hearts.
Nicola Palmer