What a wonderful start to the school year! The children have settled in brilliantly by coming in enthusiastically in the morning and getting straight on with their ‘Busy Fingers’ activities and listening really well when it is carpet and learning time. I can tell that we will have a very successful year ahead of us!
Starting from next week, the children will benefit from the split classes for both English and Maths in which they will either be taught by Mr King or myself. This will be discussed in more detail at our ‘meet the teacher’ morning on Monday 10th September from 9:00am-9:30am. This will be a great opportunity to hear about all of the exciting learning we will be doing in Year 1, plus the logistics of the split classes.
There will be no formal homework set for this week as the children are still settling in, but I have sent home the children’s new reading records today along with the last word strip that they were on. Can I please ask that these books are read, read and read again in order for the children to gain the confidence that they need to read aloud and to revise the key sounds that they know. I will look to change the books next week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Teixeira 🙂