News from Year 3

This week, we finished our learning on the story ‘Journey’ and moved onto a new unit. Our new topic is fairy tales, with a focus on book ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ by Robert Munsch. We have started by looking at the ‘ingredients’ to make a traditional fairy tale e.g. a pretty, young princess, a handsome prince. However, our key text is an alternative fairy tale with a twist!

We have now reached the end of our topic of ‘Homes’ in RE. Our next unit is called ‘Promises’, focusing on the different promises made in a Catholics’ life. Make sure you check out our latest RE blog with more information about our new topic.

In PE, we have been learning how to shoot and defend in football. We have also been using our dribbling skills to help us with our shooting and defending skills. By the end of the topic, we hope to hold a tournament of matches to consolidate our skills.

Have a restful week and don’t forget to check our Goggle classroom for this week’s homework,

Miss Battams 🙂