Westminster Diocese Inspection Report June 2019
Throughout the school, we follow the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work, which covers an extensive range of theological studies. As well as learning through weekly RE sessions, this thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas, such as Computing and Art Design, thereby providing the children with opportunities to make connections. Pupils’ understanding in RE is also developed through extended writing.

Each term, information relating to the content of each RE topic is posted on the Google Classroom. Children love to complete a home learning task for each topic, which is used to take pupils’ learning forward and encourages them to think more deeply about the theme with their family. Activities may include designing a baptism candle (Year 2), creating an Advent wreath (Year 1) or designing your own Advent calendar (Year 6)

Further information on how you can support your child’s learning in RE this term can be found by going onto your own child’s class blog.
RE Weeks

As well as learning about our own faith, we also believe it is important for children to learn about other World Faiths. This takes place during focused learning weeks, where the theme is launched on the Monday, continues throughout the week in classes and is then concluded with a whole school assembly where each class presents their learning.
Every year, the children learn about the faith of Judaism. Other faiths, such as Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism are explored on a four year cycle. Below, you will find some photos from our learning about our sister faith of Judaism.
Each class is named after a saint whose life is an inspiration to them.

A Statement on Religious Education in Catholic Schools – issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales can be found here.