St. Adrian’s is a voluntary-aided Roman Catholic primary school in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Westminster.
The overall purpose of our school is to educate children of all abilities and enable them to reach their full potential, ensuring that they grow and develop spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially and emotionally. The aims and aspirations of our school are reflected and expanded upon in our Mission Statement:
‘To Learn, To Love, To Live’
The Governing Body of St. Adrian’s works within the framework set by national legislation and the policies of the Local Authority and the Diocese, and in close partnership with Mr Bedford and the staff of St. Adrian’s, making decisions on a wide range of matters.
Click here to view a list of our governors and learn a little more about them. A published list of governor memberships is reviewed termly.
The full governing body meet six times during each academic year. Minutes of each meeting, once approved, are published here.
Newsletters and communications from the Governing Body are published and e-mailed to families via the School Secretary. We are building an online archive here.
If you are interested in becoming a governor of St. Adrian’s, please contact our Chair of Governors, Martha Moroney, to enquire about any current or upcoming opportunities.