- Nursery hours
Q. Is it possible to have 30 hours provision in nursery?
A. The governors review nursery hours regularly at their meetings. There are many factors to consider including: funding, demand, staffing and sleep and dining arrangements. It has been decided that at this time provision will remain at 15 hours.
- Homework
Q. Can homework be set on another day to Friday?
A. The decision to set work on a Friday due for a Wednesday has been discussed and deliberated by members of staff.
There are academic advantages of setting work at the end of the week when the learning can be consolidated or deepened. Teachers will often decide the task and level of challenge as late as Friday afternoon when the week’s learning has been assessed.
Wednesday due date, allows pupils the weekend plus two extra evenings to complete the tasks. Wednesday to Friday allows teachers time to mark the homework and return the books.
- Transport
Q. Can St Adrian’s have a minibus to transport children to and from after school sports events? If not can the school arrange transport to after school matches?
A. There is not enough money in the budget to run a school minibus. The cost of hiring a coach is not cost effective for a small number of pupils. A single transport vehicle, to and from the events, would require the accompanying volunteering member of staff to further extend their day. With the number of matches reliant on many staff volunteering this could lead to less matches arranged.
Staff private vehicles cannot be used as they are not insured to transport pupils. The school office cannot arrange lifts from willing parents as it is not possible to run the necessary background checks to cover safeguarding rules. As such, we ask parents to liaise with other parents to organsie carpooling in order that our pupils can participate in the many after school events we offer.
- First Holy Communion
Q. Can the arrangements for First Holy Communion be altered?
A. The organisation of First Holy Communion is down to the local parishes and is not a school matter.
- Parking and emissions
Q. Can the school improve the standard of driving and parking outside of the school at pick up and drop off times? Could parents turn off their engines during pick up and drop off?
A. The school uses it bulletins to remind parents of reasonable parking standards and emissions. However, as you will know, the area outside of the school grounds is beyond the jurisdiction of the school and we have no authority to enforce our regular reminders.