Year 2 are thoughtful artists

Inspired by the amazing artist, Charles McGee, we have been exploring colours, patterns and shapes to create our own artwork using pens, charcoal and sculpture. Here is a selection of the tremendous artwork that we made during our art project.

Our next challenge was to create 3D sculptures using our amazing drawings. We are very proud of the end results!

Matchbox Memories in Year 4

Thank you for returning the matchboxes containing objects for memories. Please could you return the rest on Monday, when we will use them for writing. The children’s imagination has really been sparked by “The Matchbox Diary” and they have completed some thoughtful writing inspired by it.

It is was great to discuss your children’s successes and achievements with you on Thursday and I look forward to doing the same with the rest of you on Tuesday.

We’ve come to the end of learning about perimeter and area and the children enjoyed working with shapes. Next week we’ll move onto Fractions. Please complete the MyMaths home learning for this as this will help get everyone off to a good start. Thank you.

Loving to read, reading for pleasure, choosing reading as an occupation, etc is important and a great habit to get into. I’ve discussed this with a number of parents during these consultations and there is evidence that, worryingly, this love of reading for pleasure is fading in children. As one of our guided reading carousel sessions, children read one of the books from the class library, for pleasure. (By contract, choice from the school library is completely free, so a child may choose a picture book, or a fact book in small print, or anything else, as they choose.) Hopefully these sessions will help to encourage this and also introduce the children to authors they will want to read more of. Here is the whole class enjoying reading today.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend in sunshine!

Nursery – 28.02.2025

We started our new book this week, Goldilocks and the three Bears. In the classroom we have a Goldilocks and the three bears small world and the three bear cottage will be our role play for this half term. This morning we watched Miss Taylor act out the story using the props. The children were very good at joining in and found it funny when Miss Taylor used different voices.

We have also watched this story:

This week the children have enjoyed being back together and today we could finally spend lots of time outside in the sunshine

Books from home

If the children would like to bring in their favourite story from home I would love to read it to the class at home time.

Important Dates

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day – Children can come to school dressed up as their favourite book character (please be mindful that the children will still be playing outside).

Friday 7th March – Reading Morning

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 2 focus on their wellbeing

We all performed brilliantly in our class assembly this week and we are very proud of ourselves. As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we shared our top tips for how to boost wellbeing and cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down.

Here are our top tips for good wellbeing:

First of all, connect with the people around you. We created a paperchain to show all the things we do that connect us together.

Don’t forget to Be Active: we start each day with a song and dance and we love to run laps around the playground to keep extra fit.

Remember to Give: small acts of kindness are a great way to give to one another. We look out for our friends in the playground and give our clothes to charity to help to raise money.

Take notice: we love to spend time in the great outdoors and we have planted lots of seeds in different conditions to see how well they grow. We have learned that in addition to water, sunlight and air, seeds also need heat to grow well.

Finally, don’t forget to Keep Learning. There are so many wonderful things to find out and each day, we love to learn something new!

Year 3: DT

In Design and Technology, we have been learning about electrical systems. Over the past few weeks, we have explored and built circuits, gaining a strong understanding of their components and how they function. We then applied this knowledge creatively and made cross-curricular links to history and created electrical posters.

Going back in time in Verulamium….

Like the Romans, year 4 went on a good march on Wednesday – to Verulamium Museum and back, via the hypocaust. Every child was a credit to their parents and St Adrian’s. I felt blessed to have a day out with such enthusiastic learners, who showed the best respect for the artefacts and the people in the museum and on the way there and back. We saw nearly as many dogs as people! Luckily, on the way back the playpark was completely empty so year 4 made the most of the opportunity to play there.

A massive thank you to Ms Carey and Mrs Donnellan, who came as parent helpers. These trips aren’t possible without voluntary help and it’s very much appreciated. Also thank you to Mrs Finnie and Miss Jilly, from school who came along too. Miss Jilly still found time to order some learning resources bought with cake sale money of which I will post photos when they are unwrapped and used.

Other learning has also gone on this week but I’ll post that later. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing everyone next week.

(The slideshow of Wednesday is in chronological order if you “swipe” to the left first.)

Nursery – 17.01.2025

This week we went up to the library for the first time and the children were really excited to visit a different part of the school. We will visit the library every Tuesday so children can take out books, if the previous book has not been returned they will not be able to take out a new one. Please comment or sign their reading record once read.

In maths this week we looked at subitising number 3, that means looking at a group of objects and seeing 3 without counting them. We played some different games to support this.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Friday 24th January – Reading Morning 08:45 – 09:00 in Nursery Classroom.

Monday 27th January – INSET Day – School Closed

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

It’s feeling a lot like Christmas now!

Thank you to all the adults who came into school on Wednesday, shared some time with the children and joined in the performances. The children are confident playing the ukelele and love doing it, so any opportunity to share this with others is welcome.

Everyone has made good progress in swimming. Well done! The children are also superfast at getting changed so we get back to school in good time.

The writing year was concluded with fantastic narrative telling as the children wrote their versions of “The Selfish Giant” – “The Spiteful Ogre”. I was blown away by their expressive language, insightful ideas and capacity to use Oscar Wilde’s clean, descriptive language to create their own prose with the same qualities. Also, the independent spelling in the creative writing has improved a lot this term. It takes a lot of effort! But the improvement in the outcome is very real and one which we’ll look to maintain and build on even further in the New Year.

Thank you very much indeed for the very generous Christmas presents you gave me and Mrs Finnie. I have been extremely careful with the “highly breakable” bag. Mrs Finnie and I really appreciate your generosity and also the time taken to organise these things. The bag in itself is a great gift.

We particularly wanted to thank you all this way as the gifts are simply from “year 4” . They are really appreciated and we feel very fortunate.

After the Christmas assembly today and an informative Advent assembly by year 5, the children spent the morning choosing their own activities in the classroom. They also asked to spend some time in the library which we did and was a lovely thing to do on the last day. They all played a game, when they followed the rules, helped each other and entered the spirit of it really well. Everyone waited till each child had received their present and opened their own. There was a wonderful collection of gifts and everyone looked delighted with what they had received. As on Christmas Day, once the unwrapping is done it’s time for tidying up….!

Mrs Finnie and I wish you all a very happy, relaxing and safe holiday wherever you find yourselves this year. I hope you have an enjoyable time with those you love, and that the spirit and peace of Jesus at Christmas time bring you joy.

I look forward to seeing all of you again in January!

Nursery – 20.12.2024

This week the children enjoyed having their grandparents and family members in to help them with some arts and crafts and to listen to the Christmas songs that they performed at their Nativity. Thank you so much for coming.

Miss Rowson and I would like to thank you all for the lovely cards, gifts and Christmas wishes we have received, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and a well earned break. The children have worked very hard this term and we are very proud of how far they have come since September.

Please could all bookbags have a keyring on them so children can identify them when getting ready for home time.

In January we will start going up to the library. The children will be taking their book bags so can you make sure that they are emptied each week so they are easier for the children to carry up. The children will not bring home a book on the first day back as I know they will want to spend time chatting and playing with their friends so we will start going the following week.

Recption Applications

The deadline for applying for a Reception place at St.Adrians is 15th January. You need to apply online and fill in a supplementary form and hand into the office.

Important Dates

Monday 6th January – School Closed – INSET Day

Tuesday 7th January – First day back – 08:45am

Friday 10th January – Reading Morning, 08:45 – 09:00 in Nursery classroom.

Monday 27th January – School Closed – INSET Day

Monday 17th- Friday 21st February – Half Term

Friday 4th April – Last Day of Spring Term – 1:30pm Finish

Wishing all Nursery families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2025!

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 06.12.2024

This week we have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our Christmas Nativity ‘Mary’s Knitting’, Nursery have now been on the stage and have sat very well while waiting for the songs to come on! We hope you can join us on Wednesday 11th at 10:00am to watch, the children are all very excited that they will see you there.

In maths this week we have been working on repeating patterns, we have been doing this every day.

In RE we talked about the beginning of Advent and what that means. We lit the first advent candle.

Photos from this week:

Important Dates

Wednesday 11th – EYFS Christmas Performance of ‘Mary’s Knitting’ – 10:00AM.

Friday 13th – Christmas Clothes Day – Children can come to school wearing Christmas jumpers, outfits, socks, hairbands etc

Monday 16th – Kris Kringle Presents due in

Monday 16th – Grandparents Tea and Carols – 09:30am. A parent or other family member may come if Grandparents are unable to make it.

Friday 19th – School finishes at 13:30.

Tuesday 7th January 2025 – First day of Spring term.

Monday 27th January – INSET Day – School closed.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor