Year 5 Spring Week 8

Dear Parents,

This week has been dominated by the exceptionally cold weather and I have had to work your children extra hard to keep them warm.

I have been very impressed by the no-nonsense approach the class have taken to the weather.  My football club braved all the elements on Monday and on Thursday, we had to walk to Mandeville School (for the Alban Arena singing practice) and the children’s behaviour both en route and whilst singing at Mandeville was fantastic.

Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton

Year 5 spring week 6

Dear parents and carers,

We have had another busy week. The highlight of this was our class mass which Fr Tim kindly celebrated for us.  We were delighted that Mr Petch (our class link governor) and Mr Bedford were also able to join us. The children’s behaviour and reverence was impeccable and the musicians in the class were able to use their talents to accompany the singing.


We have been doing further science experiments  – this week we were able to obtain a ‘pure’ sample of salt from sandy rock-salt.



Have a good weekend,


Mr Creaton

Year 5 Alban Arena Lyrics

Dear Parents,


Please find attached a spare copy of the words for the songs for the Alban Arena Concert.  The children have already been given a hard copy of the words.


Hope this helps,

Mr Creaton

FESTIVAL 2018 Song Words 1