Happy Half-Term from Year 4!

We have had a great week at school learning about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The children have brought home a gift of a special souvenir book that commemorates this special event.

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our jubilee picnic. It was lovely to see so many of you.

I look forward to the start of the final half-term on Tuesday, 7th June. Until then, keep safe and have a great holiday.

Year 4 get creative

Our art topic, looking and learning about the work of William Morris, is heading towards its conclusion and this week the children printed their own repeated designs, combining textures and colours to explore ideas from nature. I would like to think the children will remember this learning in years to come, but it is more likely they will remember the exploding tube of printing ink that turned most of me green.

As we get ready to celebrate the platinum jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, the children have been full of ideas for our hall display. Sadly, the real fireworks and band that played the National Anthem whenever anyone passed have not been possible (yet), but we have all enjoyed making flags and bunting.

We are hoping for fine weather and that you can join us for our Jubilee picnic on Friday.

May is the month of Mary

During our May Day liturgy, the Chaplaincy Team led us as we gave thanks for Mary, the mother of Jesus. All the children created a poster that celebrated Mary’s role as Queen and these have been used as a prayer focus for all the classes. Thank you so much for all the amazing plant donations that have been used to really show how deep our thanks is to Mary. Our service ended with a tremendous May Pole dance by Year 4.

Wow, Year 4!

Wow! All the children in Year 4 have really impressed, this week. We marked the start of May with a ceremony to crown Mary. May is the month of Mary and it is also the month that traditionally marks the beginning of summer. Year 4 entertained our visiting parents and the rest of the school with two maypole dances. It was lovely to see them enjoying themselves and thinking on their feet.

The second ‘Wow!’ is for all the Year 4 families, who raised a fantastic £274 at the Year 4 cake sale. I am pretty sure that this is a record total for a cake sale and I know how much difference this will make to the children in Year 4. We have already spent the money and ordered bean bags for our reading area and some fantastic new books to support our guided reading – I know that the children will really enjoy them. Thank you so much for your hard work supporting the children and the work of our school.

Have a lovely weekend!

Fun in Four

We’ve had another busy week learning together at school.

We were excited to meet Kate Gray, the paralympic athlete and broadcaster, who inspired us with her story and determination. After leading us in a warm-up, we ran the ‘golden mile’ (eight laps of the field) with Kate.

We are enjoying starting to learn May pole dances as part of our PE this half-term. Even though we have only just started, we have taken a crash course so that we might be ready to give our first performance on Tuesday, following the crowning of Mary.

We have made banners to honour Mary as we mark the month of Mary with our crowning ceremony on Tuesday, 3rd May. We have chosen to honour Mary as Queen, assumed into Heaven.

Thank you to all of the families who have supported our Year 4 cake sale today. The children have lots of exciting ideas about how we can spend the funds raised. Many of these are linked to making our book corner more comfortable and inviting.

It’s not too late to get involved in supporting our 50 Books. You can click on the banner below to check out our Amazon wish-list and see what fantastic books we are hoping to read next.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the bank holiday!

Welcome back to the summer term!

We marked the end of the first week back with a double celebration. Firstly, the children were resplendent in red and white to mark St George’s Day on 23rd April. We learnt about this early Christian martyr and tried to separate some of the facts from the fiction.

Secondly, we marked Earth Day 2022 by learning about the importance of protecting our planet. If each of us invests in small changes, we can make a difference to preserving our planet for future generations. We wrote poems as we reflected on the importance of trees.

We are looking forward to hosting our cake sale next Friday to raise money for our classroom. The children have grand plans for making our book corner more comfortable! They continue to love sharing the books that you have donated to our class library and I thank you for your continued generosity.

Have a lovely weekend!

Y4 Learning in RE

In the first theme of our RE learning for the Summer term, Pentecost – New life, we learn how each of us, by the way we live our lives, the way we treat others, and by our words and actions, show if we have an attitude of service. Often, we are especially influenced by those whose actions speak powerfully of a life of service.

Christians believe that the Spirit of God is active in each person and, in a special way, in the community of believers, which is the Church.  It is the work of the Spirit to enable people to hear God’s message and to live Jesus’ way of service.

We are reminded of this Gospel call by Luke,  

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”

Luke 4: 18-19

Our share in this Pentecostal gift is further emphasised by the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

“Those, who with God’s help, have welcomed Christ’s call and freely responded to it, are urged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world.  This treasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their successors.  All Christ’s faithful are called to hand it on from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.”

(CCC Prologue 3)

Home learning

Make a good news board.  Collect some good news from everyone in your family and record it in some way, why it was good news and how it made them feel. Take time and care with your work. Make your good news board something that you can be proud of.

Prayer and Reflection

Father, pour out your Spirit
upon your people,
and grant us
a new vision of your glory,
a new faithfulness to your Word
and a new consecration to your service,
that your love may grow among us,
and your kingdom come:
through Christ our Lord.


(Prayer of preparation for Vatican II)

Happy Easter from Year 4

Our last day of term has been full of colour and fun as the children have enjoyed ‘Break the Rules’ day and raised money to support our fantastic PTA. The morning was punctuated by impromptu renditions of various songs the children know, including our Mother’s Day spectacular and Spring Chicken – I need to make sure I watch Encanto over the holidays after the children’s very impressive version of We don’t talk about Bruno!

It was lovely to see our friend in the choir singing as part of our Easter celebration and I was very impressed by the children who joined with the Chaplaincy team to lead us in our Holy Week liturgy.

So many of you contributed posters to the Easter art competition – well done to Rukksika and Tadhg – and your ‘Growth’ posters very excellent – once again, the children’s creativity and effort are something of which they should be proud. Take a look at the posters in our Gallery.

Thanks to all the children for their enthusiasm and learning across this term. I hope that you all enjoy a happy, healthy, and blessed Easter and I look forward to seeing you for the start of the Summer Term on Wednesday, 20th April 2022.

Lent and Easter at St Adrian’s

As part of our journey through Lent, this week, we have had our own Holy Week and Easter liturgies. The week started with a very thoughtful Stations of the Cross service led by our inspiring Year Six Chaplaincy Team. They created a tableau and reflection for each Station of the Cross and the children sang beautifully as part of this service.

In contrast, our joyful Easter Parade celebrated the children’s amazing creativity. Children from Foundation Stage made some superb Easter bonnets, Key Stage One children created brilliant Easter Gardens and the Key Stage Two children displayed their immense talents with a wonderful mix of liturgical art. The Chaplaincy Team had the unenviable task of choosing two winners for each class, but we were very pleased to celebrate everyone’s wonderful artwork. Well done to you all!

We wish you all a very happy and holy Easter.

Thank you to all our Mums

We’ve enjoyed getting ready this week for our Mother’s Day Assembly. For those of you who couldn’t make it, or would like an encore, we’ve added our song to our school YouTube channel. Catch it whilst you can, as I will take it down after the weekend.


It is hard to underestimate just how much our children are enjoying the new books that you’ve so kindly donated to our class library. This is what some of the children would like to say:

The Boy at the Back of the Class is a very fun book. I’m not going to spoil it too much because I want you to enjoy it.

I just read James and the Giant Peach and it was really good. I like it because it’s a really adventurous book. It is also really interesting. Thank you for donating all the books to our class. We really appreciate it.

I just read a book from the year 4 library. It is called the brilliant world of Tom Gates. This is really good because it is funny, odd and really good to read. The author is Tom Gates. He has written lots more books that you might like to read.

I love reading Amazing Adventures of Dog Man. It is practically the second-best book I’ve ever read. It is really funny. so please buy some more books for our class.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis is a really, really good book. It is magical and adventurous. They speak like people from World War Two so you can see how they spoke. Lucy and Edmund, Peter and Susan were so brave. I would love it if someone would donate some more books so I can read them again and enjoy them.

If you would like to donate a book, you can click on the banner to see our Year 4 wishlist.

Have a lovely Mothering Sunday!