Year 3: Catholic Social Teaching

In our recent lessons on Catholic Social Teaching, we explored the principle of the Option for the Poor. Together, we reflected on key scripture passages and discussed meaningful ways we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Inspired by this, we created Advent calendars designed to encourage daily acts of giving and kindness for the less fortunate. Take a look at some photos showcasing the creativity and thoughtfulness of our work!

Year 3: Hinduism Workshop

We had a wonderful time participating in the Hinduism workshop, where we explored the diverse forms of Hindu Gods. Here are some photos of us embracing the experience by dressing in traditional clothing!

Promises in Year 3

In RE this week, we completed our unit on promises. In this unit, we explored the promises made during Baptism, as well as the various signs and symbols associated with this sacrament. For our class display, we each wrote a personal promise and reflected on how we can keep our commitments.

Year 3

Today, our school proudly wore red to stand united against racism, demonstrating our commitment to equality and inclusion. We were inspired by the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ campaign, joining together to say a collective “no” to racism in all its forms.

Harvest Donations

We are still accepting harvest donations and kindly ask that all contributions must be brought to the school by Friday, 25th October. Please see the image below for a list of suggested donation items.

Year 3 Authors

We loved reading the fable The Midnight Panther, as its powerful moral reminded us to embrace our unique qualities and celebrate differences instead of trying to fit in. Inspired by this message we crafted our own fable, each with an important lesson as its core.

Year 3 Computer Whizzes

This week in computing, we started learning about coding. We tried out different commands to make the sprite move. By experimenting, we got a feel for how coding works and began to understand how to control the sprite’s actions. It was a fun introduction to programming.

Welcome to Year 3!

We began the week by focusing on Catholic Social teaching, with a particular emphasis on the  care of the creation. We explored many ways to care for the remarkable world we have been given. Then we wrote prayers expressing our gratitude for the Earth, and sought guidance on how to preserve it. 

In Religious Education, we studied our class saint, St Peter. We researched his life and gained a deeper understanding of his significance.

Wonderful end to Year 3!

This week in Design and Technology, we enhanced our cooking skills by making delicious savoury tarts with seasonal vegetables. We carefully diced and chopped the vegetables, showcasing our cooking skills.

In PE, we concluded our final lesson by enjoying a variety of ball games.

What a wonderful end to another amazing school year! Thank you for your ongoing support and generous gifts. Have a fantastic summer!

Year 3: History/ Open Evening

We spent an incredible day exploring life in the 16th century, focusing on the catastrophic event of the Great Fire of London. We learnt how the fire spread, examined maps to track its path, and used our archaeological skills to dig up and analyse artefacts, which provided us with valuable insights into what happened.

Throughout the day, we participated in a variety of engaging activities, such as candle making, sewing, creating our own ink, making perfume, and experimenting with herbs to craft medicine, among many others. A huge thank you to all the volunteers, your assistance was invaluable, and the day would not have been possible without you!

On Wednesday, we also hosted an open day to celebrate our achievements over the past year. Thank you to everyone who joined us and supported our work.

Year 3: First Holy Communion Celebrations

On Wednesday, we celebrated a significant milestone by participating in our First Holy Communion and mass. During the mass, we were reminded of the importance of receiving Communion, as we read prayers and sang hymns. Dressed in our finest attire, we marked this special occasion. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents for the delicious spread that was generously provided.