This week, we started our new English teaching sequence on the theme of Wolves. We had great fun exploring traditional tales involving wolves and also read non-fiction texts to find out what wolves are really like. We compared the different versions and are keen to learn more about wolves. This term, we will be learning about different habitats and our learning in English forms part of this, which shows just how important cross curricular learning is here at St Adrian’s. Parents can find out more about our learning this term on the termly curriculum overview, which can be found on the Google Classroom.
Year 2 learn across the curriculum
This term, we have been busy learning so many different things and here are some of our classroom displays that celebrate our tremendous achievements. Well done Year Two!
Year Two get arty
We have thoroughly enjoyed our Art and Design topic this term. We explored Wassily Kandinsky’s artwork Squares with Concentric Circles and then created our own fantastic artwork using pens, oil pastels, powder paint and clay.
Year 2 celebrate their wonderful mums!
We all had a smashing time during our Mothers Day Assembly and the children sang with great enthusiasm, having written the words to the song together the previous week. Please do take a look in your child’s book bag where you will find their creative Mothers Day card.
Here are the words to the song again, if you would like to sing it at home.
Year 2 celebrate diversity
As part of Racial Justice Sunday, the children created some thoughtful posters promoting an anti-racist message. Take a look to see just how imaginative the children have been.
Year 2 love to read
We had a great time on World Book Day, celebrating our love of books, reading and writing. The day started with an opportunity to show off our outfits in a whole school assembly, followed by a shared reading session with our Year 6 buddies. After sharing poems with a friend, we then explored rhyming words and wrote our own amazing poems that we published in a class book. We also created our own beautiful bookmarks that we will be able to use in our favourite books. We have all brought a poetry book home, so our next challenge is to learn a poem to recite to our friends.
Year 2 make a great start on their journey through Lent
This week, we had lots of fun as we took part in our Big Lent Walk with Mrs Porter. We walked (or ran!) for 25 minutes and everyone covered a distance of at least two kilometres each. We are very proud of ourselves.
Please help us to raise money for CAFOD by going onto our school fundraising page, where you can see a record of the walk that we did together. You can find the fundraising page here:
Year 2 get connected
As part of this week’s Mental Health Week, we have been thinking carefully about all the different things that we can do to maintain our wellbeing. We did some of these great activities as a class and some with our friends in Year 1. Click on the slide presentation below to see all the wonderful things that we have done this week.
Year 2 love to count
This week, as part of the NSPCC Number Day, we had great fun exploring the multilink to create arrays using the number 12. We found twelve different multiplication and division facts for the number and then used what we had learned about 12 to help find out how many different groups we could share 30 into. Now that is great maths!
Once we’d had fun with the cubes, we logged onto the numbots website and solved lots of equations, so that we could earn gold coins and make our robots look better and better. We are getting really quick at solving addition and subtraction equations.
To end our wonderful number day, we had a maths quiz that gave us clues which helped us to crack the code. The mystery message was Speak out, Stay safe, something that we should all do. We held out our hand and talked about the five people we can all talk to when we have something that we need to say.
Year 2 scientists
We have been exploring materials this term and have had great fun learning the new words transparent, opaque, waterproof, absorbent, flexible and rigid.
You’ll never guess what though. Goldilocks was going for a walk to visit the three bears, only to discover that it was raining, so she needed a hat that would stop her from getting her flowing, golden locks wet. We carried out some investigations to see what materials were waterproof and we recommended that oil cloth was the best choice because it is flexible and waterproof.