Year 2 dancers, boccia players, jazz musicians and all round talented people!

Well done to Serena, Colette and Jan for their wonderful performances in St Adrian’s Got Talent and also to all of the children who auditioned for SAGT. You are all superstars!

Year Two enjoy learning about habitats

As part of our learning in Science and Computing, we had a wonderful trip to RSPB Rye Meads. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves hunting for little creatures in a variety of habitats including ponds, grassland and the woodland floor.

We recorded the information that we collected on the computer and have learned how to present this data in many different ways. We are also creating shoebox habitats that include all the things that an animal needs to survive, such as food, water and shelter. Once again, we have shown just how creative we are! We are looking forward to displaying our habitats for everyone to see at our open evening on Wednesday 28th June (4-5.30 pm).

It was fabulous to see so many dads at our Father’s Day assembly. The children were very enthusiastic about singing their song and even asked to practise on the coach when we travelled to Rye Meads together. The children all have a beautiful card for their fathers in their book bags which they are looking forward to giving them on Sunday. Happy Father’s Day everyone!

Year 2 artists

As part of our learning about Butterflies in art, we created some beautiful artwork that shows our skills using watercolour paint. The paintings formed part of our school art exhibition and can be purchased by sending in £7 to the school office.

Here we are showing what superb learners we are as we explored the watercolour paint.

We also took part in an exciting drama workshop this week. We explored the story of Peter Pan and had great fun being characters from this famous story, including pirates, merpeople and Tinklebell!

Year 2 bounce together!

The children had a very exciting day on Tuesday when they enjoyed their Big Bounce and also raised lots of money for the PTA. Thank you very much for all of your fantastic donations!

Well done to the children for performing so wonderfully in their class assembly celebrating the festival of Pentecost. The assembly had a great message and everyone loved the children’s singing and tremendous artwork. The children have worked tremendously hard this month and their class assembly was an amazing way to reflect their enthusiasm and passion for learning. Have a well earned break, Year 2!

Thank you, Year 2 from Mrs Hayes xxx

I certainly enjoyed my time away with the Year Six children as we had our PGL adventure together, but it was wonderful to return to the lovely Year Two class this week and be greeted with a thoughtful welcome back message. Thank you very much, Year 2 – I missed you!

GOD SAVE THE KING! Year Two celebrate in style.

Year Two were very proud to celebrate the coronation of King Charles and we all looked very smart in our red, white and blue outfits. We enjoyed making union jack flags to wave as part of the celebrations and practised waving them to that promenade classic ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ as well as the song ‘God Save the King’, a song that we thoroughly enjoyed!

As part of our preparations for the coronation, we made bookmarks that included flowers to represent all four countries in the United Kingdom and then created a colourful display for everyone to see.

God save the king!

This week, we took part in a liturgy to celebrate Mary, the mother of God. We wrote prayers for Mary, Queen of Peace and created a beautiful display to be used as part of this worship.

Year 2 learn about our mayor of St Albans.

This week, we were excited to welcome the mayor of St Albans, Councillor Geoff Harrison and the mace-bearer to St Adrian’s. After learning about the background to this historic role in our city, our head boy and head girl were dressed in the ceremonial robes and looked very smart indeed!

Year 2 love to read

This week, we started our new English teaching sequence on the theme of Wolves. We had great fun exploring traditional tales involving wolves and also read non-fiction texts to find out what wolves are really like. We compared the different versions and are keen to learn more about wolves. This term, we will be learning about different habitats and our learning in English forms part of this, which shows just how important cross curricular learning is here at St Adrian’s. Parents can find out more about our learning this term on the termly curriculum overview, which can be found on the Google Classroom.

Year 2 learn across the curriculum

This term, we have been busy learning so many different things and here are some of our classroom displays that celebrate our tremendous achievements. Well done Year Two!

Year Two get arty

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Art and Design topic this term. We explored Wassily Kandinsky’s artwork Squares with Concentric Circles and then created our own fantastic artwork using pens, oil pastels, powder paint and clay.