Year 2 are sculptors

We all love Art and Design here in Year 2 and we have been exploring the artwork of the amazing artist Charles McGee over the last half term. We shared our wonderful sculptures in our class assembly and we are very pleased to present them here, displayed as if they were in an art exhibition!

Year 2 read the bible

Our RE topic over the last four weeks has been all about Books. We have enjoyed reading stories from the bible in both the Old and New Testaments and created beautiful posters about our favourite bible story. Take a look at the slide presentation to see just how proud we are of our posters.

We also enjoyed learning about the baptism of Jesus and acted out the story, once we had created a storymap. After all of this Talk for Learning, we then retold the story of Jesus’s baptism in our own words. We have really enjoyed this topic because we love reading books!

Year 2 get coding

Over the last few weeks, we have been using games, programmable toys and online coding games to explore algorithms. We have created our own algorithms, tried them out, spotted problems and then debugged our programmes to make sure that they work. This has involved lots of mistakes, discussions and problem solving, which has been great fun!

Year Two wish you a very Happy New Year!

The children are enjoying being back at school and are very happy to be able to play with their friends. Here we all our, out and about enjoying each other’s company as we welcome in 2024.

Year 2 wish you a very merry Christmas

The children have had a lovely final week of Advent in school. We started the week with our tea party during which the children had great fun making angels with grandparents and family members and they were very excited to sing their favourite songs from our Christmas play of Babushka.

The children have had to exercise lots of patience this week as under the Christmas tree there has been a gift waiting for each and every one of them. On Thursday, we had a reflective class liturgy, where the children told each other what was so special about them as a friend and then exchanged their kriskringle gifts. This celebration ended with a shared glorious snack, which the children were very excited about too!

Mrs McAllister and I would like to express our sincere thanks for the kind and thoughtful gifts that we have received at the end of this time. We wish you a very merry Christmas and a truly happy and peaceful New Year!

Year 2 love to perform

During December, the children have shown that they love to perform! We started the month with a glorious concert led by the Rock Steady bands and had a wonderful display by the Cheerleading club. Our final performance was in the smashing story of Babushka, our Christmas play that traditionally ended up in Bethlehem celebrating the birth of Jesus. The children are very proud of their singing and acting skills and so are we! Well done to you all.

Advent in Year 2

As part of our RE Preparations topic, we have created an advent wreath filled with our advent prayers. We held a thoughtful class liturgy during which we shared these prayers with God and enjoyed singing our Advent candles song together. This week, we lit the purple candle and thought about the prophet Isaiah’s message that ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given’ as we get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas day.

Year 2 love maths

We have had great fun learning about equal groups and how they can be used to make arrays. We used these arrangements to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and even learned some multiplication table raps. We are getting really good at using counters and real objects to help us to solve our multiplication problems.

Year 2 get building

(Please see last week’s post to find out what we did to start our Structures topic). The next step in our Design and Technology project was to create a chair for a bear that followed our designs. We used what we had learned about structures to write clear success criteria and we had to make sure that the chair was stable and strong, so that the bear did not fall off. We worked well as a team and once our chairs were completed, we found out how many bears our chairs would hold. Some chairs held as many as 34 bears without collapsing. This shows once again what strong structures cylinders are!

Design and Technology in Year 2

We have had great fun exploring structures, especially thinking about what makes a structure stable. We used construction materials to build our own models and discovered that cylinders are particularly strong structures. We found many manmade structures like climbing frames, slides, tables and chairs used cylinders. To find out why, we created our own cylinders and discovered that they could hold many things. One cardboard cylinder was strong enough to hold a table tray! Our next challenge is to use what we have learned to design our own chair for a bear and then create it out of card.