Design and Technology in Year 2

We have had great fun exploring structures, especially thinking about what makes a structure stable. We used construction materials to build our own models and discovered that cylinders are particularly strong structures. We found many manmade structures like climbing frames, slides, tables and chairs used cylinders. To find out why, we created our own cylinders and discovered that they could hold many things. One cardboard cylinder was strong enough to hold a table tray! Our next challenge is to use what we have learned to design our own chair for a bear and then create it out of card.

Year 2 get sewing!

As part of their learning in Design and Technology, the Year Two children have been working really hard, developing their sewing skills. They have learned how to thread a needle and also join two pieces of material together as they created their own piece of bunting. Each triangle has its own letter and the children have decorated their bunting very imaginatively with sequins. I wonder what message the letters will have once they are all joined together?

Year 2 worship

This week, the children attended the All Saints service at St Bart’s. They thoroughly enjoyed the service and sang beautifully. It was lovely to see the Year 6 children accompany the Year 2s and they had lots to chat about on the way to and from church! Back in class, the children learned about their class saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and they then wrote a prayer to help them live their lives in a more saintlike way.

Year 2 celebrations

The children sang beautifully during this week’s Harvest Festival celebration and they should be very proud of themselves. All things bright and beautiful truly describes Year 2!

The Year 2 children have learned so well in school throughout this autumn half term and they have also worked extremely hard at home too. Take a look at these slides where we celebrate their achievements, dressed in red to Show Racism the Red Card!

Year 2 enjoy our playground

Our infant playground is a wonderful place to play and we all enjoy spending time there. It’s great for our wellbeing and this week, we have been thinking about all the different things that we can do together in our fun outdoor space.

Year Two scientists

This week, the children have started exploring the school gardens to see what plants they can find. They carefully drew and labelled the main parts of a plant and then collected seed pods to see what seeds they could find inside. We found sunflower, honesty and ash seeds and were surprised to discover that the local squirrels had collected many of the sunflower heads over the summer holiday. At least this is one way to look after God’s creatures!

Why not go for a walk over the next few weeks and see what seeds you could find? Maybe you could seek out some acorn, horse chestnut (conkers) or sycamore seeds. Enjoy yourselves!

Year 2 displays

The Year 2 children have settled very well into their new classroom and have been thinking about how they can show their love for one another and also care for God’s beautiful world. Four of the classroom boards are already filled with the children’s wonderful learning and they are very proud to share photos of the displays with you here.

Year 2 Teddy Bears Picnic

We have had a wonderful last week at school. From lots of singing and dancing to preparing and eating wraps for our Teddy Bears Picnic, we have thoroughly enjoyed our farewell to the infants. We have also brought home a geranium plant to care for over the summer.

If you would like a larger pot to plant your geranium into, please help yourself to one from the container outside the Year 2 classroom.

Year Two get arty

One of our favourite subjects is art. We have been learning about the artist, Angie Lewin and how she loves to create art using pens and watercolour paints. We collected interesting plants from our school gardens, created our own still lifes and then tried out Angie Lewin’s techniques for ourselves. We also love to listen to jazz music as we create art together. We are very proud of our artwork!

A Walk around St Adrian’s with Year 2

Linked to our class book called A Walk in London, we have taken a tour around the school grounds and talked about all the fabulous experiences we have in school. We imagined that we were Mrs Porter and wrote tours of the school, which showed what accomplished authors we all are. To finish our tour, we wrote captions that describe what makes St Adrian’s school special to us. You are warmly welcomed to come and visit our class during Open Evening this Wednesday 28th June (4-5.30pm) to see all of the fabulous learning that we are so proud of.