Year Two love to read

This week, Year Two celebrated World Book Day by coming into school dressed as their favourite book characters. What an imaginative group of children they are and they look amazing in their outfits. Can you work out the book title that goes with each outfit?

To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to school and their reward for this is to come into school in a favourite outfit.

Some very inspiring books to choose from can be found here: Great books for Year 2

We are also promoting books linked to our science curriculum in Year Two and a link to some titles that you might like to choose from can be found below. There are some smashing books on the list and a name plate will be added to the book, so that there is a record of who donated it. Thank you once again, everyone and don’t forget to keep reading!

If that choice is not enough, some wonderful books can also be found here: Year 2 WIshlist

Year 2 care for the environment

Ten years ago, a number of trees were planted around the school grounds by children who are now at least sixteen and these trees are growing really strongly and are much taller than anyone at school! To continue this legacy, an avenue of trees has been planted at the top of the junior playground. They may look small now, but in ten years time, imagine how tall they will have grown!

Year 2 are sculptors

We all love Art and Design here in Year 2 and we have been exploring the artwork of the amazing artist Charles McGee over the last half term. We shared our wonderful sculptures in our class assembly and we are very pleased to present them here, displayed as if they were in an art exhibition!

Year 2 focus on their wellbeing

We all performed brilliantly in our class assembly this week and we are very proud of ourselves. As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we shared our top tips for how to boost wellbeing and cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down.

Here are our top tips for good wellbeing:

First of all, connect with the people around you. We created a paperchain to show all the things we do that connect us together.

Don’t forget to Be Active: we start each day with a song and dance and we love to run laps around the playground to keep extra fit.

Remember to Give: small acts of kindness are a great way to give to one another. We look out for our friends in the playground and give our clothes to charity to help to raise money.

Take notice: we love to spend time in the great outdoors and we have planted some young trees in the field outside. Over our time at St Adrian’s we will look after these trees and we look forward to seeing them grow.

Finally, don’t forget to Keep Learning. There are so many wonderful things to find out and each day, we love to learn something new!

Year 2 read the bible

Our RE topic over the last four weeks has been all about Books. We have enjoyed reading stories from the bible in both the Old and New Testaments and created beautiful posters about our favourite bible story. Take a look at the slide presentation to see just how proud we are of our posters.

We also enjoyed learning about the baptism of Jesus and acted out the story, once we had created a storymap. After all of this Talk for Learning, we then retold the story of Jesus’s baptism in our own words. We have really enjoyed this topic because we love reading books!

Year 2 get coding

Over the last few weeks, we have been using games, programmable toys and online coding games to explore algorithms. We have created our own algorithms, tried them out, spotted problems and then debugged our programmes to make sure that they work. This has involved lots of mistakes, discussions and problem solving, which has been great fun!

Year 2 are thoughtful artists

Inspired by the amazing artist, Charles McGee, the children have been exploring colours, patterns and shapes to create their own artwork using pens, charcoal and sculpture. Here is a selection of the tremendous artwork that we are thoughtfully making during our art project. Our next challenge is to create 3D sculptures using our drawings. Watch this space to see what comes next!

Year Two wish you a very Happy New Year!

The children are enjoying being back at school and are very happy to be able to play with their friends. Here we all our, out and about enjoying each other’s company as we welcome in 2024.

Year 2 wish you a very merry Christmas

The children have had a lovely final week of Advent in school. We started the week with our tea party during which the children had great fun making angels with grandparents and family members and they were very excited to sing their favourite songs from our Christmas play of Babushka.

The children have had to exercise lots of patience this week as under the Christmas tree there has been a gift waiting for each and every one of them. On Thursday, we had a reflective class liturgy, where the children told each other what was so special about them as a friend and then exchanged their kriskringle gifts. This celebration ended with a shared glorious snack, which the children were very excited about too!

Mrs McAllister and I would like to express our sincere thanks for the kind and thoughtful gifts that we have received at the end of this time. We wish you a very merry Christmas and a truly happy and peaceful New Year!

Year 2 love to perform

During December, the children have shown that they love to perform! We started the month with a glorious concert led by the Rock Steady bands and had a wonderful display by the Cheerleading club. Our final performance was in the smashing story of Babushka, our Christmas play that traditionally ended up in Bethlehem celebrating the birth of Jesus. The children are very proud of their singing and acting skills and so are we! Well done to you all.