The Year 2 children all had a wonderful visit to RSPB Rye Meads. The rain kept away and we were rewarded with lots of minibeasts in a range of habitats including woodland, meadow and pond. The children had many questions and the air was filled with excited voices as the children found so many interesting creatures. A fabulous time was had by all and we are very grateful for all of the parents who accompanied us on the trip as we could not have gone without you! Scroll through the photos to see just how eager to learn we are!
Year 2 get active!
As part of our PE, Science and Maths, we have been learning about Time and how many different movements we can do in a minute. We had great fun using stopwatches to time ourselves and have got really good at press ups, star jumps, squats, jump rope as well as jumping and hopping. Scroll through the photos to see us in action …
Year 2 give thanks to Mary, Queen of Peace
Along with the rest of the school, the children enjoyed taking part in a liturgy to celebrate Mary, the mother of God. They wrote prayers for Mary, Queen of Peace and created a beautiful display to be used as part of this worship. The children worked really hard on the presentation of their peace doves and it is lovely to see them taking such pride in their learning.

Year 2 care for their environment
We have been learning about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment as part of our learning in science and geography this year. We read a very interesting book called A Planet Full of Plastic by Neal Layton and you can find out more by watching his great video.
We are all stewards of the world around us and we have enjoyed litter picking in the school playground to ensure that it is safe for us and the animals that we share it with. We have learned a great song reminding us ‘Don’t drop litter, put it in the bin. Let’s keep our playground tidy, neat and clean so don’t drop litter, put it in the bin’. If you see one of us in passing, we will be very happy to sing it to you.
As part of our learning about plastic pollution, we have learned that the most important thing to do is to try and reduce the amount of plastic that we use, especially single use plastic and we are very pleased to use a refillable drinks bottle everyday and make sure that our daily snack comes in a plastic re-useable pot, rather a new plastic wrapper or bag every day. We can all do our own bit to help this precious planet. Remember …

Year Two get creative
As part of our learning in Art and Design, we have been exploring butterflies in art. We explored the artwork of milliner, Philip Treacy who created a tremendous headpiece filled with butterflies made out of painted turkey feathers.
We were inspired by Philip Treacy’s artwork and had a go for ourselves. Just look at our wonderful class creation!
Year Two are great at learning at home
Each term, the children are given a selection of activities to do at home that greatly enhance their learning across the curriculum. The children enjoy sharing this learning with their friends and it is often added to our displays for everyone to see. The Year 2 summer home learning grid has now been published on the Google Classroom and we are looking forward to seeing just how creative the children get this term, too.
Year 2 wish you a very …

The children have had a very spiritual last few days of term while reflecting on each part of Holy Week. As the week has gone by, the children have retold the key events, including Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the washing of the disciples’ feet at The Last Supper and his death on the cross on Good Friday in their own story booklets that they have thoroughly enjoyed illustrating. The children are very proud of their books, which they will finish by writing about Jesus’s resurrection when they return from a well earned Easter break.

The children should be very proud of their Easter gardens that looked tremendous when displayed for everyone to see at the Easter celebration. Here are the photos to prove it!
We all hope that you have a very happy and holy Easter, filled with love, faith and chocolate!
Year 2 Food Technology
This term, we have been learning about the Eatwell plate and what foods go in each food group. We have learned that it is really important to have foods from a variety of food groups in order to eat healthily. We taste tested combinations of ingredients to see what went well together and then designed a wrap that would be tasty and healthy.
We had great fun preparing ingredients for our wraps and learned how to chop foods up with a knife by making a bridge with our hands. Once we had made our wraps, we reviewed them against our success criteria to see just how tasty and healthy they were. We tried to include ingredients from at least three food groups in our wrap and we have found that there are new foods that we will try.
When reviewing the wraps, many of the children said that they were wonderful, tasty, fantastic, delicious and brilliant. Stefan said ‘I loved it so much’ and Teo wrote ‘I’ve never had a wrap that good!’ Well done to the Year 2 chefs who have learned a great skill that they will be able to do at home too.
Year Two poets enjoy the springtime!

Just take a look at our beautiful daffodil cards
Ellis came into school and recited a beautiful poem that he had written himself. Here it is:
Springtime by Ellis
Springtime is nearly here and the sky has become clear.
The sunshine comes out and everyone can play about.
Baby animals are being born at the farm. We go to see them, a super charm!!
The flowers start to grow, some start from seed that we have to sow.
The sunshine helps them and the water does too.
We are happy when the skies are blue
Ellis’s amazing skills as a poet inspired us to write our own poem as a class. We discovered how writing a poem takes time as we brainstormed our imaginative ideas and had to agree on what phrases and ideas would go where in our poem.
Daffodils by Year Two
Daffodils are yellow, sometimes white and they use the sunshine to make them bright.
Beautiful daffodils are wonderful to see.
Sitting beside them makes you happy.
Standing straight like soldiers, all in a row.
Be careful not to step on them, or they will not grow!
Year 2 care for the environment
Ten years ago, a number of trees were planted around the school grounds by children who are now at least sixteen and these trees are growing really strongly and are much taller than anyone at school! To continue this legacy, an avenue of trees has been planted at the top of the junior playground. They may look small now, but in ten years time, imagine how tall they will have grown!