Y2 Homework update

Further to the homework email earlier, we forgot to give out the homework folders today which of course have the MyMaths login details inside. I’m very sorry for this, the children will have to collect their folders on Monday. The homework is designed for the holidays so there is nothing that has to be completed for next week, we were just trying to get a head start on it but best laid plans…

Y2 Easter Home Learning

The children have received their MyMaths instructions today, you should find a letter in their homework folder. I have set them up with a Year 2 booster pack, which includes over 40 different activities. You are not expected to do them all, but just to choose those ones where you feel you need to practise the most. In particular it would be good to look at 2D and 3D shape and fractions as we will be covering these after the holiday and it would give a head start.

I will also set a holiday reading task next week.

Next Wednesday will be the last time for changing books before the holiday, the children can choose up to 5 books and need to also have their reading record with them.

Finally, thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help with our ‘habitats’ day next Wednesday afternoon. We still need more helpers so if you can spare the afternoon please let the office know. It’s a fun afternoon where you can work closely with the children on a project they really enjoy doing.

Thanks to all those who attended the SATs meeting last night, I  hope you found it useful. Confirmation of the ‘maths methods’ evening will be sent out shortly.

Infants History day

Amazing outfits today, well done everyone, we hope you feel inspired by so much history!


Year 2 homework update

Apologies but there wasn’t time to mark all the homework this week. If your child’s work has not been marked please leave it in the folder and I will mark it next week.

Year 2 Tower of London trip information

We are very excited about our trip to the Tower of London on Monday. The following information has been sent home in book bags but just in case:

Please bring your child to school as early as possible (gates open at 8.40am), we will hope to be on the coach by 9am. If you are running late please ring the school, we won’t leave without you!

Your child should come in school uniform along with a suitable coat (please check the weather forecast).

You child needs a packed lunch in a drawstring bag or small backpack (PE bags are ideal and are being sent home today). Please remember no fizzy drinks and no food containing nuts as there are nut allergies in the class. It would also be a good idea to pack a snack for later in the day as we have an early lunch slot.

The coach journey is unpredictable due to London traffic and there are no toilet facilities on the coach, so if your child often needs the toilet it would be a good idea not to give them too much to drink before the journey. Everyone can go to the toilet before we set off.

Your child may bring a small card game for the coach journey that can be easily carried in their bag (e.g. Top Trumps), but strictly no electronic devices.

We aim to be back at school by 3.15 but if there are any traffic delays we will phone the school office and they will contact you.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help out (so many!) and sorry we couldn’t bring you all, but there will be other opportunities this year to come in and help with trips and events.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Year 2’s week

Refreshed from the break, we have been working hard on report writing in English and exploring world habitats in science. In maths we have been investigation the relationship between multiplication and division. February has also proved very popular for birthdays!