Design Technology in Year 2

As part of our Science, Design Technology and Wellbeing learning, we have had a wonderful week taking part in lots of activities that focus on healthy eating. After taste testing many combinations of foods from the Eatwell plate, we designed our own wrap ingredient combinations and created a class shopping list. Everyone chose one item of food, such as ham, cheese, tortilla wraps, cucumber or tomatoes to bring in and share with their classmates.

When preparing the ingredients for the wraps, we learned how to cut food by making a bridge with our fingers, grate cheese safely and we made sure that there was enough food for everyone! Once the food was ready, we then followed our designs and created our own wraps. We made sure that we didn’t overfill the wraps, because the trickiest part was folding the wraps up! Hoorah, after our wraps were made, we were able to eat them and one child was heard to say ‘This is even better than Christmas dinner!’

After we had eaten our food, we reviewed our wraps by thinking about how well they met the design brief. Were they healthy and tasty? Did the ingredients come from at least three food groups? What score would you give your wrap? We thought about what we would do differently if we made a second wrap and lots of the children thought that they would try some different ingredients, which is great, because we were able to make a second wrap on the last day of term!

Wellbeing in the playground

As part of Mental Health Week as well as our learning in science and RSE, we have been thinking about the different ways in which we can keep our mind and body healthy. We know how important play is to our wellbeing, so we have been planning how we can use the playground as a space where we can keep fit and build our friendships as we share books, draw pictures and have fun together.

We created a wish list and have been using our Cake Sale money to buy some more things that we can use in the playground together. We have bought lots of new balls, outdoor games and cars for the picnic table as well as a feast of felt tip pens that we will enjoy drawing with. We will post some more photos when all of these things arrive!

Numbers are fun

We have had a fun filled day raising money for the NSPCC and also celebrating numbers. We learned more about the 5x table and also used stopwatches and counting to see how many actions we could do in a minute. This was a great way to see how we use numbers in science, PE and maths!

This week, we have also been taste testing lots of different foods as we explored the Eatwell Plate and considered what combinations of food would be healthy as well as tasty. We are looking forward to designing and making our own wraps next!

Bible stories are us!

In our RE topic, we celebrated the bible and immersed ourselves in our favourite stories. We created some amazing posters that showed just how much we have been inspired by the bible. We reflected on how the stories told in the bible help us to make better choices.

As part of the topic, we had great fun learning about the baptism of Jesus. We created a story map to help us to tell the story and then acted out the story in teams. Can you work out who is taking on the role of storyteller, John the Baptist or Jesus?

Happy New Year from Year 2

It is lovely to have the children back in school. We have been finishing off our art topic inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles. We showed how good we are at mixing paint to create our own colours and then designed concentric circles patterns using warm or cool colours, which we painted onto our clay pots. We have explored a variety of media including paints, oil pastels, clay and pens and had great fun in the process!

Thank you so very much for my lovely Christmas presents.
I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2022 and look forward to our time in school, learning and having fun together.

RE in Year 2

For the first four weeks of spring we will focus on the theme of Books.

Key words for the topic are: 

Scripture, lectern, Gospel, Bible, New Testament, Old Testament, genre, thurible, missal, Church, parish family

In particular, discuss the meaning of the words thurible and missal.  When you visit church together, see if you can find the church thurible or missal to talk about with your child. 

We will be considering the big question Why do we need books?

The children will read Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 3; 13-17) to find out about the Baptism of Jesus.

RE home learning

Let’s enjoy reading the bible: Share stories from the bible with your child.  Talk about stories that are particularly important to you.  What stories are important to your child?  Create a poster about this story that can be shared in class. Concentrate on the presentation of your posters as it would be lovely to make them into our own class book!

Please return your posters by 19.01.22.

Year Two RE

Our RE topic for the next four weeks is based around the theme of Signs and Symbols.

We will be considering the big question Are signs and symbols important?  Why?  Please talk about this question with your child, looking for the signs and symbols that the children encounter on the way to and from school. 

The children will learn to describe and sequence the baptism service and we will explore the different parts of the sacrament and their significance.  We will focus on important symbols associated with baptism, such as the sign of the cross, white garment, font, candle, chrism and Easter candle.

Key words for the topic are: white garment, Easter candle, font, chrism, Good News

Please talk to your child about their own baptism artefacts and how they were used within their baptism. 

For their RE home learning, the children are asked to design a baptism candle.  Encourage your child to think about what signs and symbols they would like to include on their candle.  It would be great if your child could write a key to go with their candle, that explains what each of their chosen symbols mean.  Please ensure that your child takes pride in their candle as it would be lovely to make a display of them.  These baptism candles should be sent into school by Wednesday 3rd November.

Year 2 Superstar learners

The Year Two children have settled very well into their new class. They are great role models to the Year 1 children and they listen to one another, have fun and are very caring. We are all enjoying learning about structures in Design and Technology, continents and oceans in Geography, the sacrament of baptism in RE and Materials All Around Us in Science. More information on the curriculum that we are covering this year can be found in the post below.

Relationships and Health Education

This term, through Relationship and Health Education (RHE), the children will learn about healthy relationships through the Ten: Ten Life to The Full resources.

KS1 Module One: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships:

Unit 1 – Religious Understanding introduces children to the story from the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus welcomed all of the little children to come to Him. The five-story sessions encourage children to understand that they are created by God out of love and for love. Children will revisit this Gospel story at the end of this Module.

Building on this knowledge, Unit 2 – Me, My Body, My Health encourages children to celebrate similarities and differences between people, including our God-given bodies and the things they enable us to do! Teaching also includes maintaining personal hygiene and the physical differences between boys and girls, including learning the names of external body parts.

Over the three sessions of Unit 3 – Emotional Well-Being, children will meet presenters Jayden and Josie and fictional character Super Susie. They will help children to understand and articulate their own changing feelings and how other people’s feelings might differ from theirs. Children will learn how they can manage their feelings and about the consequences of their actions.

Unit 4 – Life Cycles returns to the Gospel story from Unit 1, to show that God created us to follow the cycle of life and He loves us at every stage. Children will learn about the specifics of the human life cycle and celebrate how they have already changed and grown.

KS1 Module Three: Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good:

In Unit 1 – Religious Understanding children will hear the story of The Good Samaritan and will be introduced to the concept of the Trinity – God as a three in one community of love – and think about what the Trinity means for them. This is a simple teaching that we will return to in more complexity in later years. These stories show children that God made us to be in loving relationships with one another. 

Unit 2 – Living in the Wider World helps children to learn about the different local and global communities that they are part of, and what rights and responsibilities come with belonging to these communities.