Judaism Week

This week we were lucky to have Rush from Judaism for Schools to teach us about her faith. On Thursday she led a workshop for year 1 and provided lots of information about The Story of Moses which we have also be learning about during RE.

Year 1 had lots of fun learning about Judaism and sampling some of the food they have during Passover.

Miss Perry

Donations required!

When you return to school on Tuesday you may notice a new addition by the gate in the playground … it is our new recycling bin!

As you can see, it clearly states which materials are accepted and we would love for you to get involved by donating some clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains or even shoes. The bank holiday weekend is the perfect time for a spring clean and all donations are greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
Miss Costello and the Eco Council

Sharing Stories

On Friday, Year 1 and Year 5 paired up to share their favourite stories. It was lovely to hear the children reading aloud and enjoying each other’s books!


As part of our design and technology topic, linking to our animals topic in science and toys topic in history, the children have started to design their own hand puppets. The children will need to be able to sew two pieces of fabric together and so we practised this skill yesterday with a big, plastic needle. The children realised that it was trickier than it looked, but persevered with the result of some great running stitches!

Year 1 Reading List

During this week, the children have been inspired by the stories and poems that they have heard in our daily assemblies. I have attached a website which has a list of recommended reads for Year 1 for you to enjoy with your children. These can be found in your local library.

Happy reading!


We’ve been sharing stories!

We’ve been celebrating World Book Day this week with special assemblies where teachers have taken it in turns to share favourite stories or poems with the children in their key stage.

We hope that the stories we share will inspire the children to read on and read the books for themselves or find other stories by those authors.

We will list the books we have share on this page.


  • Mr Hayes (whole school):
    • Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, from Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
  • Mrs Hayes (key stage one):
    • Mrs Wobble the Waitress by Allan Ahlberg
    • All Join In by Quentin Blake
  • Mr Hayes (key stage two):
    • The Rise of Wolves by Kerr Thomson


  • Mrs Teixeira (key stage one)
    • Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
    • Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg
  • Miss Costello (key stage two)
    • Little House in the Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder


  • Mrs Ruffell (key stage one)
    • The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
  • Mr Sallis (key stage two)
    • ‘Infinity and Me’ written by Kate Hosford and illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska
How would you describe infinity to Uma?

Year 1 Home Learning – mix up!

Dear all,

This morning, a parent informed me that some of the words on your children’s spelling list this week are the same as some of the spellings that they have had before. I can only apologise for this! Whilst I was away sick in the middle of last half term, Mr King kindly set the spellings and went from my list. I had not realised this and must have doubled up some of the spellings! However, it would be no harm to reinforce these words and we will continue with the spell check as normal.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mrs Teixeira and Mr King 🙂

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Meeting

Thank you for attending the meeting last night about the Phonics Screening Check. I have attached the PowerPoint for you to have another look at. The YouTube videos which are on the slides are particularly useful for listening to how the phonemes should be pronounced and what would be an acceptable answer in the check.

As ever, if you have any questions or would like to know how you could support your child at home with their phonics, then please do just ask.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Meeting

Dear all,

This is just a quick reminder that the Phonics Screening Check meeting is tonight, at 6pm, in the Year 1 classroom. I look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Teixeira

Year 1 Whipsnade Zoo

Yesterday, the Year 1 children went to Whipsnade Zoo as part of their science learning. Throughout this half term, we have been looking at animals and classifying them into groups. The children now know the difference between a mammal, bird, fish, amphibian and reptile. They have also been thinking about the different diets of animals and whether an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. I was very impressed to hear the children using this language whenever they saw an animal and saw what they were eating.

The children were able to put their knowledge to the test when they took part in a ‘Fur, Feathers and Scales’ workshop in which they were able to identify different animals according to their features. They were even able to touch the animals and some even touched a live rat named Flossie!

The children were great ambassadors for the school and conducted themselves brilliantly at all times. I am very proud!