It has been a fantastic half term in year 1 full of engagement and progress. Thank you for your continued support, working with the children at home with their learning.
Please continue to encourage your children to read as often as possible in varied contexts. I would love to hear about the adventures you get up to over the half term. Please support the children to write about something they do or see during the week.
This week the children performed their interpretation of Farmer Duck from the farmer’s perspective. We continued to develop our computing skills to open a document and type text and ended the week painting self portraits.
Thank you for all your kind words at parents evening.
This week saw the end to our first English topic on a book of poems ‘What I like’. All children worked very hard over the last few weeks, building a variation of techniques to create their own stanza based around the poem ‘Noises Off’. We went to various locations around the school to see what different things we could hear to support our writing.
On Wednesday, after reviewing our work, the children performed their poems to each other and the whole class.
Well done year one for all the hard work you put in!
Today, we created a piece of art using leaves and twigs from the playground. Throughout the year, the children will be learning about the different seasons. With the definite change of weather this week, we learned about how autumn is different to the other 3 seasons and then created trees using leaves.
We saved the slug that wanted to be a new member of year 1 back to it’s habitat!!
Please can I remind you to record in your child’s reading record once you have read with them. Thank you.
Thank you for all the junk modelling resources your children brought in. In Geography, our topic is Our School. During this topic, we have been looking at school and classroom maps. In groups, the children have planned what the classroom would look like from an aerial view.
Using various resources, we created ‘Messy Maps’ of the classroom imagining what the classroom would look like if we were a big giant looking down into the classroom. They had many amazing ideas how to make various equipment and furniture. Here are some pictures.
Creative way to make a table.
I am afraid we were unable to change reading books due to Mass being set up in the hall. Please practise the high frequency words with your children that are in their book bags.
It was lovely to meet so many of you on Tuesday 17th September at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting. I have attached the slides from the meeting below for you to refer to.
In the mornings, we have been focusing on letter and number formation. It would be great if you could spend some time practising this to reinforce their learning.
Our RE topic for the next four weeks is based around the theme of Families.
We will be considering the big question Who is in your family? Why do you have a family?
The children will learn everyone belongs to the family of God. It is in the love of a family that Christians first experience the reality of Church . By the end of the topic the children will have knowledge and understanding of; the love and care shown in the family and God’s love and care for every family.
Key words for the topic are: family, belong, different, love, care
For their RE home learning, the children have been asked to bring in a picture of their family to share with the class and prompt discussions throughout the topic. Alongside this, please could the children create a poster, model or creation of their family to bring in by 16th September. The children may bring this in before if they wish.
The class have had a fantastic week and have settled in to year one amazingly! We started this term discussing all the amazing adventures the children got up to over the summer and finding out what they would like to learn this year. Turns out we have a lot of future divers in the class!
PE will be on Monday and Tuesday afternoons so please make sure your children have the appropriate clothing for these sessions.
We have golden time every Friday after lunch. This allows the children to bring one toy in from home to play with.
Please make sure you pay via the office if you wish for your child to have milk at break time.
Sharing Friday begins again on Friday 13th September if you wish to join us after school. ‘Meet the teacher’ for Year One will be on Tuesday 17th September at 9am. This is last for approximately 30 minutes. I look forward to seeing you all then.
Any questions, feel free to speak to me before or after school. If you wish for a longer meeting, please arrange through the office.
I am really looking forward to an exciting year with your children.
I would like to say a huge thank you for all your kind words, cards and gifts but also for your support since I have been teaching year 1.
I have really enjoyed teaching the class through the summer term and watching them blossom ready for year 2 with Mrs Hayes, where I am sure they shall continue to be enthusiastic learners.
If you find yourself with a spare minute, please try to fit in some reading with your child and ask them to write any adventures they get up to, practising joining letters together.
I wish you all a very relaxing summer and hope the warm weather continues!
The Summer Reading Challenge 2019 theme is Space Chase, an out-of-this-world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.
Children taking part in the Challenge will join our super space family, The Rockets, for a thrilling mission to track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens!
Space Chase will feature bespoke artwork from top children’s illustrator, Adam Stower, and will celebrate adventure, exploration, reading and fun!
The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged four to eleven and it is run in almost all libraries in the UK.
Visit your local library during the summer holidays to sign up – the sooner you go, the longer your child will have to read six books!
Staff will register your child for the Challenge and give them some fun materials to get them started.
Many libraries will also offer pre-school activities suitable for under-fours, including specially designed Summer Reading Challenge materials. Visit your local branch to find out more.
The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure event for children. It is run by the national charity The Reading Agency in partnership with the UK public library network.
The aim of the Challenge is to encourage children to read any six books of their choice from their library during the summer holidays.
Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there’s a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge.
It has been a very busy week for year 1, but I would like to cast back to last weeks class assembly which the children put so much effort into. Mrs Ruffell and I were so impressed with the motivation and confidence year 1 had to showcase just a handful of their recent learning to you and the school. The children really did us proud. Thank you for helping them learn their lines at home. This helped greatly with their confidence and projection.
In science &D&T we are learning the uses of materials to build house for the Three Little Pigs. Last week we usedlego to ensure secure structure and a solid roof to keep the Big Bad Wolf out. This week we have started to use a range of materials to build another house which we shall then test to see whether they are wind and rain proof.