March 21st

This week we continued to explore and observe. Spring is coming slowly to the playground. Today we spotted more blossom and a sleepy bumble bee, buzzing between the daisies.

We have worked hard this week retelling a story and today we wrote it out in our books, following a plan we made the previous day.

We have been tracing patterns in time to calm music to develop our pencil control, regulate our feelings and learn to move in time to music.

(“Glances” by Sarah L Mauro – Youtube)

March 15th 2025

This week was Science week and there was lots good activities across the school. In Year 1, we looked at changes over the seasons and how we adapt our behaviour throughout the year. We wear warm clothes in the winter and always have a raincoat, even in summer!

In class we planted grass seed in response to the book “Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish.” In the book, the man destroys the planet to build a rocket. The Dinosaurs come back to life and replant nature.

And we watched them grow.

We shared them in our class assembly.

World Book Day 2025

The school had fun dressing up as characters from stories and taking part in a book quiz. In Year 1 the children drew themselves in their costumes. I have my favourite….what do you think?

We have also planted some grass seed in response to our Literacy text “Dinosaurs and all that rubbish.”

February 28th

Maths was tricky this week as we learnt to add near doubles. We have tried many different ways but using the rekenrek was the most useful!

In English, we imagined what we would do if we found ourselves on an empty planet.

We took a walk around the school to look for early signs of Spring.

February 12th 2025

As part of our learning about Toys, we have made a few of our own in DT

We found some odd socks at home and stuffed them with fluff. Then we decorated them with elastic bands and pipe cleaners. We gave them eyes and some other features and thought about the different characters they might be.

Now they hang in the classroom like a line of brightly coloured hanging pupae!

January 24th 2025

Science experiment!

Carrying on from last week we have been testing materials (and our teamwork) to find the best waterproof materials to make an umbrella. We tested, cotton fabric, plastic, foil, tissue and paper. Which one do you think was the most effective?

January 2025

This week we said goodbye to Fr Francis, who is moving on. We made a card and sent a prayer of good wishes and messages of thanks.

This half-term we are learning about materials. We are learning to sort materials according to their properties.

This half-term, we are learning about materials. We are sorting materials according to their properties.

22nd November 2024

This week we have been learning about Number Bonds to ten and finding all the possibilities.


In Year 1 we have had a week of creative ideas.

In Geography we made messy maps using all sorts of resources.

In maths we continued and created repeating patterns using 2d shapes, 3d shapes and real objects.

Happy Half Term!

!8th October 2024

Today we wore red and donated £1 to show support and raise awareness for anti-bullying week.

We have also been looking out for signs that the seasons are changing around the school.