Reception Home Learning – 22.02.21

Dear parents and children,

I hope you all had a wonderful half term and managed to have a rest.  I appreciate that many of you are juggling family life with working and home schooling.   Hopefully, everyone is feeling ready to begin this week’s home learning.

Here are my plans for the week.

Religious Education – Lent

A promise for Lent

As you are aware, the church season of Lent began last week with Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.  Remind your child it is purple time again in the church year; a time of getting ready for the celebration of Easter.

It is also a time to think about how we can change and grow inside to be more like Jesus.  We are growing not only physically but inside in goodness, kindness, caring and loving. Our learning will begin by thinking about what the term ‘growing’ may mean.  I have, therefore, included a couple of activities this week that observe the growth of plants. 

I am sure you will have discussed Lent with your child and may have taken the opportunity to attend St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church to receive the Ashes. I would really like to hear about your child’s Lenten promise.  If you haven’t already agreed upon a promise, please make a Lenten promise with your child to send to me. 

The cornerstones of Lent are praying, fasting and giving.  You may find the list of suggestions below useful ideas. 


Say grace at mealtimes
Say a please, sorry or thank you prayer at bedtime every day
Pray for a different person every day
Read a bible story every day


Give up something you enjoy eg. only have sweets or treats at the weekend
Choose to look at a book instead of the television


Helping with a chore in the house
Playing with a brother or sister

Encourage your child to draw a picture.  Scribe your child’s promise on the picture and pin it up somewhere prominent to help your child remember this special time of the church year.

Letters and Sounds

Today’s new sound – ‘ear’ (trigraph three letters but one sound)

This video introduces the ‘ear’ sound.

Show your child how to write ‘ear’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘e’ ‘a’ and ‘r’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ear’ sound. 

For challenge

Only if your child is ready.  Write the following words:

For extra challenge

Write a funny sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Number positions

This week in maths your child will be learning how to understand the position of numbers and their relationship to other numbers.  We will focus on numbers from 0-10.  However, the activities for the week can also be extended to 0-20, depending on your child’s confidence.  We will be working towards understanding 1 more and 1 less. 

Let’s begin with step 1:    Recognise that a count starts with nothing (zero) and increases equally by one each time

Make a number staircase

This activity will help your child to see that the difference between each number is equal and goes up in ones.  It involves creating a number line physically as a ‘staircase’.

You will need:

Ideally Duplo or Lego bricks to make towers.  However, you can use pasta shapes, buttons, beads and create number lines on the floor.

What to do:

  • Write numbers 0-10 on a separate pieces of paper.  You could use the numeral cards I previously sent through Tapestry.  I’ve resent them for today.
  • Give a number to your child.
  • Ask your child to make a tower of cubes to match the value on the card.
  • Ask your child to order the towers from smallest to largest labelling each tower/length with the number card.

The idea is for your child to increase the number of items used for their towers/lengths by 1 each time. 

Ask your child ‘What do you notice?’  Ideas you will be looking for:

Celebrating our Learning

The children really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.  Many thanks for all the wonderful photos and creative ideas.  I thought the children may like to share their photos with each other.

I look forward to hearing all about your learning through Tapestry and wish you all a great day.

Nicola Palmer

News from Year 3

What a wonderful week of learning we have seen to round off a half term of remote learning! We know the past six weeks have not been easy, but we are incredibly proud of all that you have achieved. 

This week we focused on Asia as part of a whole Geography day. In Year 3, we learnt about Sri Lanka. From learning about traditional folk tales in guided reading to coconut cookery in DT, we really embraced all things Sri Lanka. Here are some pictures of the traditional folk masks we made as part of our Art and DT learning this week:

Again, well done everyone for your remote learning efforts. We hope you have a well-deserved break over the half term. 

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂

Reception Home Learning – 12.02.21

Good morning Reception children and parents,

Happy Friday!

Just a couple of reminders before we begin today’s home learning.

Today is the deadline for the Chaplaincy Team’s St. Adrian competition. Draw or create a poster about St. Adrian. Entries can be posted through Tapestry and I will pass them onto the Chaplaincy Team.

Please don’t forget to let me know when your child has read their Oxford Owl ebooks set on the Memo Section of Tapestry and is ready for a change. I will then be able to set new books for you.

Chinese New Year

Make a Chinese Dragon

Attached to the Memo section of Tapestry are instructions to make a Chinese Dragon.  However, as mentioned on yesterday’s blog, you can always provide various recycled materials and let your child’s imagination run wild.

To inspire your child, photos are also attached to the Memo section of Tapestry. This dragon dance video may help your child understand how the dragon features in the Chinese New Year celebrations:

I’ve also attached on the Memo section of Tapestry a Chinese New Year song.

Dress up in red for the day

Red is a popular colour in Chinese culture, symbolizing luck, joy and happiness.  It is also the colour often worn for celebrations such as Chinese New Year.  In addition, the Chinese flag is red.

Letters and Sounds

Alphabet Bingo

In phonics, letter names are needed when children start to learn two-letter and three-letter sounds (Phase Three).  The letter names provide the vocabulary to refer to the letters making up each two-letter or three-letter sound.

We explain alphabet names to children by thinking about the sounds animals make eg. ‘meow’, ‘woof’ or ‘moo’. However, the names of these animals are cat, dog or cow.  It’s the same with letters.  They have a sound and a name.

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry an alphabet poster.   Alternatively, you may have your own alphabet frieze, puzzle or poster for this game. 

Simply, call out a letter name and ask your child to tick the letter off on the poster. If you’re lucky enough to have large alphabet letters, you could ask your child to jump to each letter name called out.

Alphabet Song

Singing the alphabet song and pointing to letters of the alphabet is also a great way to learn letter names.  Again, you could use the alphabet poster on Tapestry or you may have your own alphabet frieze, puzzle or poster.

It is important that your child doesn’t bunch the letters together (eg. l, m, n, o, p) and clearly articulates each letter name.

Here’s a fun video by the Alphablocks that teaches letter names and the alphabet song.

British Values

Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths

This is the final British value in our series of British values, mutual respect and tolerance.  We learn to treat others as we want to be treated. How to be part of a community, manage our feelings and behaviour; and form relationships with others.

Our learning about Chinese New Year this week has contributed to the children’s understanding of diversity and different cultures.   It helps children to recognise
and respect both similarities and differences in relation to others.

At home you can use stories or television programmes to take the opportunity to talk to your child about the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting other’s opinions.

Wishing you all a great half term.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 11.02.21

Good morning Reception parents and children,

Below are my home learning ideas for today. 

Chinese New Year

The year of the ox

Explain to your child that each new Chinese year has a different animal sign.  This means that each person born in the year is represented by one of twelve animals. The zodiac signs include the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

This year is the year of the ox.  The Ox is the second animal in the Chinese Animal Zodiac. It is second, because, during a legendary race the Ox was kind, and gave the Rat a lift on its back. Only then to be cheated of his win, by the Rat jumping off his back and ahead of the Ox in order to secure first place. A cunning Rat, and a trusting Ox.

 Watch this short video ‘Happy New Year 2021! Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!’  It illustrates Chinese writing and Chinese music.

Your child may ask you ‘What is an ox?’  Here’s a little explanation:

Let’s get creative

Encourage your child to create an ox using recycled materials.  Using different types of recycled objects enables children to learn about the basic properties of everyday materials – such as plastic, paper, cardboard, metal and wood – through a hands-on approach.  Children are learning how materials work, how they fix together and how they can be used to fulfil ideas.  This is engineering and engineering thinking.

Be really creative and search around the house for unusual objects that you do not need any more.  Provide and variety of different resources to help your child fix items together, such as scissors, tape, glue, string, ribbon, and malleable materials such as clay or playdough. I usually turn boxes inside out; this allows the children to paint or decorate the box. 

Don’t expect your child’s model to be as picture perfect as the above examples.  The main purpose of the activity is to encourage your child to use their ideas and let their imagination run wild.

Alternatively, your child may wish to make a Happy Chinese New Year card and have a go at Chinese writing. 

Chinese cooking/food

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry a recipe card for Hup Toh Soh Chinese cookies you may enjoy making together.  However, you could also buy some Chinese food and enjoy the variety of tastes.

Letters and Sounds

I am good at …..

Encourage your child to write a sentence.  

I am good at …….

To begin, talk to your child about things they are good at.  For example, ‘I am good at art’, ‘I am good at jumping’ or ‘I am good at cooking’.

Model writing for your child.  Remind your child of ‘oo’ sound.  If your child wishes to write a word ending in ‘ing’, explain to your child to write ‘i’ and the ‘ng’ sound.

As usual, encourage your child to use their sound mat for support and write the sounds he or she can hear and knows. Also, remeber finger spaces.

This activity is to encourage your child’s independent writing, so celebrate their efforts and use of sounds even if not spelt correctly.  The idea is that the words spelt match the sounds they can hear and they can read back their writing.


Create your own map

Watch this Go Jetters tv programme which explains some features of a map.

Ask your child to design a space; their ideal bedroom, a theme park etc.  Encourage your child to represent some of the items in the space as shapes of symbols, they could even try and add a key.

Your child may like to make their own treasure map.  A great idea shared by one of our children is to colour the map using a wet tea bag.  This gives the map a very authentic look.

I look forward to hearing all about your child’s home activities.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 10.02.21

Hello Reception parents and children,

It’s been heartening to hear how much the children are enjoying Chinese New Year.  Thank you for all your posts.  The school is gathering together copies of children’s work to memorise geography day at St. Adrian’s and all your photos will help to celebrate Reception’s contribution to the Asia theme.

Chinese New Year

A story about Chinese New Year

I’ve posted a story on the Memo section of Tapestry about Samantha and her family as they prepare for Chinese New Year.

Crayon etching fireworks picture

Here is a fun idea for an unusual fireworks picture using wax crayons. I’m sure your child will love to reveal the different colours as they scrape off the top black layer.

You will need:

Wax crayons (including black)
White card

What to do:

Ask your child to colour all over the card with different bright crayons. Make sure that the whole card is covered.

Now ask your child to colour over the top with black crayon. Make sure that to cover all the first layer of bright colours.

Ask your child to carefully use the stick to scrape away some of the black crayon in a swirly motion to reveal the colours below. Top tip:  Tell your child to be careful not to press too hard or the coloured crayon below will be scrape away!

Alternatively, your child could create a fireworks picture using paint, felt tip pens or PVA glue and glitter.

Letters and Sounds

Today’s new sound – ‘oi’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

This video introduces the ‘oi’ sound.

This video will support reading and writing ‘oi’ words.

Below is the action for the ‘oi’:

Show your child how to write ‘oi’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘o’ and ‘i’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘oi’’ sound. 

For challenge

Only if your child is ready.  Write the following words:

For extra challenge

Write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Create your own map

Ask your child to create a map of a familiar space: the living room, bedroom, garden etc. You may need to model this for your child by drawing your own map. 

Once the map is completed something could be hidden in the room, then ask your child to show on the map where it is hidden.

Encourage your child to use symbols to indicate the route to the hidden object.

Here are some symbols examples:

Enjoy your day.
Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 09.02.21

Good morning Reception parents and children,

Welcome to Tuesday’s home learning.

China and Chinese New Year

Let’s find out about China

Let’s find out about China’s animals

The video below is a fascinating insight into some China’s animals.  It also introduces difference landscapes in China and the concept of endangered species.

Let’s find out about Chinese New Year

After watching the videos with your child, discuss any similarities or differences.  For example, compare Chinese New Year to preparations at Christmas.

Expressive Arts and Design

As part of our Chinese New Year topic, make a lantern.  Template posted on the Memo Section of Tapestry.

Letters and Sounds

Today’s new sound – ‘ow’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

This video introduces the ‘ow’ sound – Geraldine’s back!

The following video supports blending and reading ‘ow’ sound words.

Show your child how to write ‘ow’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘o’ and ‘w’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ow’’ sound. 

For challenge

Only if your child is ready.  Say the following words.  Ask your child to write the words.

For extra challenge

Write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Comparing routes

This activity will help your child use positional and directional language to describe journeys.  It will also provide an opportunity to rehearse the comparative language from yesterday.

  • Give your child a start and end point in your house or outside – somewhere familiar.
  • Ask your child to travel from the start point to the end point in two different ways.
  • Ask your child to explain their journeys using the correct positional language. Here’s a reminder:

up, down, forward, through, over, turn backwards,

under, turn around, turn towards

Example of the language you will be looking for:

Child:  Let’s turn towards the window and walk forwards to the table. Go between the table and the cupboard.   Pass under the pictures on the wall and walk next to the broom cupboard to the door.

You could also ask your child which route was the quickest/shorter journey.

Treasure hunt

This can be extended by playing a treasure hunt game.   Ask your child to hide a special toy and give you verbal instructions where to find it.

Internet Safety Day

Detective Digiduck – internet safety for 3-7 year olds provide engaging online safety stories for young children aged 3-7.

The Digiduck® collection has been created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 – 7 about online safety.  The collection includes a ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.

Follow Digiduck® and his pals in this story of friendship, responsibility and critical thinking online (link below).

Wishing you all a great day.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 08.02.21

Good morning Reception parents and children,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and ready for another week of home learning.

Please find below my plan for the week. 

As part of the whole school Geography focus, we will be looking at China and celebrating Chinese New Year which falls on Friday, 12 February.  To help you prepare for tomorrow, I’ve posted a template and instructions for the paper lantern on Tapestry today.

I also set out below materials you may wish to gather together over the week ready for Friday’s dragon costume.  Of course, you’ll be able to improvise so don’t worry too much if you can’t find everything listed!

Religious Education– St. Adrian

Chaplaincy Team Assembly

Please find enclosed a link to our Chaplaincy Team Assembly.  It’s all about St. Adrian, who is our class saint.

If you cannot access the assembly link, below is link to a short video and information all about St. Adrian.

Your child may like to take part in the school competition set by the Chaplaincy Team.  Draw a picture or make a poster to celebrate our class saint, St. Adrian.  The deadline for the competition is Friday, 12 February.  Post your entries on Tapestry and I will forward them to the Chaplaincy Team. 

Letters and Sounds

Today’s new sound – ‘ur’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

This video introduces the ‘ur’ sound.

Show your child how to write ‘ur’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘u’ and ‘r’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ur’ sound. 

For challenge

Only if your child is ready.  Write the following words:

For extra challenge

Write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Spatial thinking

The language of spatial thinking is linked to many aspects of mathematics. Position and directional learning is the most obvious but also patterning and geometry. It is also essential when considering the relationships between numbers; knowing which numbers come ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘next to’ or ‘in between’ is important, as well as knowing how near or far numbers are from each other or from a given point. If the language of these are not fully understood in the real world, it will be difficult to use them in the abstract world of numbers.

The other aspect of spatial thinking covered in this learning sequence links to understanding abstract representations of the real world. The ability to transform images from pictorial to an abstract image later supports solving worded maths problems. In this sequence, the children will go from passing through a space in reality to using maps of known spaces with symbols to represent known objects.

Here’s our first activity:

This activity can be done inside or outside.  It naturally builds on itself because children will want to provide feedback on specific obstacles and courses can have endless combinations.  The perfect obstacle course should be challenging, silly, and easily deconstructed or reconstructed.

Using any equipment available such as cones, cushions, tables, hoops, beanbags or small mats, ask your child to devise a route to be followed and then invite other members of the family to try their route.

The idea is for your child to use directional language to explain their route.  For example, “Jump over the cushion. Then hop on to the mat. Now throw the beanbag in the hoop.”

The key words you want your child to use are:

up, down, forward, through, over, turn backwards,

under, turn around, turn towards

To end today’s blog, I’d like to celebrate our learning from the last week.

Children’s Mental Health Week


Phonics and reading

Looking forward to hearing all about this week’s learning through Tapestry.

Nicola Palmer

News from Year 3

This week, we have seen some amazing remote learning from across the curriculum. From role plays in RE, to imaginative poems in English and delicious vegetable tarts in DT, it’s been great to see what you have been getting up to remotely. Have a look at the gallery below to see some of your examples of remote learning:

We also focused on Children’s Mental Health Week this week too. The theme this year was ‘Express Yourself’. It was great to see how some of you express yourself. From playing the piano, to drawing or having a kick about in the garden, there were lots of creative ways to show how you express yourself.

Don’t forget that we have a whole class Google meet on Thursdays at 2pm for around 30 minutes. If you are experiencing any technical issues with Google classroom, please email the help desk with your query on: [email protected]

Finally, we wanted to share how proud we are of you all. We have really enjoyed looking at your assignments and understand that remote learning can be challenging. We look forward to seeing you all soon. 

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂

Reception Home Learning – 05.02.21

Happy Friday everyone!

Communication and Language/Literacy

Tell the story from The Giant’s point of view

Hopefully your child will be a little more familiar with this idea following our Gingerbread Man story telling.  As mentioned previously, this activity will help your child see the story from another angle.  Plenty of acting out the story and lots of modelling will help your child. 

Hot seating

Again, this is something we’ve done before – “hot seating”.  Pretend to be the giant and encourage your child to ask you some questions.  Or you could change roles and your child could ask the giant some questions.  Of course, you can play this game pretending to be Jack, the cow or Jack’s mother.

Maybe you could try the technique with another story – perhaps when reading one of your child’s favourite story books.

Letters and Sounds

Is it right?

This game will very much depend upon your child’s stage in their spelling skills.  It works by writing different variations of a word and asking your child to identify the right word.  Children love to tell us when we’ve got something wrong!  You can play it using words based upon the use of phonics or to help your child learn tricky words.

Using phonics

Tell your child the word you are going to try and write.  Write a couple of variations and ask your child to identify the correct word and tell you why the others are not.  Perhaps use your child’s word strips for this game.

For example, you may say ‘I’m going to write the word chips

You write:  cip, chip, chips

Your child may identify the right word and tell you that you forgot the ‘ch’ sound and didn’t put a ‘s’ on the end of the other word.

Ask your child to write down the correct word.

Tricky words

Tricky words are the star shapes words in your child’s word bag.  These words cannot be sounded out and the correct spelling is learnt.  Here are some suggestions:

wos, woz, was

dur, the, thur

go, goa

migh, my

hur, her

Ask your child to write down the correct word.  Discuss – ‘How do you know?’ ‘How do you remember?’


I hope you have been able to start growing your own beanstalks.  Details on my blog dated 26 January.

How about creating a chart and begin to measure the beanstalks?  Here is a simple example of a chart you could create.  Use something like Lego bricks as a measuring stick eg. 2 bricks high.

British Values

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty is embedded within your child’s curriculum; Personal, Social and Emotional Development together with Understanding the World. For individual liberty we focus on children’s self-confidence and self-awareness and people and communities.  This value, therefore, links nicely into our children’s mental health week.

You are helping your child develop a positive sense of themselves all the time. Every time we provide opportunities for children to bake a cake, mix their own colours or take part in a running race we are helping them to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase confidence in their own abilities.

Every time we share a favourite book with a child, go for a walk or build a small world for favourite toys together, we are giving children the time and space to explore the language of feelings and responsibility; reflect on their differences and understand that we are all free to have different opinions.

So keep on enjoying the time together playing, learning and having fun!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 04.02.21

Hello everyone,

Welcome to Thursday’s home learning.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Dress to impress!

Today’s activity is to dress up for the day.  Wear your favourite colour or choose a range of colours that express how you are feeling.  Colour can be very personal and mean different things to different people, so this is a great way to express yourself.

Perhaps you could wear a favourite character from your dressing up clothes or your own special clothes.  Maybe a favourite outfit.  I’d love to see your outfits on Tapestry.


Changes to the Jack and the Beanstalk story

If your child hasn’t already done so, we can now start adding extra bits or altering the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  The simplest way to move into addition is by adding in more description eg. they were very poor and only owned one naughty cow!

You could build on this by:

  • adding in more dialogue eg. Jack said “Look Mum, I’ve got some magic beans”
  • adding in a new character eg. Jack saw a hen and some golden eggs

Perhaps the giant tries to explain to Jack that he is happy to share his gold coins with Jack.

Make an alteration that is significant and changes the direction of the story – alterations that have a knock on effect!

You could try altering:

  • the nature of one of the characters eg. the giant is kind and friendly
  • setting eg. the giant lives in a spaceship
  • the end of the story eg. Jack and his mother decided to ask the giant to live with them and built a bigger house
  • a key event within the story eg. Jack made a magic spell with the beans

As always, acting out the story together really helps embed story telling skills.

Letters and Sounds

Fe, fi, fo, fum (fee, figh, foa, fum)

This game plays on alliteration and will also help your child develop their ability to read nonsense words (letter sequences that follow regular phonetic rules and are pronounceable, but have no meaning).  This is an important skill that will support your child’s use of phonics.

What to do:

  • Show your child how ‘fee, figh, foa, fum’ can be written based on the sounds they know eg.  ‘ee’, ‘igh’ ‘oa’.
  • Introduce a different letter in front of each word eg. ‘s’ – see, sigh, soa, sum.
  • Play this game verbally first, taking turns to change the first letter at the front of the words.  I normally find using a ‘b’ brings about much hilarity.  You will see what I mean.
  • Challenge your child to choose a letter and write the giant’s phrase eg. if your child chooses a ‘t’ then ask your child to write ‘tee, tigh, toa, tum’.

Adding a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) as the first letter will not work so avoid these.

This game will also really help your child consolidate their knowledge of ‘ee’, ‘igh’ ‘oa’.

Jellybean graph

I hope you have been able to buy some jellybeans for this game.  If not, you can use any small object eg. beads, Lego bricks. Before the jellybeans are gobbled up show your child how a graph could be made – see picture below.

Ask your child to make comparisons using the key mathematical words we are learning ‘more’, ‘fewer’ and ‘equal’.  You will be looking for your child to say ‘I notice there are more orange beans and fewer yellow beans’.   Model the language if your child hesitates.

For challenge

Ask questions such as ‘I can see four yellow beans and 5 orange beans? How many more orange beans are there?’.  Again model the mathematical language and support your child as required..

I hope you all have a good day.

Nicola Palmer