News from Year 1 – Mercy mass and more!

It’s been another busy week for Year 1 this week. We really enjoyed today’s Mercy mass, putting all our hymn practice into… practice! Thank you for everyone who joined us and for the picnic afterwards too. The weather was kind to us!

Thank you again to parents who attended the parent morning on Tuesday. If you were unable to make it, the slides and curriculum overview should have been sent out to everyone. I have also popped a copy of the curriculum overview on our Google classroom.

Please don’t forget to accept your child’s invite for the Google classroom to access the assigned homework. Thank you to the parents who have let me know about any issues so far, we will get these sorted. If you do not have access to a printer, please see me for a copy of the handwriting homework.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

A wonderful first week in Year 1!

What a wonderful first week we have had in Year 1! It been a tiring week but a week of learning and getting into our new routines. Well done to all the children for trying their best this week.

We now have PE every Monday and Wednesday, please ensure your child has brought in their PE kit ready for these lessons.

Parents, don’t forget the Year 1 parent morning on Tuesday 14th September at 9am. It will be held in the classroom and you’ll be able to find out what we’ll be getting up to in Year 1. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions about the up and coming year.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 4

We started this week with an unusual discovery: a strange silver object on top of the PTA container on the field. Once we had brought it back into class, the children speculated on what it might be. Thankfully, the answer to the question, ‘Is it a bomb?’ turned out to be, ‘No.’ but it certainly got us thinking before we started to read ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes in English.

In maths, we have been learning about numbers to 10,000, counting in steps of different sizes and getting to grips with place-value and ordering numbers.

In other subjects, we have been learning about the geography of Europe in relationship to other continents and designing our own slingshot cars in DT. In RE, we are learning about families as an introduction to learning about the ancestors of Christ.

The children have made a great effort through their first full week of year four and I am looking forward to the weeks ahead.

Have a great weekend!

Welcome back to Year 4!

It was great to welcome the children back to school and to year four this week. Whilst we are still encouraging plenty of hand-washing and ensuring lots of ventilation through the classroom, much of what we have missed during the pandemic has returned and school is getting back to normal. The children have really enjoyed going out to play without the barriers and bubbles! It’s also lovely to have the children working in groups rather than sitting in the rows of desks of the last eighteen months.

This week, we have learnt about strategies for learning and reflected on what our school mission statement and our golden rules mean to us. We’re looking forward to our full timetable in the week ahead and beginning swimming lessons on Thursday.

The children should each have brought home their school reading book today. I would encourage them to read this alongside their own choice of book from home/ the library/ the class library, etc. and invite them to use their reading record as diary of their reading. It would still be great if the children had the chance to read with someone at home and talk about the books they are enjoying too.

We will start our formal home learning via the Google Classroom next Friday.

Welcome back, Year 1!

What a busy couple of days we have had settling into our new classroom. We have really enjoyed seeing our friends again and getting to know our new teachers, Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt.

Thank you to the children who have brought in their PE kits already. Please make sure you have your kits with you next week as our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.

If you also have any reading books or records at home, please bring them in so we can updated them.

Have a great weekend and keep your eyes peeled for more information on the Year 1’s parents’ morning.

Miss Battams 🙂

News for Year 3 – Sports Day!

What a day we had! We really enjoyed Sports Day yesterday and made the most of the all activities organised for us. From rocket javelin to a quoit toss, we really embraced Sports Day this year, even if it was most unlike any usual Sports Day. Here are a few photos from the event:

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

What a busy few weeks it has been in Year 3! From Holy Communions to mummification, we have packed a lot in. 

In History, we have been focusing on Ancient Egypt and the process of mummification. Did you know that the brains were removed from the body from a hook through the nose as it wasn’t seen as important to the Egyptians! We learnt more about the other stages of mummification and then acted out the process, all completed with wrapping each other in toilet roll!

In Science, we have enjoyed looking at plants and growing cress heads. We placed our cress heads in different places to see where they would grow best. We found that the cress heads grew best in the fridge, rather than in the cupboard under the sink!

We are also looking forward to our Sports Day today, even though it will be more like a sports hour. Please don’t forget to come to school in your PE kits to get that Sports Day feel!

Congratulations to all the children who have recently taken their first Holy Communions. Please feel free to bring in any photographs from the day for show and tell on Fridays.

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂

Year 3 RE learning – Special Places

This half term, we will be ofcusing on Special Places in our RE learning. For many people, some places in the world are special. For others the whole world is special. We all feel a need to look after what is special to us. Sometimes it is easy to explain why things are special. At other times it might be difficult to put into words why something is special.

Christians believe that the diversity of the world and its people is God’s gift. Jesus in his life and gospel, challenges people to appreciate diversity and to create with it a harmony that reflects the unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is reflected in the work of CAFOD.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

“God created the world to show forth and communicate his glory: that his creatures should share in his truth, goodness and beauty – this is the glory for which God created them.” (CCC319)

“The Church is the people that God gathers in the whole world.” (CCC752)

Word of God

“See, the body is one, even if formed by many members, but not all of them with the same function. The same with us; being many, we are one body in Christ, depending on one another. Let each one of us, therefore, serve according to our different gifts. Do you have prophecy? Let the deacon fulfil his office; let the teacher teach, the one who encourages, convince. You must, likewise, give with an open hand, preside with dedication, and be cheerful in your works of charity. Let love be sincere. Hate what is evil and hold to whatever is good. Regarding brotherly love, have love for one another. Regarding respect, judge others as more worthy. Regarding your duties, do not be lazy.

Be fervent in the Spirit and serve God.” (Romans 12:4-11)

Prayer and Reflection

Creator God,
in your hands you hold the depths of the earth 
and the heights of the mountains,
for all creation belongs to you.
Grant us grace to cherish your world 
and wisdom to nurture its resources.
Save us from the desire to control what is not ours 
and the impulse to possess what is not ours
and the impulse to possess what is there to share. 

(Annabel Shilson-Thomas/CAFOD)

News from Year 3

What a busy first week back after the half term break! We have enjoyed continuing our learning about Ulf the finger eater in English. We are planning to rewrite chapter 4 of the book to detail how we would have out smarted the pesky troll.

In Computing, we continued with our learning about being presenters. We filmed a series of short clips, in pairs, of ourselves performing a skill or trick. We were mindful to capture a range of different shots from a number of angles. Next week, we will editing these clips to create a short video and exploring voice overs.

We also started out new PE learning this week, Outdoor and Adventurous (OAA). OAA involves problem solving and working as a team. We had to arrange ourselves in height order without talking to each other. We found this tricky as team work is all about communication!

We rounded off the week by starting our learning about plants in Science. We started by discussing what we already knew about plants and then examined a real flowering plant. We then labelled different parts of a plant and described each of their functions. After that, we created a leaflet to help us remember these functions. Have a look at your leaflets below:

Have a great weekend and enjoy the long overdue sunshine,

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂