Happy New Year from Year 2

It is lovely to have the children back in school. We have been finishing off our art topic inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles. We showed how good we are at mixing paint to create our own colours and then designed concentric circles patterns using warm or cool colours, which we painted onto our clay pots. We have explored a variety of media including paints, oil pastels, clay and pens and had great fun in the process!

Year 6: Happy Epiphany!

We came into school, ready and eager to make the most of the first school day of 2022. This is a big year for Year 6 and we are ready for the challenges which lay before us.

We began the day by looking at the arrival of the three wise men who arrived to see the baby Jesus. We learned how the Wise Men are significant as they are symbolic to the fact that Jesus came for everyone- wherever we may be from, whatever our culture or status- Jesus is for everyone.

We then learned about the symbolic meanings for the gifts the wise men brought:

Gold -for a King

Frankincense – for a high priest

Myrrh- to heal the wounds they would be inflicted upon him when he would die for us.

The children then wrote up the information about the religious symbolism in the Epiphany and began to design Epiphany cards

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the kind cards and gifts you gave me and other members of the Y6 staff team for Christmas. We very much appreciate your kindness and support.

I wish you all a very happy new year and a happy Epiphany!

Best wishes,

Mrs Gallaher

News from Year 1 – happy holidays!

It’s here, it’s Christmas time! We have had such a festive week. We started by watching the dress rehearsal of the EYFS production, which we really enjoyed. We then had our own dress rehearsal and performance. We were a little nervous but we think it went well. Well done to all the children for being such superstars!

We then had a visit from Father Christmas himself! We were so excited, we each got a present from him too.

There will be no homework set this week as it is the Christmas holidays next week. In the meantime, please find a copy of our updated curriculum overview ready for the Spring term. We will be focusing on materials in Science, printing in Art and aerial photos and large scale maps in Geography. If you have any books or artefacts you’d like to share with the class, please bring them in.

Have a peaceful break and a lovely Christmas.

Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt 🙂

Thank you so very much for my lovely Christmas presents.
I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2022 and look forward to our time in school, learning and having fun together.

RE in Year 2

For the first four weeks of spring we will focus on the theme of Books.http://freecoloringpagesite.com/coloring-pics/bible-coloring-18.gif

Key words for the topic are: 

Scripture, lectern, Gospel, Bible, New Testament, Old Testament, genre, thurible, missal, Church, parish family

In particular, discuss the meaning of the words thurible and missal.  When you visit church together, see if you can find the church thurible or missal to talk about with your child. 

We will be considering the big question Why do we need books?

The children will read Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 3; 13-17) to find out about the Baptism of Jesus.

RE home learning

Let’s enjoy reading the bible: Share stories from the bible with your child.  Talk about stories that are particularly important to you.  What stories are important to your child?  Create a poster about this story that can be shared in class. Concentrate on the presentation of your posters as it would be lovely to make them into our own class book!

Please return your posters by 19.01.22.

News from Year 1 – getting Christmas ready!

What another busy week in Year 1 . We have really enjoyed practicing our Christmas play and are really looking forward to sharing it with you this week. Please find below a letter that went out on Friday regarding costumes and timings.

We have also been busy recapping our numbers to 100, counting forwards and backwards. It would be great if you could continue practising this at home too and playing games, such as Snakes and Ladders, which involve counting.

This week, we will be focusing on our RE learning and the theme of ‘Waiting’. We will explore some of the Joyful Mysteries such as the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel and the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth.

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 1

It’s been another busy week in Year 1 this week. Our Christmas play rehearsals are in full swing and we look forward to practicing on the stage in the hall next wee. If you have any outfits or props that we could borrow, please feel free to send them in.

We have also really enjoyed making lots of creations for our new display area, using junk modeling. If you have any recycled materials/junk modelling you could share with us at school, we would be most grateful.

Don’t forget to check out the updated RE blog here for our latest RE homework task. Well done to the children who have already completed it 🙂

Have a restful weekend, Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt

News from Year 1 – superheroes are go!

This week, we have really enjoyed emerging ourselves in our learning about superheroes, thanks to our new book in English, ‘Send for a Superhero’. We have been writing question sentences with question marks and using adjectives to describe our own superheroes that we created.

In Maths, we have been focusing on subtraction. We have been acting out subtraction stories and then writing them up, using pictures/drawings to support our learning.

In PE this week, we focused on the season Summer in our dance learning. We studied a video of waves on a beach and recreated it within small groups. We had to work in unison to ensure we completed each move together, at the same time. We also worked as a class to use the canon effect to recreate the motion of a wave, which was a little tricky but fun to practice!

Please see the updated RE blog here as we move our focus on to Waiting as part of Advent.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt 🙂

News from Year 1 – the week of weeks!

This week has been a week of weeks. We started the week with anti-bullying week. The theme this year was ‘one kind word’. We discussed different words that we could use that were kind such as love, care, smile, helpful. We chose a word and wrote it on a strip of paper to construct a kindness paper chain, which is hanging beautifully in our classroom.

It was also other faiths week in RE this week. We focused on the religion, Islam. We learnt about how the Prophet Muhammad was the messenger for Allah and wrote the Islamic holy book the Quran, from the teachings sent by the Angel Gabriel. We also learnt what sort of person Muhammad was by listening to stories about his life. We realised that Muhammad was kind and caring but also a wise Prophet who was very helpful.

Today, we enjoyed dressing up in something spotty for Children in Need. Well done to the class for going dotty! Thank you for all of your kind donations too.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt 🙂

News from Year 1 – gunpowder, treason and plot!

This week kicked off with a bang! We have enjoyed starting our new History learning about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot. We even made our own fireworks by twisting different layers of materials around a straw, securing it with tape. These looked fantastic!

Our new book in English, Send for a Superhero by Michael Rosen

We have sadly come to the end of our learning about the Naughty Bus but we are looking forward to starting our new book, Send for a Superhero by Michael Rosen next week. It really is a super book.

Next week in RE, we will be focusing on Islam and the story of the prophet Mohammed. If you have any artefacts (a prayer mat, a copy of the Quran etc.) linked to Islam at home, it would be great for the children to bring them in for show and tell next week.

Finally, if you have any costumes you could share with the class for our Christmas play, that would be great. Anything from a Mary and Joseph outfit to a star costume, anything nativity related would be very helpful!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Battams and Mrs Brunt 🙂

News from Year 1 – welcome back!

Welcome back Year 1 after the half term break. It has been great to be back as a whole class once again 🙂

This week, we have continued our learning about the story Naughty Bus. We have started to plan our stories using our own toys and will be writing up our stories next week. Thank you for fulfilling my last minute plea for brining in favourite toys!

Just a reminder, we have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays, kits should have been returned and on pegs ready to go.

Thank you for the great efforts with Travelling Ted, it has been great to see Ted travelling around our local area. He made it to the park and to church and even to Sainsbury’s! Well done everyone.

Next week, we look forward to starting our History learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂