A hot, happy end to year 3

It was a very short week this week! And a slow one, to accommodate the heat. The children were super-sensible, drinking lots and taking it easy. We hat “hot play” instead of “wet play”. The children enjoyed playing, amongst other things, chess and shut the box; using the listening post; drawing and chatting to friends and it was a relaxing end to the year. On Tuesday the children also enjoyed finishing off the left-over crisps and biscuits from the First Holy Communion party.

We all joined in wishing year 6 the very best of luck at their new schools. In three years time the current year 3 will be moving on, which seems hard to imagine just now. There’s a lot more learning and fun to be had at primary school before that.

I’d like to say a huge thank you for the very generous presents and the lovely, thoughtful cards from children and parents. I have had a fantastic term with year 3 and am delighted to move up into year 4 with them and to see them develop and learn more. I wish you all a very happy holiday wherever you go and whatever you do; and look forward to seeing you all in September

Thank you so much for the very thoughtful and generous gifts that I have been given to end the year. It has been a great privilege to teach all of your wonderful Year 2 children. They have shown themselves to be very hardworking and they are kind and caring friends to one another. The children are really ready for Year 3 and they will have a smashing time with Miss Osman. I wish you all a fun filled summer in which you will all be able to spend precious time together with family and friends.

News from Year 1 – school’s out for summer

It’s the summer holidays! What a hot, hot week it has been. We really enjoyed being a part of the Year 6 leaver’s assembly this week. We wish them luck in their new schools!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the kind gifts and cards. Teaching Year 1 has been an absolute pleasure. Have a well earned rest over the summer holidays.

Here’s a selection of our favourite photos from Year 1:

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 1 – sunshine and celebrations!

It’s been another busy week for Year 1, and the last full week too! There have been lots of celebrations this week, from choir performances to talent shows.

We started the week with a teddy bear’s picnic. It was lovely to spend some time all together as a Key Stage sharing stories and our teddies. We also got to watch the Year 6 production, which they had put lots of hard work into. Well done Year 6!

We were also treated to a lovely performance by our gymnasts, Rock Steady and choir groups. It was so lovely to also see their hard work paying off with such confident performances. Thank you for sharing them with us.

There will be no homework set this week. Yet there will be a letter and spellings to practice over the summer holidays. You will also have details about how to access to our fabulous new e-library too!

Enjoy the sunshine,

Miss Battams 🙂

Year 2 are a talented bunch!

It has been a very hot week, but the children have still continued to show what great learners they are. They started the week with a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the shade as temperatures were already reaching 30 degrees. The children revised their Design and Technology learning by making wraps and they enjoyed rereading the recipe instructions that they wrote during this topic to help them to make another delicious wrap.

Starting with a performance by the cheerleading club,, the children have celebrated their talents all week, finishing with a very successful talent show. Well done to all the Year 2 children who auditioned for this event. They really are a very talented bunch! Here are some photos that show what a wide range of opportunities the children have in the many school clubs available to the children here at St Adrian’s. There is a club to suit everyone’s interests!

The children have coped very well with the heat this week, but next week is set to be even hotter, so please do send your child in with at least one full drinks bottle. Why not send in a second bottle, filled with frozen water as this will be great for the children to enjoy later in the day.

Keeping cool in Year 4

The children have been fantastic this week – it’s been such a busy week with demonstration assemblies by our wrap-around clubs, a concert by Rock-Steady Music School, the Year 6 production, the amazing choir sharing their performance with so many of our class taking part and finally, our school talent show. All this, whilst coping with the sweltering conditions – the children have been amazing, treating each other with kindness and patience throoughout the week.

Next week is due to be even hotter and we will do all we can to make the end of term calm and cool. Please help by remembering to send your child in to school with plenty to drink.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe in the heat!

Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies

All the rehearsals finally paid off as the Year 6 children gave the performance of their lives, firstly to the school in their dress rehearsal but then to their parents on Wednesday evening.

There was a last minute stand in for the part of King John and he really stole the show.

The jokes made the audience laugh and the singing brought a tear to many of the parents’ eyes.

It was a truly memorable occasion.

Our thanks go to the parents for helping with the costumes, to Mr Hayes for the lighting and to Mr Greg Sallis for the sound and drama workshops.

Well done children- you were all Super-Stars!

Celebrating in year 3

Year 3 looked stunning on Monday as they dressed up in their best outfits for a party at school to mark their First Holy Communions. We marked the occasion with a prayer in the shade in the prayer garden and then some games in the classroom. The children were free to wear as few layers as they chose, due to the heat. We also stuck to quiet games, the children enjoying “wink murder” and “banana!” Then they tucked into a magnificent spread provided by their very generous parents. I was very relieved that they all took great care with their clothes, which I think escaped the buttercream, sugar and chocolate.

It was very exciting for the children to visit their new classroom on Thursday. They have made their own labels for the lockers which will be in year 4 instead of drawers, so there will already be a little bit of something of their own when they arrive in the classroom in September.

On Thursday the children learnt about the Ancient Egytpians: what were they? Where were they built? Why were they built? They shared their thoughts on their own miniature pyramids.

On Friday the children watched the amazing school talent show. The range of skills and talents held by the children is vast and the children thoroughly watched each other perform.

Thank you for sending in full water-bottles, hats and sun-tan cream every day.

There are just 1.5 days left of year 3 for the children and I’m very excited about remaining with them next year. We will all be ready to hit the ground running and seamlessly continue with the learning. The children are ready for a break and plenty of time to be outside, meet friends and have a break from formal learning is just what they need to give them the energy to start afresh in September. Have a great weekend.

Year 4 never stop!

It has been another action-packed week for Year 4 and the children have been fantastic throughout.

In English, we have begun the last of the books that we will share together – Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky. This blend of real words and nonsense has really made us think about the clues we use when reading and how different word classes work.

The children have worked really hard all year and enjoyed getting our classroom ready this week to welcome our families to our open evening.

Our wonderful PTA organised a sponsored ‘Bounce’ for us too and we had a great time on Wednesday afternoon being put through our paces on the inflatables. Thanks to everyone who sponsored us and helped raise funds for our school.

Thursday brought our sports day and we all did our best, cheered on by our parents. We ended the day with a much-deserved ice lolly.

Year 2 get sporty

What a busy week the children have had as part of our Commonwealth Games celebrations. The Sponsored Bounce was great fun for all of us and Sports Day was a wonderful event with the children displaying super sports skills as they joined in with all the games activities.