Nursery – 08.11.2024

This week we thought about a special day that is coming up – Remembrance Day. We talked about why we wear poppies at this time of the year as we remember the soldiers who fought in the war.

The children had a go at creating their own poppy which are now on display in the foyer.

In RE this week we thought about welcoming a baby in to a family and the joy and happiness a new baby brings to a family. We role played welcoming a baby in to the world.

Other photos this week


As the weather starts to get colder, all children need a winter coat as well as hat/gloves/scarf which all need to be named.

Library books need to be returned each Tuesday so the children can borrow a new one.

You can now apply for a reception place at St Adrians. You will also need to fill out a supplementary form.

Important Dates

Tuesday 12th November – Wear odd socks

Thursday 14th November – Individual and sibling photos

Friday 15th November – Children In Need – Wear spotty clothes – £1 donation

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity Performance 10:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Harvest celebrations!


Hello children, parents and carers,
I really can’t believe that today we have finished our first half term! The time went so quickly! But we also achieved and learnt so much…from exploring the classroom, to remembering our friends names, from being brave to come in without mummy and daddy, to forming lovely friendships. We learnt lots of new graphemes and solved many mathematical problems. We practiced singing and dancing, read lovely books and played musical instruments. From being insecure and not sure how to write our names we are now beginning to write our first CVC words. Absolutely impressive!!!

In Little Wandle this week we played lots of games, thinking about initial sounds, orally blending words like C-A-R and D-O-G, and remembering all the graphemes and phonemes learnt so far. As already mentioned we also spent the week assessing the children and finding out how to support them if needed.

In the next 4 weeks the children will be learning about Baptism as a sacrament and that a sacrament is something that uses signs – a combination of words and actions. The focus will be very much on how we welcome a new baby into any family and then how a baby is welcomed into the family of God. Throughout the topic there will be opportunities for you to help your child make the sign of the cross, to pray and to listen to how much God loves them. Your child will enjoy role playing some of the signs and symbols which take place during a baptism in a Catholic church.

It would be lovely to see photos or any other special items from the Reception children’s own Baptism. This can be a candle, special card, photo, blanket or gown. They will be shared with the class and then safely returned home.

Harvest assembly
Thanks to all who were able to come by and make it a memorable experience for us. The children did really well singing and doing the actions. Your generous donations are much appreciated!

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
04.11.24 – Back to school
08.11.24 – Remembrance assembly – Parents welcome

Have a lovely half term week!
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 celebrate God’s harvest

Thank you so much for the huge number of items that were contributed to the Feed Foodbank as part of our Harvest Festival Celebration of the Word this week. The Year 2 children sang brilliantly and they joined in with the actions very enthusiastically, showing that they really can sing ‘All things bright and beautiful’.

Half-term already?

The past few weeks have sped by and year 4 has made good use of every minute.

The children finished painting their clay pots in an Ancient Greek style.

In the “Called” topic in RE, the children reflected on the power of the Holy Spirit. They thought of a great collection of adjectives to describe living without the Holy Spirit (slow, sluggish, mean, isolated etc) and acted these out; and they also thought of how to describe life with the Holy Spirit (joyous, helpful, energetic etc) and acted these out.

We have been reading “Jabberwocky” and (most of) the children have loved exploring the “portmanteau” words and reading about the exploits of the characters in the poem. On returning from the week’s break they will continue with writing their own nonsense poems.

Column subtraction is a challenging concept! Everyone has made great progress with it, finishing off a good half-term’s learning about 4-digit numbers.

The children’s understanding of programming, in particular the need for absolute accuracy, is developing well. They have very much enjoyed learning how to use a repeat function and how to use “procedures” to program efficiently.

The class assembly will take place on Thursday 21st November (not Friday 22nd as published in the bulletin).

I hope you all have a relaxing half-term break and look forward to seeing you all on 4th November

Harvest Celebration!

It was lovely to see the whole class working together to perform in our Harvest celebration, with our Caritas Ambassadors leading our prayer and reflection. Thanks to all for your hard work and to the parents for the donations to the food bank at Feed.

Thanks also to everyone who supported our cake sale. You raised a staggering £370, some of which we have already spent: on pencil cases for everyone to avoid the complaint of lost stationary, and on a fan in anticipation of warmer days in year six: it is great to enjoy a sunny aspect over the playground, but the summer months often takes the temperature in our room to the mid-thirties. We hope that our fan will make these days more bearable. We still have quite a bit of money left and so are busy planning how to spend it.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable and safe half-term holiday. I look forward to seeing you all when we come back in November.


In Year 1 we have had a week of creative ideas.

In Geography we made messy maps using all sorts of resources.

In maths we continued and created repeating patterns using 2d shapes, 3d shapes and real objects.

Happy Half Term!

Nursery – 25.10.24

In RE this week we moved onto our new topic Baptism. We discussed how the children have been welcomed into the St Adrian’s community and the children were excited to talk about the school badge on their jumpers. We made welcome cards and a welcome poster to put up in nursery

After half term we will continue our work on Baptism, it would be lovely to see photos or any other special items from the Nursery children’s own Baptism. This can be a candle, special card, photo, blanket or gown. They will be shared with the class and then safely returned home.

This week we started our Foundation for Phonics lessons, each week we will look at a different initial sound, our initial sound this week was ‘s‘ . In the box there was a snake, scissors, strawberry, sellotape, soup, a scorpion and many many more things. If you find something at home beginning with the ‘s’ sound let us know, upload what you find to Tapestry!

We went back out into the school grounds this week to collect leaves so we could make crowns for today’s assembly. The children have worked really hard for the past two weeks learning the words and actions to ‘Crunching through the leaves’. Well done Nursery for a fantastic performance this morning in front of the entire school, all the staff and lots of lots of grown ups! Thank you again for all the donations.

Other photos this week:

Half Term Activities

Please upload any half term activities to Tapestry so we can share in class.

Reception Applications

Applications open next Friday, 1st November, you can You will also need to complete a supplementary form.

Important Dates

Individual/Sibling photos – Thursday 14th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

EYFS Nativity Performance – Wednesday 11th December – 10:00AM

Have a lovely half term

MIss Taylor

Reception – Wear read!


Hello children, parents and carers,
It’s Friday again and I can’t wait to share with you what we’ve been busy with in the last 5 days.
In Little Wandle we’ve learnt four new graphemes:

Next week we will focus on finding out what the children learnt so far revisiting all the phonemes and digraphs for Autumn 1.
I also added a new tricky word ‘the’ . Please practice the tricky words at home too, as we all know they can be very ‘tricky’ to remember :).

In Maths we explored, copied and then created simple patterns. The children had plenty of opportunities to spot patterns all around… on the playground, in the books and while singing nursery rhymes. Everyone’s favourite was creating action patterns like jump, spin, jump, spin or clap, bend, clap, bend.

We are very much looking forward to have our first Reception class performance next week and are very excited to rehearse our song.
Please remember that the Harvest assembly is taking place next Friday at 9am. Looking forward seeing you all there. All donations are welcomed, please check the list for what’s needed! Thank you for your generosity!

On Friday we had a big discussions about all of us being different and unique! We sad NO to racism and celebrated the day wearing red.

We also created beautiful posters and did an amazing job writing the word RED. Can’t be happier to see this wonderful letter formation after only a couple of weeks.

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 25th October – Harvest assembly
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half term week

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

October is the month of the Rosary

This week, two Caritas Ambassadors visited the Year 2 classroom to teach the children about the rosary and how it can be used for prayer. The children reflected on their use of a rosary and the Year 6 children helped them to pray a decade of the rosary.

Parents and carers are warmly invited to our Harvest assembly next week at 9am on 25th October, when we will be performing our harvest song. We would be very grateful for donations to our collection of items for the Feed food bank in St Albans which can be brought in at any time over the next week. Details of items that Feed would love to receive can be found below:

Year 3

Today, our school proudly wore red to stand united against racism, demonstrating our commitment to equality and inclusion. We were inspired by the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ campaign, joining together to say a collective “no” to racism in all its forms.

Harvest Donations

We are still accepting harvest donations and kindly ask that all contributions must be brought to the school by Friday, 25th October. Please see the image below for a list of suggested donation items.