It was so lovely to see everyone after the holidays and hear all the amazing stories and experiences the children have had during the festive season.
I would also like to take the opportunity and thank you all for the lovely gifts. We are beyond thankful!
In RE last week we talked about Epiphany and the children created an amazing Epiphany display. Have a look yourself:

This week we began a new topic and in the next 4 weeks we will be talking about Local Church – Community/Celebrating. The children will be learning that the Christians belong to the local church community – the parish, which celebrates in a variety of ways. That they celebrate tradition and story and find their meaning in Jesus.
So, as part of the new topic we held a special celebration, back to school party, and what is a party without a cake… or in our case without a cupcake. The children were busy mixing all the ingredients and baking delicious cupcakes:

Next week we will write our very own invitations!
Little Wandle
In Little Wandle this week we began learning phase 3 sounds. Please check your child’s pink folder for all phase 3 sounds sheet and a homework.

This week we introduced 3 new digraphs and a trigraph.

As always I highly recommend that you practice the new digraphs/ trigraph every day, as this would really build fluency and will boost your child’s confidence.
No new tricky sounds have been taught this week, because we are currently reviewing the ones already learned in Autumn term.
This week, the children used their perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in increasingly complex arrangements, moving from dots in a line and arrangements of 2, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. Towards the end of the week we played lots of fun dice games like snakes and ladders and the children were encouraged to subitised the dice dots instead of counting.
If you happen to play a dice game over the weekend, please take some time and post it on Tapestry so we can celebrate in class.
Our new role play is up and running and the children are having so much fun selling and buying healthy fruit and veg. As you all know we love learning while playing, so our Market helps us talk about healthy and unhealthy choices, lot’s of counting, measuring and social skills are involved in our Play. Here are some pictures of our busy, busy day 🙂

And finally please check your child’s book bag for Spring term homework grid. You are welcome to do all the activities or choose at least 3 of them. Then you can either post them on Tapestry, email a photo to the office or bring a copy to school.
Please let me know if you have any difficulties accessing Tapestry.

Have a fantastic weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on a Monday!
Mrs Solakova