Year 4 wc 31st January

This week we eventually found out that gas does have a mass. It took a long time for the carbon dioxide to seep out of the bottle of Coke and it was with much excitement that we found that the bottle with carbon dioxide weighed 521g and the one without (identical all other measurements) weighed 514g, so the carbon dioxide weighed 7g.

We often do an “imoves” routine in-between learning, to stay lively. Here is the class doing one of this week’s routines.

We celebrated the NSPCC “Number Day” today with some active Maths activities, mainly based around times-tables. Outside the children: practised reciting multiples of given times tables to skipping or passing the football; created 4-digit numbers in hoops with beanbags for a partner to correctly identify; see who was quickest at answering the “line of equations”; and wrote missing number calculations using things from nature. So if the calculation was a pine-cone x 5 = 60, what would the pine-cone be? Indoors, we played times-table Bingo and the Multiples and Factors game which is also for home learning.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and l look forward to seeing you for Wellbeing Week before the half-term holiday.

Number Day

This has been another busy week in Year 1. 

We have been learning different ways to subtract within 20, how to change the meaning of a word using a suffix or a prefix, all about maps and sharing special meals with special People. 

We took part in the wonderful Electric Umbrella workshop on Thursday and finished finished the week with a fun number day in aid of NSPCC on Friday.

Have a restful weekend!

Nursery – 03.02.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Polar Bear Paddle’ about a young polar bear named Alfie who liked to swim in the baby pool but really wanted to swim in the larger one and with the help of his friends he was able to do this! We also looked at some videos of some polar bears and really enjoyed watching the cubs rolling down the snowy hill!

Today we dressed up for NSPCC Number day! The children looked really great in their clothes, we had children with sums on, colours, spots, stripes and even an domino!

We have a variety of maths activities in the classroom including a colour sorting activity with tweezers, putting pebbles onto pictures, making shapes with lolly sticks, pizza shape colouring in and some of us even had a go at writing some numbers! Thank you for all of your donations!

Important Dates

Monday 6th – Friday 10th February – Mental Health Week

Friday 10th February – Dress to express dress up day

Monday 13th – Friday 17th February – Half term

Thursday 23rd February – Nursery Parent Consultations

Friday 17th March -Mothers Day Assembly in the hall, parents invited – No reading morning.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Chinese New Year


Happy new Lunar Year to all our families who celebrate! Here at St Adrians we also celebrated by playing in our chinese restaurant and cooking real noodles for snack. Some of us even tried to catch them with chopsticks 🙂 Impressive!!!

Mmmm delicious 🙂

The Magic paintbrush‘ story was a hit again and this week we were writing captions of what Shen could do the escape the greedy Emperor… The children had some really good ideas:

Maybe she can paint a balloon, hold it and escape!
Maybe she can paint fake coins and treak the Emperor…
Shen can paint a door and escape the prison.

We also made a lovely display with our own painting and carefully labelled our ideas!

Little Wandle
This week we’ve learned 3 new digraphs and another trigraph. Have a look:

We also learned 3 new tricky sounds. Please help your child read them daily as this will really help them consolidate their understanding of them. Remember, these words cannot be sounded out, so we encourage your child to recognise them ‘by sight’ or read them fluently. As always a big thank you for your continued support:

In Maths this week, the children consolidated their understanding of the composition of 5. They were encouraged to visualise numbers within 5 and to work out how many are hidden when they know the whole number in a set. We did that by singing a favourite rhyme: Five speckled frogs… it was really exciting to be frogs jumping in the pool 🙂

30.01.23 – Inset day
Friday reading mornings – 8:45am to 9:00 am.

Have an amazing weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday.
Mrs Solakova

Year 3 coders

This week in year 3 we have enjoyed coding in computing. We experimented with different backgrounds, actions and instructions for the sprite. Here are some photos of what we created.

The rest of the week…

After the excitement of Monday, normal service resumed for the rest of the week. The children have completed their stories entitled “Spring’s Daughter”, a sequel to the beautiful book “Winter’s Child” on which they worked very hard and had wonderful ideas, inspired by the clear prose and imagery of the picture book.

The cake sale raised a fantastic £182! Thank you so much for your hard work and generosity in supporting this. We have fifteen brand-new copies of “The Firework Maker’s Daughter”, ready for use. The children have lots of ideas for wet play games which we’ll vote on. And then there will be the opportunity to buy some more books for reading sessions. These represent a brilliant improvement in classroom resources to make the learning more engaging and the time at school more fun. Well done, everyone.

Neve and Livia led a lovely child-led class worship today, reflecting on the fruits of the spirit.

I hope you all have a lovely three days together with your families.

Year Six investigate…

In our science learning this week, Year Six investigated the affect of exercise on our heart beat. We had fun finding our pulse and measuring our pulse rate before and after exercise. Not only did we find out that exercise causes our hearts to beat faster, we plotted the time taken for our pulse rate to recover. We also used our scientific understanding to explain why our healthy bodies need our hearts to pump faster during exercise.

We supersized our art work this week, continuing our learning about Michelangelo’s David, but this time working in charcoal.

Nursery – 27.01.2023

This week we learnt about Chinese New Year! We watched a video about the animals racing across the river and saw the order in which they finished! We also met a little girl called Abi who told us how her and her family celebrate Chinese New Year! We tried noodles, delicious. The children also got to act out the race in our tuff spot tray.

On Wednesday afternoon we spent some time creating our own junk models to take home, the children were really engaged and thought about what they wanted to add to their models.

Other photos from this week:

Remember that Monday 30th January is an occasional day and the school is closed.

Have a lovely long weekend and see you on Tuesday!

Miss Taylor

Year 2 scientists

We have been exploring materials this term and have had great fun learning the new words transparent, opaque, waterproof, absorbent, flexible and rigid.

You’ll never guess what though. Goldilocks was going for a walk to visit the three bears, only to discover that it was raining, so she needed a hat that would stop her from getting her flowing, golden locks wet. We carried out some investigations to see what materials were waterproof and we recommended that oil cloth was the best choice because it is flexible and waterproof.

We sang it with our hearts

Year 4 showed their passion and understanding of what makes a good community today in their class assembly. It was a reflection on what we have been learning the past weeks, including our trips to Young Voices and the cathedral. The children took on board all the advice and encouragement from our practises – to say what they needed to say with meaning, with the precise choice of words down to them. I was particularly proud of the confidence they showed, owning the floor and looking out for each other with the “props” and microphone. It was a fantastic start to the week and created a warm glow of pride in year 4 to counterbalance the below freezing temperatures in the morning.

We also enjoyed marking the Lunar New Year, with children sharing their excitement at receiving their red envelopes and explaining traditions to us