There was a wide range of characters in year 4 today – and they were all very keen to take a journey to the centre of the earth and write all about it in books they made themselves. The books are a work in progress as everyone put lots of time and care into their writing and illustrating a cross-section of the earth. As is always the case with geographical and scientific learning, the children are super-keen to acquire knowledge and use word like “magma”, “core” and think about what it must be like at the centre of the earth, where it is as hot as the sun. We were linking knowledge from previous years – basalt, granite, for instance – to understand this year’s learning better.
Year 6 share their love of reading for World Book Day
It was great to see so many dressing up and taking part in this year’s World Book Day.
We joined with Year 2 to read together and share poems.

Nursery – 03.03.2023
In PE this term we are completing the Movement Development unit. We explored moving around in space in the hall pretending to be different sized animals e.g. we pretended to be an elephant and made big steps or a snake by moving on our tummies. We then played a game of bumper cars, we had a hoop bumper car and tried really hard not to bump into another bumper car.

This week we looked at the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children took part in a range of activities throughout the week including making and playing with porridge oats, acting out the story in the tuff tray, making a baby bear mask and even tasting some of mummy bears famou porridge – delicious.

Today in school we celebrated World Book Day. The children looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had a trip to the library where they listened to a story about a frog who didn’t want to be a prince. The children chose new books to read at home.

Other photos from this week:

Please join us every Friday from 8:45-09:00am for Reading Morning.
Mothers Day Assembly – 17th March – 09:05am
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor
Year 2 make a great start on their journey through Lent
This week, we had lots of fun as we took part in our Big Lent Walk with Mrs Porter. We walked (or ran!) for 25 minutes and everyone covered a distance of at least two kilometres each. We are very proud of ourselves.
Please help us to raise money for CAFOD by going onto our school fundraising page, where you can see a record of the walk that we did together. You can find the fundraising page here:

Reception – Yummy pancakes
What an yummy first week back we’ve had. With pancakes and delicious toppings. The children had lovely time mixing the batter and then flipping the pancakes… well at least we tried and nothing went on the ceiling 🙂

Our pancake cafe was fully booked and we even had to have a waiting list! We invited Nursery children too to help us with all the prep work.

In RE this week we talked about Lent, and how during Lent we will try to grow in many ways…. and it could be very hard. The children all had their Lenten promise heart to take home. Please help your children and think about what that promise could be and then return them to school so we can create a special Lenten promise tree.
Wednesday was a very special day as Mrs Porter gave us the ashes. We talked about where do the ashes come from and why we are receiving them.

Finally thank you very much for coming to parents consultations meetings. It was lovely to see you all in person and talk about your children’s progress. And as always thank you very much for supporting us in this journey. We wouldn’t be able to do it well without your help and determination.
Things to remember:
Friday reading mornings – 8:45am to 9:00 am.
3rd of March (Friday) we will be celebrating World book day and the children can come and dressed as their favourite book character.
Please bring in your Lenten Promise by Friday 3rd March.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Solakova
Nursery – 24.02.2023
This week we looked at the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. One day Mr Wolf decided he wanted to make some pancakes but was unsure how, he asked his neighbours to help him read the recipe book, write a shopping list but they all said no so Mr Wolf had a go at making them all by himself and the neighbours all thought they smelt yummy. Ask your child what happened at the end of the story.
This week we thought about pancakes and why we have them and discussed some of the things we are giving up for Lent. On Tuesday we had pancakes for snack and also had the chance to make a pancake at our pancake station.

This half term we will be reading a variety of fairy tales including Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Our role play has changed into the 3 Bears cottage, the children have enjoyed playing in there, taking on a role and making porridge.

For snack today we made a sandwich! The children had a go at cutting their bread in half – well done.

Other photos from this week:

Thank you parents and carers for coming to parent consultations this week.
Don’t forget Fridays are reading mornings (expect Friday 17th March as we will be going to the Mothers Day assembly in the hall – parents welcome).
Please bring in your Lentern Promise by Friday 3rd March so we can talk about them and put them up on our tree.
Friday 3rd March is World Book Day, children can dress up as their favourite book character if they would like too.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor
Year 4 this week
This half-term has got off to a flying start.
The children are concluding learning about states of matter and had good ideas as to why the ice with the salt on it melted faster than without salt.

With Mrs Gallaher, the children composed music for the “flying car” scene in “Harry Potter”.

The children thought carefully about what they could do in Lent to be closer to God , whether their promise was to do with giving, praying or giving something up. Their behaviour in the Ash Wednesday service was impeccable and they enjoyed learning about the symbolism involved. We are doing activities from The Mission Together Lenten Calendar – which has some lovely things to do. I sent one home earlier this week. It wasn’t compulsory home learning – I just thought it was a really nice, engaging activity you might enjoy. We’ve reflected on the significance of 40 during Lent and why Jesus went into the desert.

The children are really enjoying our new book – “The Lion and The Unicorn”, which is providing inspiration for writing. In Reading sessions we are reading “The Firework-Maker’s Daughter”, which I’m mentioning at consultations. These books are online in various ways. It’s always useful to read the books at home to share what your children are learning, discuss vocabulary and themes in the book. Like the other books we read, they are beautiful and full of lovely language and ideas. They could give you an idea of what to wear for World Book Day next Friday!
It’s been lovely to speak to all the parents about your wonderful children, their achievements and progress.
I hope you all have great weekends.
Year Six begin their journey through Lent
We are now in the church season of Lent. For Christians, Lent is a time of solemn reflection as we seek the Lord in prayer; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. We joined the wider church family at Mass on Wednesday for the imposition of the ashes: a sign of our penance and a reminder of our own mortality.
Back in school, we reflected on how we can bring our lives closer to God during the season of Lent, ready to share in the joy of the promise of new life at Easter.
We made Lenten promises, remembering that we are called, not only to give up luxuries, but to make our lives better by following Christ more faithfully. We wrote our promises and sealed them in golden envelopes on our RE display.

Year 1 – Feb.24th
We have had a busy week back from Half-term.
In maths we have been looking at 2d and 3D shapes. We have labelled everything in the class and played I spy using the properties of shape.

We have been singing this lovely shape song.
On Ash Wednesday we received Ashes and made a simple cross. We talked about what we could give up for the period of Lent.

As it gets nearer to Easter we will decorate these in recognition of a more joyful celebration.
Reception – Children’s mental health week
And just like that it’s the end of another half term. A very good end indeed. With lots of interesting activities, thinking about wellbeing and staying healthy not just physically, but mentally too.
We were very excited to take part in the special Taskmaster education challenge week and every day we had to do the different activities. On a Monday we made THE BEST rainbow. We only had the prime colours and as an extra challenge had to think about how to make all of the colours:

Well…It is the best!
On Tuesday we designed a game and played a different version of Duck, duck goose and on Wednesday we had to go out and make a self-portraits only with things that we found on the playground. The portraits are absolutely brilliant and super creative!!!

Thursday was a super fun day as we choreographed a dance. We used the music from our previous PE lesson ‘He is a pirate’ from Pirates of the Caribbean. Please check your Tapestry account for a special surprise!
Friday was a design a hat day… Well we made some hats using junk modelling:

As this year’s theme was Let’s connect we connected with Nursery and had a special yoga session and then made stress balls.

Later that week we connected with the rest of the school by making a piece of a puzzle. We only used our fingertips to create the different shades.

Little Wandle
As already mentioned we are not going to learn any new sounds or tricky words, but instead we are concentrating on how to read longer words like FARMYARD or CARPARK.
So when we read those super long words we have to chunk them up first. For example
C-A-R car, P-AR-K park; CAR – PARK, CARPARK.
The rest of the week we spent on reading books about emotions, building cosy dens and spending quality time playing with our friends. It was a lovely week 🙂

Have a wonderful half term and a restful one too 🙂
Mrs Solakova