School Council 2024

Thank you and welcome to the new school council team of 2024-2025.

These young people have been democratically elected to represent their classes. We look forward to seeing and hearing about their contributions throughout the year.

Year 2 commemorate

This week, the children were very respectful as they marked Armistice Day during their class Celebration of the Word. They reflected upon the sacrifice that soldiers and their families had made during times of war and watched Kier Starmer as he laid a huge wreath with President Macron. After sharing the two minute silence with people all over the world, the children said their own prayers as they placed their poppies onto our prayer focus.

As part of our learning about Other Faiths, we explored Hindu prayer at home. We found out that Hindu prayer is called puja and were fascinated by all the different statues and flowers that are part of the Hindu shrines.

Year 2 support charity

We had great fun on Children in Need day, wearing our spotty or Pudsey themed outfits. We looked wonderful and were proud to support this worthwhile charity as part of our Catholic Social Teaching unit of learning about the Preferential Option for the Poor.

Reception – Spots and socks :)!


Hello children, parents and carers,
it was lovely to see so many of you today for our very first reading morning. Your support means a lot to us and we are looking forward seeing you next Friday.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learnt 4 new graphemes and 4 new tricky words (and, his, her, has). You will find the new tricky words in your child’s orange book and letter formation practice sheets in the pink folder.

On Tuesday we’ve had a special anti – bullying assembly and talked a lot about being kind and respectful towards everyone in school and home. We also discussed how we need to ‘CHOOSE RESPECT’ and do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. To show everybody that we are all different and unique we came to school wearing odd socks.

In RE this week we learnt about Hinduism. The children made lovely diva lamps and listened to the story of Rama and Sita.

Children in need
And finally thank you for your donations today. The children looked smashing wearing their spots and stripes.

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Monday 14.11.24 – Individual and siblings photos
Friday 8:40-8:55 – Reading morning

Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

It’s all Greek to us!

It’s been quite a different week this week. On Tuesday we all looked very individualistic in our odd socks, to remind everyone that we are all different and it’s important to respect the wonderful variety in people.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we took the opportunity to boost our accuracy in TTRS by participating in the “England Rocks” sessions. Soon it’ll be time to learn the 6, 7 and 9 times tables in class so being secure in the 2, 3 and 4 TTs is really important.

We have been practising our class assembly which we are looking forward to next Thursday the twenty-first. While the rest of the class continued with swimming on Thursday afternoon, the choir went to sing at Trinity Church. I’m sure it sounded as beautiful as the choir sessions on Tuesday afternoons do.

Year 4 go to Cambridge

…and visited The Fitzwilliam Museum to learn about the Ancient Greeks. The children were extremely well-behaved and responsible amongst artefacts which are thousands of years old. We examined coffins, statues, pots and other archaeological remains to determine the lifestyle and habits of the Ancient Greeks. We also marvelled at the splendour of the building itself and the children played chicken hero on the lawn outside the building. In the afternoon they each made a clay pot using slip and decorating it any way they chose, inspired by what they had seen and learnt at the museum.

The children coped with the long return journey very well and were all credits to their families and school.

The children are all looking forward to the class assembly which will be on Thursday 21st November at 9.00.

In the rush at the end of day, after returning from the museum, I forgot to give out the prayer bag for the second week. I will do so on Monday. Thank you for the prayer from the first week/

Have a wonderful weekend.

Katharine Gibbons

Nursery – 15.11.2024

On Tuesday we wore our odd socks to support Anti Bullying Week.

In RE this week we took part in Baptism role play. We talked about why children (and adults) are Baptised and what happens at a Baptism. The children had a go at Baptising a baby. If you would still like to share Baptism items such as photos, special outfits, gowns etc we will continue to share as we move onto Prayer Week next week.

This week across the school was Hinduism week. We learnt about Diwali – The Festival Lights and how this is celebrated. Nursery created their own Diya Lamps.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Friday 29th November – Dressing of the Tree – Advent Assembly 09.00am – Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity Performance 10:00am

Monday 16th December – EYFS Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30am

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor

Year Six visit Hampton Court Palace

On Wednesday, as part of our learning in History, we visited Hampton Court Palace – one-time home of Henry VIII. It was great to see the places where the history we have learnt about happened. We used all of our history skills to learn from the building, artefacts, paintings and guides what life must have been like at the Tudor court. We had a great time, and no-one was left behind in the maze. A great big thank you to the parents who gave up their time to come with us.

Our learning in RE, this week, has focused on other world religions. We have learnt about the Hindu concept of karma and dharma and how valuing creation is lived through the lives of Hindus.

On Friday, there was an outbreak of spots across the school as children dressed up in support of Children in Need. It was great to see so much creativity in your spotty gear! Thanks also to our parents for their generosity.

Reception – Welcome back!


Welcome back everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your half term week, spending quality time with family and friends. I loved hearing amazing stories about trips to London, pumpkin carving and family meals.

In Little Wandle this week we began learning Autumn 2 graphemes and digraphs. In your child’s pink folder you will find Autumn 2 grapheme list.

We’ve learnt three new digraphs ss, ff and ll and a new grapheme ‘j’. We are also rapidly beginning to introduce new tricky words. Please help your children to practice the tricky words at home too.

In Maths we were representing, subitising and finding numbers 1, 2, 3. The children were involved in a different adult led and child initiated activities to help and deepen their understanding. We counted ladybirds outside, posted letters into 1, 2 and 3 post boxes and counted 1,2 and 3 on 5 frames.

The children really enjoyed sharing their wonderful Baptism items with the rest of us. It was wonderful seeing tiny dresses, special books and personalised candles. Thank you so much for supporting us!

We also role played Baptism and learnt the special words:

Reading books
This Thursday all children came home with a reading practice book and a reading record. Please make sure you read with your child at least 3 times a week as this will really boost their confidence and fluency. All books must be returned by next Thursday the latest, as new books will go home.
Once again thank you for your continued support!

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Monday 14.11.24 – Individual and siblings photos
Friday 8:40-8:55 – Reading morning (parents and carers are welcome to stay and share a book with their children).

Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 remember

This week, we have been learning about Walter Tull. Born in 1888 he was one of the first black professional footballers (playing for Tottenham Hotspur) and the first black army officer in the British Army. We had great fun in our role of historians when we explored an old suitcase and imagined what objects he might have packed when he went to the front during the war. Walter Tull experienced racism as a footballer and we were very angry about this as we believe that everyone has the right to be the person that they want to be. Sadly, Walter Tull died in World War One and we will commemorate his sacrifice as part of our class Remembrance Celebration of the Word on 11th November.

Promises in Year 3

In RE this week, we completed our unit on promises. In this unit, we explored the promises made during Baptism, as well as the various signs and symbols associated with this sacrament. For our class display, we each wrote a personal promise and reflected on how we can keep our commitments.