Reception – Children’s mental health week


And just like that it’s the end of another half term. A very good end indeed. With lots of interesting activities, thinking about wellbeing and staying healthy not just physically, but mentally too.
We were very excited to take part in the special Taskmaster education challenge week and every day we had to do the different activities. On a Monday we made THE BEST rainbow. We only had the prime colours and as an extra challenge had to think about how to make all of the colours:

Well…It is the best!
On Tuesday we designed a game and played a different version of Duck, duck goose and on Wednesday we had to go out and make a self-portraits only with things that we found on the playground. The portraits are absolutely brilliant and super creative!!!

Thursday was a super fun day as we choreographed a dance. We used the music from our previous PE lesson ‘He is a pirate’ from Pirates of the Caribbean. Please check your Tapestry account for a special surprise!
Friday was a design a hat day… Well we made some hats using junk modelling:

As this year’s theme was Let’s connect we connected with Nursery and had a special yoga session and then made stress balls.

Later that week we connected with the rest of the school by making a piece of a puzzle. We only used our fingertips to create the different shades.

Little Wandle
As already mentioned we are not going to learn any new sounds or tricky words, but instead we are concentrating on how to read longer words like FARMYARD or CARPARK.
So when we read those super long words we have to chunk them up first. For example
C-A-R car, P-AR-K park; CAR – PARK, CARPARK.

The rest of the week we spent on reading books about emotions, building cosy dens and spending quality time playing with our friends. It was a lovely week 🙂

Have a wonderful half term and a restful one too 🙂
Mrs Solakova

This week in year 4

Year 4 are delighted with the books and wet play activities the cake sale money has bought. They now have their own chess set, card game and play doh for when the weather isn’t good enough to go outside. Reading sessions are much better with brand-new copies of “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” to share, too. We’ve been looking at the similarities between this book and the one we are using for writing inspiration – “Cinnamon”.

We’ve been having a great time thinking about mental health, including safer internet use. The themes of these are “let’s connect” and Want to talk about it?”, so we’ve all been thinking about the benefits of communication in all its forms.

We stretched and breathed like superheroes during a “yoga bugs” session, which is an online site you might want to use yourself as a calming down activity during half-term holiday!

We made paper hats together and then made tweaked them to make them our own.

Have a happy, safe half-term break!

Year 2 get connected

As part of this week’s Mental Health Week, we have been thinking carefully about all the different things that we can do to maintain our wellbeing. We did some of these great activities as a class and some with our friends in Year 1. Click on the slide presentation below to see all the wonderful things that we have done this week.

Five ways to good wellbeing

Well being week in Year 6

Looking after ourselves is really important. It is also important to remember that we are surrounded by a network of people who are always looking out for us: our families, friends and adults at school.

This week, we have had a great time taking part in the Taskmaster Education Treasure Hunt. Each day we have completed different challenges and worked together to solve the clues: we’ve invented new games, created portraits from things found outside and fashioned inspirational hats.

We also took part in a carousel of activities working with our house teams: Mr Hayes taught us a morris dance. Everyone has good days and less-good days, but we learnt that there are lots of things we can do to make us feel good and that we are surrounded by people who we can talk to and ask for help.

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week in Year I, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week we have talked about connections and worked with different people in our class and other classes. We have taken part in daily Yoga sessions and learnt about being safe when connecting with people on the internet.

We have been drawing our feelings using different media. Mostly we have been learning how to share our feelings in a positive way and help ourselves feel better when we are sad.

Nursery – 10.02.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ as part of Mental Health week and Valentines next week. We talked about the people we love and why they are special. The children also had the chance to make a valentines day card for someone they love.

On Wednesday we joined together with Reception to take part in Just Dance and then some relaxing Yoga.

Today we ‘Dressed To Impress’

Other photos this week:

Have a lovely half term!

See you on Monday 20th.

Miss Taylor

Year 2 love to count

This week, as part of the NSPCC Number Day, we had great fun exploring the multilink to create arrays using the number 12. We found twelve different multiplication and division facts for the number and then used what we had learned about 12 to help find out how many different groups we could share 30 into. Now that is great maths!

Once we’d had fun with the cubes, we logged onto the numbots website and solved lots of equations, so that we could earn gold coins and make our robots look better and better. We are getting really quick at solving addition and subtraction equations.

To end our wonderful number day, we had a maths quiz that gave us clues which helped us to crack the code.   The mystery message was Speak out, Stay safe, something that we should all do. We held out our hand and talked about the five people we can all talk to when we have something that we need to say.

Reception – NSPCC Number day


Numbers, patterns, shapes … they are everywhere!!! All we have to do is look around… and they are there!
We had a memorable day with lots of exciting activities. We had fun wearing our special number outfits and taking part in all of the activities:
On the playdough table we were counting fruits to go on the trees and were shaping the numbers with playdough

The writing table was visited by our friends, the numberblocks. We were building ladders out of squares:

Outside we were feeding the penguins with yummy fish:

We also played a board game and had to fit the circles into the 10 frame placemat. And finally … smashing outfits reception. I am impressed!

Little Wandle
This week we’ve learned the final 2 digraphs/trigraphs taught in reception. We also learned three new tricky words: sure, pure and are. Please practise them with your child, for building fluency.

In RE we were listening to the story Mary and Joseph taking baby Jesus to the Temple. Have a look:

After seeing the story we acted out the main events. We dressed up as Mary, Joseph and Simeon and Anna. The children had to repeat key phrases from the story and to remember what comes first, second, etc.

Important Dates:
Friday reading mornings – 8:45am to 9:00 am.
06.02-10.02 – Children’s mental health week (we’ve planned amazing activities)
10.02 – Non uniform day – Dress to express
13.02-17.02 – Half term week

Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Year 3

We took part in an exciting workshop led by the Electric Umbrella. The Electric Umbrella is run by learning disabled people. We were amazed by the brilliant musicians. The key message we learnt from this was there is ‘no such thing as normal’.

Number day
We celebrated number day by dressing up and representing numbers. We completed a range of number activities throughout the day. Here are some photos of what we got up to.

Year 6 enjoy Electric Umbrella

We all enjoyed a great afternoon yesterday with Electric Umbrella – an organisation that creates amazing live music experiences with learning disabled people, and in doing so, helps to change the way the world looks at them – and others.

Through song and dance – and a record-breaking number of high-fives – we learnt the value of singing as if no-one is listening, dancing as if no-one is watching, give as if no-one is counting and laughing as if no-one is judging.

This Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday. Following an assembly led by our chaplaincy team, we shared and reflected upon Kwame Alexander’s poem, ‘The Undefeated’, a reminder that we all have the power to affect the change that we want to see in the world.