Welcome back everyone, it was lovely to see the children back on Tuesday. The children took part in circle time where they told their friends what they did in the Easter Holidays. It was great to hear all the lovely things they got up to including easter egg hunts, visiting relatives and going to the cinema to see Super Mario!
This week we have looked at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Lots of the children already know the story so it was great they could join in with the words. We watched a video about a lady called Mabel, she visited a butterfly sanctuary and told us lots of wonderful things about both caterpillars and butterflies.
Today our special visitors arrived…..

We are going to be watching the caterpillars over the next week or so to see how they change, I wonder how long it will be before they turn into butterflies?
Our new role play areas are open, the children can play in the new school or they could visit the pizza parlour to either make or taste yummy pizza.

This term we will continue to do PE on Monday mornings and visit the Library every Friday.
Please could all spare clothes bags be returned to school.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor