Reception – A very sporty week!


Hello everyone,
big thank you for joining us on our Sports day. The children were absolutely brilliant remembering that sport is not just about winning or losing, it is about shared experiences and shared contest. We truly enjoyed all the activities and were very excited to try them all… and we managed to get through all the races, despite the light rain…. so lucky 🙂
Here are some photos from the day:

Well done children. You really deserved your medals and ice lollies!!!!

This week was our final week going to the library. Please make sure that you check for any library books in your house and if there are any, please bring them back next week.

In Little Wandle we continued revisiting tricky words, digraphs and trigraphs and also read even more difficult words like printed and smeared. We were learning that sometimes words that finish with-ed sounds have to be read with -t sound and sometimes with -ed sounds. Tricky isn’t it?

Transition Morning
Thursday 13th July – At 8:45 reception children will need to line up outside Year 1 classroom to spend the morning in Year 1 with Mrs Thompson. They will come back to Reception after lunch for a normal pick up at 3:15pm.

Reception class trip will take place on Wednesday 19th July. We will leave around 9am and be back on time for pick up at 3:15pm.
Please let me know if you can help on the day. We still need volunteers!!!
Please let the office know if your child will have school packed lunch on that day.

Friday 14th July – Non uniform day – £1 donation
Saturday 15th July – Summer BBQ – 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Solakova

Celebrations in Year 3!

On Thursday we had a class celebration as the children made their First Holy Communion. Year 3 looked fantastic as they wore their best outfits to mark their First Holy Communion. We celebrated by sharing a prayer in the hall with Mrs Porter. We sang hymns and recited some special prayers. The children enjoyed a delicious spread which was generously provided by parents. 

Sports Day!

We had sports day this week. The children took part in obstacle and relay races and sprints. Here are some photos of our sports day.

Nursery – 07.07.2023

This week we have looked at the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The story is about the feeling you get when you share something with someone.

Thank you parents for coming to our Sports Day on Tuesday – the rain wasn’t going to put us off. The children did really well and I know they were thrilled to get a medal and have an ice lolly!

On Tuesday, the new deputy head came down to spend some time with the Nursery children and at the end of the day she read us a story.

Photos from this week:

Next Friday will be our last reading morning, it would be lovely for you to join us – 8:45 – 9:00am.

The children visited the library today for the last time this term, the books will be collected back in next Friday and they will start going again in September.

Transition Morning – Thursday 13th July – Nursery children will come into Nursery as usual at 8:45am.

Next Friday is a PTA Non Uniform day – £1 donation.

Summer BBQ – Saturday 15th 12:30 – 3:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Year Six shine!

It seems that every week in year six is a busy week, but the children have shone through once again.

They were fantastic in supporting their younger school-mates during the key stage one sports practice and during the actual event itself. Several teachers asked me to pass on their thanks – both to the whole class and to individuals who stood out for the care and good sense with which they carried out the responsibilities assigned to them.

The children also excelled themselves during our own key stage two sports: both in demonstrating a positive sporting attitude and in helping run the event smoothly.

And of course, when we haven’t been supporting around the school, this week has been full of rehearsals – the children are really looking forward to sharing our end of year production and I have been delighted with the effort that they are all putting in. They are going to be great!

You cannot be in year six and not be aware of the clock is ticking – the end of our time in primary school is fast approaching and with it, the mix of emotions that endings and new beginnings bring. In the week ahead, we get to share some more of what we have achieved with our parents, whilst heading out to visit our new secondary schools. When I look at the class, I know that they will do themselves proud!

Year Two get arty

One of our favourite subjects is art. We have been learning about the artist, Angie Lewin and how she loves to create art using pens and watercolour paints. We collected interesting plants from our school gardens, created our own still lifes and then tried out Angie Lewin’s techniques for ourselves. We also love to listen to jazz music as we create art together. We are very proud of our artwork!

Reception – A wonderful assembly!


What a week it was. Prepping for the open evening and working super hard on our assembly. The children showed resilience and perseverance, they remembered all the lines so well and used loud and clear voices when speaking! I can’t be more proud! We were painting, sticking, writing labels and even made a paper mache globe.

We’ve learned new songs and sang them beautifully. We even held the whole world in our hands!!!

The children had the opportunity to learn a lot about the creation of the world and to apply their knowledge in different contexts. Once again… Well done reception for a wonderful assembly!

For the open evening we all worked very hard, tidying the classroom, sharpening pencils, making displays and most importantly – showing our amazing writing, painting, clay work, maths skills and so much more!
We made beautiful clay friendship tea coasters and talked about God being our friend. We decided to use different kind of beans and the children created beautiful patterns.

Our writing was definitely the cherry on the cake. Have a look yourself:

In English we began reading a new book ‘Oi Frog’. We’ve had so much fun looking for rhyming words and thinking about where different animals should sit.

Big, big thank you for supporting us! It was a real pleasure seeing so many of you on our Assembly and Open evening!

Important dates:
Tuesday 04.07.23, 10 am – Sports day (your child should come to school already wearing PE kit)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Nursery – 30.06.2023

Our new Topic in RE is ‘Our World’. We talked about who made the world, the things that were made and nursery were very good at remembering what Reception had told us in their class assembly. We watched a video of God making the world:

The children have also been looking at the ‘Our World’ Area in the classroom:

We have now come to the end of looking at Olivers Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad – the children keep singing the fruit salad song that Mrs Gallaher taught them. The children created some art work – their own plate of food and talked about what they had chosen with a grown up.

This week the children were delighted to see some new toys in the nursery – these new toys were purchased using the money raised from the Cake sale that happened just before half term.

Other photos from this week:

We have been out on the field this week practising for Sports Day. The children will be doing a variety of sports activities and are excited for you to come and watch us in action.

Sports Day is at 10AM on Tuesday 4th July.

Have a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 23.06.2023

This week we enjoyed a Jazz session in the hall with Jonny. We listened and danced to a variety of music and played games.

We spent a lot of time outside this week:

Visit to the library:

Important Dates:

Wednesday 28th June – Open Evening 16:00 – 17:30.

Wednesday 28th June – New Nursery/Reception Parents Evening 18:00 – 19:00.

Tuesday 4th July – EYFS Sports Day 10AM

Friday 7th July – Non Uniform Day – £1 donation

Thursday 13th July – Transition Morning

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Action-packed in Year Six

It has been another exciting week for Year Six as we have enjoyed three workshops: firstly, we met a paralympian, who led a workshop on handball and wheelchair basketball…

On Tuesday, we enjoyed ‘Dancing through the Decades’, exploring some of the iconic dance moves from the fifties through to the present day…

And then a jazz workshop on Wednesday…

And if that wasn’t enough, we enjoyed the grand final of St Adrian’s Got Talent on Friday! And amongst all of that, we still found time lessons and rehearsals of our year six production!