Year 2 worship

This week, the children attended the All Saints service at St Bart’s. They thoroughly enjoyed the service and sang beautifully. It was lovely to see the Year 6 children accompany the Year 2s and they had lots to chat about on the way to and from church! Back in class, the children learned about their class saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and they then wrote a prayer to help them live their lives in a more saintlike way.

Year 2 celebrations

The children sang beautifully during this week’s Harvest Festival celebration and they should be very proud of themselves. All things bright and beautiful truly describes Year 2!

The Year 2 children have learned so well in school throughout this autumn half term and they have also worked extremely hard at home too. Take a look at these slides where we celebrate their achievements, dressed in red to Show Racism the Red Card!

Nursery – 20.10.2023

We have had a very busy week, here are some of the things we got up too..

On Monday we started the week with some maths. The children also had the opportunity to play this matching game during learning through play.

On Monday afternoon we learnt about the next day in creation where God made trees, plants and flowers, the children designed their own trees, plants and flowers to add to the collage we are making.

On Wednesday the children went to their first assembly and didn’t they do well? I am so proud of their singing and they sat really well in such a crowded hall where they could see their siblings and growns ups.

Other photos from this week:

All the children have got an Autumn bag to fill up over half term, please go out exploring what is happening outside and bring the bag back by the 1st of November so we can talk about what the children found.

I want to say thank you to all the parents/carers for all their support over the past 7 weeks, the children have done so well and have come so far in the short amount of time they have been here.

I am really looking forward to the next half term. We will be preparing for and learning the words to the songs in our Christmas Nativity, we will write our letters to Santa and take them to the postbox and we will also have a very special Grandparents Christmas carols and tea.

Have a wonderful half term and have a good rest.

Miss Taylor

“Reddy” for half-term….

It was wonderful to see many adults at Harvest Festival and we hope you enjoyed the year 4 enthusiastic song about healthy eating.

We started our new book “Varmints” this week and the children have done some very thoughtful writing using adverbial phrases of place, personification and expanded noun phrases. Ater half-term they will write an alternative version of the story.

In our Reading sessions, we are reading an amazing book together, called “The Wild Robot” which covers themes such as being an outsider and what it means to be human. The children love choosing books in the beautiful library and relaxing when we go there on Fridays.

The children all love their trips to the library, both getting new books and enjoying the books and library with their friends. We have very efficient librarians who carry out their duties very well.

The children continued to learn about electricity by investigating which materials are conductors and which are insulators.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable week during the half-term break and look forward to seeing you the week after.

Show Racism the Red Card

This year, in order to ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, our school has worn their favourite red clothes to help raise awareness of the problem of racism. This year, we managed to raise £132.50 for this worthy cause and we hope it will benefit the future of young people as they strive to raise awareness of this important issue.

We, the children of St Adrian’s give Racism the Red Card!

Written by Lily Christie, Head Girl on behalf of the School Council.

October 20th

We have reached the end of a very busy half-term. Its been a great start to the year. The children have all settled into the class very well and we have already made great progress. These are a few snaps of this afternoon in choosing time. Lego and the writing area the being the hot-spots!

A Busy Half-term in Year Six

Today marks the end of the first half-term in year six: it has been a busy time for all of the children.

We have written several books, ranging from poetry to biographies…

We’ve celebrated the harvest, whilst remembering to share our gifts with the local community and beyond…

We’ve also enjoyed the chance to be creative, as can be seen in some of the work completed for our grid homework – an imagined transitional form, linked to our learning in science and a really impressive natural dye – can you guess what vegetables created this colour?

As we look forward to all there is to learn in the next half-term, I’ll wish you a happy and restful holiday.

Singing and strumming in year 4

Today year 4 used the ukeleles for the first time. I’m looking forward to finding out how they enjoyed it on Monday. The class has a wonderfully sunny upbeat song to share with you next Friday and we’re looking forward to seeing lots of you at Harvest Festival. Thank you for all the Harvest contributions and please keep bringing them.

It was great to share how well the children are doing in year 4, at parent consultations; and I hope you all enjoyed looking at the books.

The children are making good progress with programming – currently using word algorithms to write letters, using different ways if possible – and work collaboratively very well, which is the best way to work with programming.

Those children who have been writing “500 words” stories are able to access it via the Google Suite and can work on them over the weekend, if they would like to.

I hope that you’re all enjoying the new way of doing Maths home learning. These activities match the learning at school exactly, so should really help embed understanding. Nearly everyone in the class was fascinated with Roman numerals and really enjoyed the Maths relating to this this week! There are some of these included in the home learning. I will also allocate some My Maths activities some weeks, to allow for variety.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, which will start the last week before half-term holiday.

Nursery – 13.10.2023

Hello Parents/Carers

We are currently exploring the book ‘Elmer’ which the children are really enjoying. We read it every day so the children can become very familiar with the story, the characters and of course new vocabulary. This week the children created some wonderful Elmer pictures to put up on the wall using some very funny things called ‘dotty pens’.

The children have also watched the video below if you would like to take a look at home:

This week we went into the hall for our first PE lesson. The children listened really well and followed instructions and rules of the games we were playing. I know they all enjoyed playing the bean game – maybe you could do it at home.

This week we talked about what God made on day 2 and 3 of creation. The children each had a turn at painting the sea, the land and the sky. Over the next few weeks we will add to it.

In maths this week we have been looking at ‘matching’. What is matching? We played some games to support our understanding this.

Other photos from this week:

On Wednesday the Nursery children will go to their first assembly in the hall – they have been working really hard on learning the words to our Harvest song ‘Thank you for the Harvest’ – I am sure they have been singing it at home. The Harvest assembly is on Wednesday 18th at 2pm, parents welcome.


All children need welly boots that can stay here. The children will be able to go outside during rainy weather as they enjoy splashing in puddles but need their wellies to do this.

Library day is wednesday – please make sure books come in each Wednesday so that the children can pick a new book for the week. Please remember to write a comment to say you have read it.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Marvellous Magnets

In science, we are studying forces and magnets, we had a lot of fun experimenting with the strength of different magnets. We tested the magnet by looking at how many paperclips it could hold.