Nursery 01.12.2023

Our highlight of the week was writing our letters to Santa! The children did a wonderful job of talking to the grown up about what they would like and then drawing a picture. On Wednesday morning we took a short walk to the post box. We hope we get a reply from Santa soon!

More photos can be found on Tapestry.

In RE this week we talked about Birthdays and how we celebrate them. We read Kipper’s Birthday and decided to have a birthday party for Kipper in class.

In maths this week we continued looking at the number 2. We helped matched digits to objects, collected objects and on Friday we went on a ‘2 objects’ hunt in the hall which the children really enjoyed.

Today the children went to their first Dressing of the Tree assembly, they sat really well and enjoyed watching as the tree was decorated.

Other photos from this week:

This week the children took home their Rudolph Christmas card sample, the children completed these a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed having their hand painted, creating a nose, eyes and lots of green and red dots to make it really Christmassy.

If the children would like to write their friends Christmas cards there is a post box in class for them to post them in to which we will empty regularly.

The children have chosen their KrisKringles (Christmas Friend) today. I look forward to seeing the gifts come in and we will pop them under the tree in the last week of term and give out on the last day. Please could they all be in school by Friday 15th.

Important Dates:

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12:30-15:30

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

1st December

This week in history, we have been comparing facts about our current monarch King Charles 3rd and James the 1st who was king 500 years ago.

Keep Awake!

Today marks the beginning of Advent, the Church’s season of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. We read in Matthew’s Gospel, “Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” Our RE display is bordered with lanterns – a reminder that we should be watchful – each of which contains our Advent promise as we reflect on our lives and resolve to live closer to God.

We have also worked together this week to make a door display for our classroom to remind us of the Advent season. The Advent wreath is full of symbolism: the circular shape stands for God’s infinite love for us; the materials of the wreath lead us to reflect on the everlasting nature of God; the four candles shape our preparation and remind us of Christ’s Nativity.

As we enter December and this Advent season, we look forward to the celebration of Christ’s Nativity and sharing this message with you at the key stage carol service on Monday, 11th December.

Year Six visit Hampton Court Palace

Beth says, “On our class trip, we went to Hampton Court Palace, we learnt about the Tudors and many of the events that took place there.

We went into the Great Hall, where all the important people ate twice a day.There were many long tables including one where the king and queen would eat with their most important courtiers. On the ceiling, there were heads called eavesdroppers to remind the  servants that they were always being watched. On the walls, there was a huge tapestry showing a bible story. When Henry VIII beheaded  Anne Boleyn, he wanted every trace of her removed from the palace, but one of her signatures still remains in the carving on one of the walls.

We also visited the Chapel Royal. Henry VIII was a very Catholic person and went to church every day. We saw the place where Henry VIII would sit for Mass. This was separate from where his Queen would sit. Another thing we saw in the chapel was Henry VIII’s  crown, although  it was a  replica because the real one was destroyed by Oliver Cromwell. It is made of pearls, emeralds, rubies and sapphires.

In the kitchen there were many bags of food and a fireplace where the meat would be cooked and places where they made the meals. Nearly 1,200 meals every day because they had to feed 600 people twice a day. 

I learnt many things about the Tudors on our school trip to Hampton Court Palace. “

Year 2 love maths

We have had great fun learning about equal groups and how they can be used to make arrays. We used these arrangements to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and even learned some multiplication table raps. We are getting really good at using counters and real objects to help us to solve our multiplication problems.

Nursery – 24.11.2023

On Wednesday morning Mrs Ruffell visited our classroom to talk to us about her religion, Judaism. Mrs Ruffell told us about how she celebrates Shabbat. Mrs Ruffell kindly bought in some different artefacts for us to look at including a cup, candles and Hebrew Bible. Mrs Ruffell told us what a Kippah is and the children were able to wear one if they wanted to.

In RSE this week we looked in mirrors and talked about what we could see, we also thought about how we are the same and different from our friends. We used the mirrors to draw self portraits.

The children have been enjoying puzzles this week and the shopping game has been rather popular

We met with Jamie this week to go on a cosmic yoga adventure, this week we met Pedro the Penguin which linked nicely to our phonics this week – initial sound ‘p’.

In maths this week we have been looking at subitising the number 2, subitising means knowing there is an amount of something without having to count. We played games including find 2 pom poms and help teddy cross the path by only landing on 2.

Other photos from this week

Important Dates:

Friday 1st December – Dressing of the tree advent assembly – 09:05 AM parents welcome

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre – 12:30 – 15:30

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December.

Have a lovely weeked

Miss Taylor

Year 2 get building

(Please see last week’s post to find out what we did to start our Structures topic). The next step in our Design and Technology project was to create a chair for a bear that followed our designs. We used what we had learned about structures to write clear success criteria and we had to make sure that the chair was stable and strong, so that the bear did not fall off. We worked well as a team and once our chairs were completed, we found out how many bears our chairs would hold. Some chairs held as many as 34 bears without collapsing. This shows once again what strong structures cylinders are!

A day of spots, stripes and times tables

Year 4 has completed many topics in learning this week. They completed their story about the varmints, learnt all about Area (in Maths) and have continued learning about Sound in Science amongst other learning. They looked fantastic in their spots and have made some amazing-looking cakes.

Mr Hayes has released powerpoints for the Christmas songs for the KS2 play. The link is below. Please spend some time at home learning the words so the songs sound amazing at the performance. Have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Year 3 Celebrates Children in Need

We celebrated Children in Need by wearing spots and stripes. Here are some photos of our celebration.

On Multiplication Day, we played games to help us learn our times tables. Our favorite game was Around the Clock Multiplication. Each child filled in a section of the clock with the times tables.

Nursery – 17.11.2023

We started our week by wearing odd socks as part of Anti Bullying week, here we all are in our odd socks.

This week we looked at the initial sound ‘t’. We looked at objects beginning with this sound such as tiger, tomato, tractor, timer, train and toast and a tyrannosaurus rex. Can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘t’?

In maths this week we have been looking at the number 1 and tried to make number 1 happy by giving him just one thing, number 1 is not happy if he has more than 1. The children have got a ‘happy number one’ and a ‘sad number ‘ in their bag to play with and explore at home.

In RE we are continuing to talk about Baptism. This week we had a go at Baptising a baby in class, the children were very good at it and had a go at saying ‘I Baptise you in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit’.

The children also shared their Baptism items with us

Other photos from this week:

Important Dates:

Friday 24th November – Non Uniform day in exchange for a bottle of alcohol per family for the Christmas Fayre

Friday 1st November – Dressing the tree assembly Advent Assembly 09:05AM – parents welcome

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12 – 3PM

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 1:30PM on Thursday 21st December

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor