Year 2 love to perform

During December, the children have shown that they love to perform! We started the month with a glorious concert led by the Rock Steady bands and had a wonderful display by the Cheerleading club. Our final performance was in the smashing story of Babushka, our Christmas play that traditionally ended up in Bethlehem celebrating the birth of Jesus. The children are very proud of their singing and acting skills and so are we! Well done to you all.

Festive Fun!

On Friday, we wore our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed a delightful Christmas dinner. The afternoon was filled with engaging Christmas crafts and lively Christmas games.

In maths, we focused on sharing in division. We used counters to help us visualise the groups. Here are some snapshots from our lessons.

In Design and Technology, we successfully completed our static electricity toys. We carefully designed our games, keeping the design brief in mind, and we’re proud of the way it turned out!

In science, we conducted an experiment testing the permeability of various soils, and we thoroughly enjoyed this activity!

Nursery – 15.12.2023

This week the children performed their Christmas Nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’. The children have worked really hard over the past months to learn the songs and the actions. The children sat beautifully during the performance and were delighted to see their families in the audience. Thank you so much for all your support.

This week we continued our work on our book The Snowman. We listened to the music Walking in the Air by Howard Blake. We danced and created movements in response to the music we heard using pieces of tinsel.

We have also been making our own snowmen using playdough..

Important Dates

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30 – 10:30 AM

Term finishes 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Spring term starts on Monday 8th January 2024.

Reading morning begins Friday 12th January. Please come into Nursery to read a book with your child 8:40 – 09:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Children In Need 2023

The School Council at St Adrians’ love to support Children in Need and this year they helped to raise £529.97!

Wearing Spots

All children across the school came to school wearing as many spots as they could.

St Adrian’s Bake Off

In addition to wearing spotty clothes, the School Council organised a cake competition which inspired many children to take part. The cakes were all sorts of shapes and sizes, some tray bakes, some cookies, some big cakes and some smaller ones. The children brought so many cakes that it was so tricky to judge.

Here are a few:

The School Council finally picked a winner from each class and an overall winner, Sophia Sawle, who had made a rainbow cake covered in chocolate. Congratulations to them all!

The cakes were then enjoyed by all who came to the after school cake sale.

Thank you to all who were involved: the School Council, the pupils and parents who supported their children.

Nursery – 08.12.2023

This week the role play was changed into ‘Santa’s’ Workshop’. The children were very excited to get in there and to help Santa wrap presents ready for Christmas.

This week in RE we talked about the word Advent and what it means. We looked at the wreath that we have in class as well as the candles and when we light each one. We lit the first candle and said a prayer.

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor…..

An individual photos is on Tapestry.

On Thursday we came back in from being outside to find something very odd; a puddle of water, an orange and some black pebbles. What could have happened? The children concluded that a Snowman had been into Nursery but because it was too hot he started to melt. We went on a Snowman hunt around the school to see if we could find anything else.

Other photos from this week:

Reception Applications

Please click the link below to apply for a reception place at St.Adrians.

Once you have applied online you will need to fill out a Supplementary Information Form. I have got copies of these in Nursery, please ask if you would like one.

The deadline for reception applications is 15th January 2024.

Important Dates:

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Spring Term starts on Monday 8th January 2024

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

wc 4th December in Year 4

Year 4 is making good progress with learning the 6 times tables and have been exploring the links between the 3 and the 6 times tables. They have used resources and counting the multiples, backwards and forwards, to help understand and learn the facts.

This week they verbally built sentences based on “The Snowman” and said what they liked about their partners’ writing. By responding positively to other people’s ideas they are giving others feedback on what works well as well as reading ideas which they may want to magpie.

Singing of the songs is coming on, but everyone really needs to commit the lyrics to heart so they can sing the songs confidently and beautifully on Monday, when we’re all looking forward to seeing you at St Bart’s, starting at 6.30pm.

Thank you for all the hard work in providing cakes and selling them this afternoon. They looked really amazing! We will have to consider what we, collectively as a class, would like to spend the money on.

Advent in Year 2

As part of our RE Preparations topic, we have created an advent wreath filled with our advent prayers. We held a thoughtful class liturgy during which we shared these prayers with God and enjoyed singing our Advent candles song together. This week, we lit the purple candle and thought about the prophet Isaiah’s message that ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given’ as we get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas day.

Year 3

This week has been bustling with exciting experiments in Year 3! In science we have been learning about rocks and soils. We explored various chocolate experiments to illustrate different rock formations.

In DT we have been experimenting with static electricity. Here are some photos of our experiments.

It’s Advent!

The countdown has begun! Year 4 has made some cheerful decorations for the classroom and is starting to look festive. The Advent table is ready and we have been learning the importance for Christians to prepare themselves during Advent, for the coming of the Christ Saviour.

This is the year 4 “Carol on the door”. Which carol is represented?

We have started our new book, “The Snowman”, which the whole school is reading. The children are really enjoying it. There is much nuance and inference when there are no words! I loved the simile one child thought of, when they said the boy’s hat flying was “like a kite”

The Maths topic of multiplication and division has started. Please don’t hold back with learning those times tables off by heart!

I hope to see you at the Christmas fair. Have a lovely weekend and stay nice and warm.