Welcome back, Year 4

Year 4 was a credit to the school and their families at St Bart’s on Wednesday. They are also representing the school very well on the weekly swimming trips, when they are making very good progress with their skills.

We have moved onto Addition and Subtraction with 4-digit numbers in Maths and are writing our first story, with the children creating interesting sentences using expanded noun phrases, prepositions for detail and personification. The inspiration is a book called “Varmints”, which the children have really enjoyed exploring.

They are also enjoying the ukelele lessons and the strumming sounds very tuneful!

Luckily, the rain has not been falling at breaktimes so the children can still get outside at play. Long may this continue!

Monday is photograph day , so the children should come to school super-smart like they usually do.

Apologies for the lack of photos this week. I will endeavour to post some next week.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.

Year 3 Geographers

This week in  geography, we embarked on our new unit: ‘ Uk, Towns, Cities and Features.’ We used maps and atlases to identify physical geography features. We then created detailed maps for each county, incorporating both its human and physical features. 

Welcome back, Year 6!

Year Six have got straight back into the swing of things following the half-term break.

On Wednesday, we headed to St Bartholomew’s for the All Saints where our chaplaincy team helped lead the worship. Everyone in year six excelled, shepherding our friends in year two and guiding them through the mass. It is lovely to see how well the children take care of the younger members of our school community.

There has also been plenty to learn as we have embarked on new topics in many areas of the curriculum: in English, our writing is inspired by Nicola Davies’ thought-provoking ‘The Promise’, whilst in reading, we are sharing Kate DaCamillo’s ‘The Tiger Rising’. We are also looking forward to learning more about the impact of the Tudors in history and our visit to Hampton Court Palace.

3rd November 2023

This week we have been learning about part – whole models and writenumber sentences.

We have also learned about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

Nursery – 03.11.2023

Hello Parents/Carers,

This week we started our Little Wandle Sessions and looked at the initial sound ‘s’. In the classroom we looked at things beginning with this sound such as sock, scissors, sellotape, star, stickers and sandwich.

The children were able to explore these objects during the week and discuss them with their friends. Can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘s’?

New Role Play

This week our new role play was open for business, the children can now write their letters and work in the Post Office. It has been a huge hit with the children and they have enjoyed playing in there this week. Next week we have a visit from the Post Man who will tell us all about his job and what he has to do. The children have watched the video below – Journey of a Letter.

In RSE this week the children created some stars to add to our picture of Creation.

Other photos from this week:

In RE we talked about welcoming someone into our family. We talked about how we can welcome Miss Rowson into nursery and into the St Adrian’s Community. The children made welcome cards.

Thank you so much for returning the Autumn Bags, they discussed what they had found with their friends and then made collages.

Important Dates:

Monday 6th November – Individual and Siblings photos

Tuesday 7th November – Post Man visit

Monday 13th November – Wear Odd socks for Anti Bullying Week.

Reception Applications

Reception applications are now open, link below:


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 2 worship

This week, the children attended the All Saints service at St Bart’s. They thoroughly enjoyed the service and sang beautifully. It was lovely to see the Year 6 children accompany the Year 2s and they had lots to chat about on the way to and from church! Back in class, the children learned about their class saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and they then wrote a prayer to help them live their lives in a more saintlike way.

Year 2 celebrations

The children sang beautifully during this week’s Harvest Festival celebration and they should be very proud of themselves. All things bright and beautiful truly describes Year 2!

The Year 2 children have learned so well in school throughout this autumn half term and they have also worked extremely hard at home too. Take a look at these slides where we celebrate their achievements, dressed in red to Show Racism the Red Card!

Nursery – 20.10.2023

We have had a very busy week, here are some of the things we got up too..

On Monday we started the week with some maths. The children also had the opportunity to play this matching game during learning through play.

On Monday afternoon we learnt about the next day in creation where God made trees, plants and flowers, the children designed their own trees, plants and flowers to add to the collage we are making.

On Wednesday the children went to their first assembly and didn’t they do well? I am so proud of their singing and they sat really well in such a crowded hall where they could see their siblings and growns ups.

Other photos from this week:

All the children have got an Autumn bag to fill up over half term, please go out exploring what is happening outside and bring the bag back by the 1st of November so we can talk about what the children found.

I want to say thank you to all the parents/carers for all their support over the past 7 weeks, the children have done so well and have come so far in the short amount of time they have been here.

I am really looking forward to the next half term. We will be preparing for and learning the words to the songs in our Christmas Nativity, we will write our letters to Santa and take them to the postbox and we will also have a very special Grandparents Christmas carols and tea.

Have a wonderful half term and have a good rest.

Miss Taylor

“Reddy” for half-term….

It was wonderful to see many adults at Harvest Festival and we hope you enjoyed the year 4 enthusiastic song about healthy eating.

We started our new book “Varmints” this week and the children have done some very thoughtful writing using adverbial phrases of place, personification and expanded noun phrases. Ater half-term they will write an alternative version of the story.

In our Reading sessions, we are reading an amazing book together, called “The Wild Robot” which covers themes such as being an outsider and what it means to be human. The children love choosing books in the beautiful library and relaxing when we go there on Fridays.

The children all love their trips to the library, both getting new books and enjoying the books and library with their friends. We have very efficient librarians who carry out their duties very well.

The children continued to learn about electricity by investigating which materials are conductors and which are insulators.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable week during the half-term break and look forward to seeing you the week after.

Show Racism the Red Card

This year, in order to ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, our school has worn their favourite red clothes to help raise awareness of the problem of racism. This year, we managed to raise £132.50 for this worthy cause and we hope it will benefit the future of young people as they strive to raise awareness of this important issue.

We, the children of St Adrian’s give Racism the Red Card!

Written by Lily Christie, Head Girl on behalf of the School Council.