Nursery – 02.02.24

Over the last couple of weeks in RE we have learnt that there was a man named Simeon who lived a very long time ago in Jerusalem. He was a righteous man and he was told that he would see the Messiah. Mary and Joseph came to the Temple with Jesus, Simeon took Jesus into his arms and said a very special prayer.

We acted this out in class

In maths this week we continued to look at number 3. Mr Wolf could only eat 3 things so we found things in the classroom we thought he would like.

On Friday we took part in the NSPCC Number day.

We did a number 3 hunt out in the playground, made triangles using lolly sticks and had some number and shape activities at the writing table.


In RE over the next couple of weeks we will be thinking about our families and all the wonderful things families do together. It would be lovely if the children could bring in a photo of their family doing something together e.g. family wedding, birthday, days out. Photos can be given in to share or uploaded onto tapestry.

Important Dates

Half Term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February.

Parent Consultation – Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February.

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March – Come to school dressed up as your favourite book character.

There will be no reading morning on Friday 8th March as we will be going to the Mothers Day Assembly – parents welcome.

Friday 22nd March – PTA Break the rules day

Friday 22nd March – EYFS Cake Sale after school

School finishes at 1:30PM on Thursday 28th March 2024.

Summer term begins on Monday 15th April 2024.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 2 read the bible

Our RE topic over the last four weeks has been all about Books. We have enjoyed reading stories from the bible in both the Old and New Testaments and created beautiful posters about our favourite bible story. Take a look at the slide presentation to see just how proud we are of our posters.

We also enjoyed learning about the baptism of Jesus and acted out the story, once we had created a storymap. After all of this Talk for Learning, we then retold the story of Jesus’s baptism in our own words. We have really enjoyed this topic because we love reading books!

Toy Museum

This week Year One have taken part in a Toys Through Time Workshop. The class played with toys from different eras and made from different materials.

Year 2 get coding

Over the last few weeks, we have been using games, programmable toys and online coding games to explore algorithms. We have created our own algorithms, tried them out, spotted problems and then debugged our programmes to make sure that they work. This has involved lots of mistakes, discussions and problem solving, which has been great fun!

Year 6

After another busy week, Year 6 are looking forward to the long weekend: the school is closed on Monday for children for a staff INSET day. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!

Nursery – 26.01.24

Big Garden Birdwatch

This week we took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch. The children really enjoyed making their binoculars to use and were excited to take them out and use them. We went outside on Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and again on Friday morning to see if we could see any birds in trees or on the field. We were also had a look to see if the birds have been eating the bird feeders we made.

The children will bring their binoculars home today – please ensure they are supervised while using because of the strings.

Other photos this week including the children playing ‘Bertha on the bus’, exploring the objects beginning with ‘g’ and a very long road track which the children have loved.

Important Dates

Monday 29th January – INSET Day

Friday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day – Wear a math themed outfit

Half term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February


Please can children have a small keyring on their book bag handle so they can identify their book bag when getting ready for home time.

Jewellery such as bracelets, rings and necklaces are not part of the school uniform – please can children keep them for after school, weekends and holidays. Children are allowed to wear stud earrings if they have their ears pierced.

Have a lovely long weekend

Miss Taylor

w/c 15th January in year 4

With the freezing weather and roadworks getting to school has been tricky this week, but once in year 4 it’s really warm and cosy as the new heating does its job well. The sun has been streaming through the window to make the days bright.

The children are engrossed in our current book “Escape From Pompeii”

The children are engrossed in our current book “Escape From Pompeii” which contains a wealth of powerful verbs and interesting language. The children love the fascinating subject of volcanoes and this story shows the impact of a pyroclastic flow. They have been creating some excellent paragraphs with expanded noun phrases. On Google Classroom I’ve posted another two pages in the grammar book to help support this learning. I sent home a couple of sheets relating to this book, because I came across them in researching resources and they were so useful for vocabulary building and comprehension skills. Its purely optional to use these resources or not.

Linked with this, we are learning about the Romans, leading on from the children’s learning about the Iron Age last year. This another fascinating topic – “What did the Romans ever do for us?” is a question it’s always intriguing to answer. Our trip to Verulamium Museum on Wednesday will help deepen this understanding. If you are able to accompany us, please could you contact the office as we still need an adult (though I appreciate that Wednesday morning is not convenient for work schedules). Thank you.

We’re coming to the end of learning about times tables facts and soon will apply that knowledge in formal multiplication and division, involving instant recall of those facts.

States of Matter is our topic in Science. Can your child explain to you why solid objects retain their shape after being squashed and squeezed but a gas can occupy any size shape into which it is released?

The children’s ukelele playing is really progressing and the collective sound is very jolly and uplifting.

There were a few complaints about the number of spelling words last week – I did ask the class! – so apologies if the quantity and variety was a bit much for your child or you. However, there were good improvements and I’m very proud of the seriousness and commitment they children show to improving their spelling and writing.

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend, whether the weather stays bitterly cold or warms up.

Year 3 gets sporty

This week, we have been working on our new PE unit, badminton. We have been familiarising ourselves with the shuttle, developing our overhead throwing skills, tracking, and catching the shuttle. Here are some photos from our lesson.

Year Six Designers

After a busy week, getting a feel for the year six sats and performing at the O2, we ended the week sharing ideas about our playground equipment and proposing new designs. At the end of the lesson, we all had the chance to share our ideas.

Nursery 19.01.23

This week we have continued to explore the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, the children are confident with joining in the repeated refrains and the actions.

We also watched a fantastic video of Michael Rosen performing and acting out the story which the children joined in with.

We went up to the Library again this week. Just a reminder – the previous books needs to be returned in order to take out a new one.

In PE this week we worked on our ball skills. We held our balls on different parts of our bodies and tried very carefully not to drop them.

In RSE this week we talked about our bodies and all the wonderful things we can do, the children helped match the picture to the correct part of the body.

Other photos this week:

Bird Garden Birdwatch

Thank you so much for all the toilet roll tubes, we would love a few more if you could save them for us over the weekend.

Book Bags

Please could all book bags have a small key ring on the handle so children can identify their own book bag at home time.

Important Dates

Join us every Friday 8:45 – 09:00 AM for reading morning in the Nursery classroom.

INSET Day – Monday 29th January.

February Half Term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor