Reception – Brrrr it’s cold outside!


Hello and welcome to another week.
There is lots to share, as we are always busy learning, creating and playing. We began the week by planting a tree on the playing fields. We chose ‘the best’ two trees and planted them with care. We talked about what the tree will need, how big it will grow, etc. Everybody took part and placed a little bit if soil into the hole.

Outside was great fun this week as we had to free lots of polar animals. They were all stuck in the ice. The children were banging and pushing and breaking the ice and eventually all of the animals were safe and sound 🙂

In Little Wandle we’ve learnt 4 new digraphs:

The children are reading words with the new digraph and even learning how to spell and write some of them. This week we’ve spelled words like torn, book, foot, march.
We also learnt 3 new tricky words. They are already in your child’s orange books ready for you to practise at home. The new tricky words are ‘was’, ‘they’ and ‘you’.

In Maths we introduced the concept of zero. The children already had some practical understanding of ‘nothing there’, ‘none’ or ‘all gone’, therefore they learnt that the number name ‘zero’ and the numeral 0 can be used to represent this idea. We were also thinking about numbers to 5 (including zero) and learnt how to instantly recognise of up to five objects (subitise number 0-5).

In RE we began a new topic Local Church Community – Celebrating. We talked about our own experiences and feelings about celebrations; we wondered why people celebrate and how they feel when they celebrate.
Thank you to those of you who shared pictures of their own celebrations.

Dates to remember:
Inset day – Monday 29.01.24
February half term – 19th – 23rd February

Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all next week.
Mrs Solakova

Year 3 gets sporty

This week, we have been working on our new PE unit, badminton. We have been familiarising ourselves with the shuttle, developing our overhead throwing skills, tracking, and catching the shuttle. Here are some photos from our lesson.

Year Six Designers

After a busy week, getting a feel for the year six sats and performing at the O2, we ended the week sharing ideas about our playground equipment and proposing new designs. At the end of the lesson, we all had the chance to share our ideas.

Nursery 19.01.23

This week we have continued to explore the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, the children are confident with joining in the repeated refrains and the actions.

We also watched a fantastic video of Michael Rosen performing and acting out the story which the children joined in with.

We went up to the Library again this week. Just a reminder – the previous books needs to be returned in order to take out a new one.

In PE this week we worked on our ball skills. We held our balls on different parts of our bodies and tried very carefully not to drop them.

In RSE this week we talked about our bodies and all the wonderful things we can do, the children helped match the picture to the correct part of the body.

Other photos this week:

Bird Garden Birdwatch

Thank you so much for all the toilet roll tubes, we would love a few more if you could save them for us over the weekend.

Book Bags

Please could all book bags have a small key ring on the handle so children can identify their own book bag at home time.

Important Dates

Join us every Friday 8:45 – 09:00 AM for reading morning in the Nursery classroom.

INSET Day – Monday 29th January.

February Half Term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Welcome Back Year 3!

We’ve had an absolutely fantastic week returning to school, and we’re eager to share the exciting things happening in our English lessons!

We are currently reading ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys,’ a book that has cross-curricular links to our science lessons. We have been enjoying familiarising ourselves with the text. Here are some photos of us role-playing parts of the story.

Happy New Year from Year Six!

It was great to see all of the children back in school for the start of the new term.

On Tuesday, we celebrated the feast of St Adrian of Canterbury, the patron of our school. The children used their research skills to learn more about this inspirational character. Here is Beth’s account:

St.Adrian’s life
St.Adrian was born around 630-37.He was born in Africa and travelled to Italy as a young refugee.

St.Adrian’s work life
He became a trusted counsellor of the pope ,he also turned down the archbishop of canterbury,instead he offered the job to his friend Thedore who became the arch bishop.St.Adrian lived and worked at canterbury.He became a teacher at a school he found in Canterbury where he taught greek and latin for 40 years.

St.Adrians death
St.Adrian died in c.710 and was buried in a tomb and his tomb became famous for miracles, mainly people who are struggling with work and tests would go and visit.His body was found hundreds of years ago when work was being done on the monasteries. 

St.Adrian inspires 
The life of St.Adrian was an inspiration to many migrants who often arrive in britain every year.St.Adrian made changes to the religious structure and literature that still remain today. 

Why is St.Adrian the patron saint of our school?
St.Adrian inspires us to learn because he was a keen learner and educator.He taught us to love because he wanted to help people and he cared for them in every way and so we help others and love others like he did.St.Adrian taught us to love and learn but he teaches us to live and be a follower of jesus we do things without trying to sin. St.Adrian became a Saint because he loved others, was a follower of God and learnt new things and shared them with the people.   

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year!

Nursery – 08.01.2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! It has been so nice to see the children this week. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and managed to have some well earned rest. Thank you so much for the Christmas cards, well wishes and gifts Miss Rowson and I received before Christmas.

This week we have looked at the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and the children have enjoyed a range of activities around this including small world tray, puzzles and yoga.

This week we went up to the Library for the first time. We will go to the library every Wednesday to take out a new book. The previous book needs to be returned to school in order to take a new one out.

In phonics this week we looked at the phoneme ‘m’. We found lots of things in our classroom beginning with this sound including magnet, milk and mirror.

Other photos this week:

Reading Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to Reading morning today. Reading morning will be every Friday 8:45 – 9:00 unless we are going to an assembly – I will let you know in advance.

Big Garden Birdwatch

I have signed up for Nursery to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch happening at the end of January. We will take part in some of the activities including making binoculars, going on a bird hunt in the school grounds and making bird feeders.

Please could all children bring in 2 toilet roll tubes so that they are able to make a pair of binoculars in Nursery.

We will complete these activities week commencing 22nd January.

Book bags

It would be helpful if a small key ring was attached to the handle so the children can identify their own book bag at home time.

Important Dates:

Monday 15th January 2024 – Deadline for online Reception applications.

INSET day – Monday 29th January 2024.

February Half term – 19th – 23rd February.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Year Two wish you a very Happy New Year!

The children are enjoying being back at school and are very happy to be able to play with their friends. Here we all our, out and about enjoying each other’s company as we welcome in 2024.

Year 2 wish you a very merry Christmas

The children have had a lovely final week of Advent in school. We started the week with our tea party during which the children had great fun making angels with grandparents and family members and they were very excited to sing their favourite songs from our Christmas play of Babushka.

The children have had to exercise lots of patience this week as under the Christmas tree there has been a gift waiting for each and every one of them. On Thursday, we had a reflective class liturgy, where the children told each other what was so special about them as a friend and then exchanged their kriskringle gifts. This celebration ended with a shared glorious snack, which the children were very excited about too!

Mrs McAllister and I would like to express our sincere thanks for the kind and thoughtful gifts that we have received at the end of this time. We wish you a very merry Christmas and a truly happy and peaceful New Year!