We had a wonderful time at the cathedral on Wednesday. The children’s behaviour was excellent, they listened very well and really enjoyed the practical map reading activities, outdoors. They created some beautiful illuminated letters, each one different and individual.
Reception – Happy Easter!
What a week!
Looking after the chicks, preparing for Easter and welcoming families for Easter egg hunt.
Today was the last day having the chick, but luckily they are going to a loving home. Miss Osman will keep them all in her garden and will send us little updates on how they are doing! During the week we took them for a walk, cleaned the tank and gave them food and water.

Thank you so much for joining us today for a lovely Egg hunt and Easter basket craft. It was lovely seeing so many of you joining us for this special occasion!

The children looked absolutely amazing wearing their Easter bonnets!!!

I hope you all have an amazing Easter holiday!

Mrs Solakova
Easter “Chique” and farewell to Miss Cartwright
Year 4 enjoyed seeing the chicks who were only born one week ago but already have adult feathers coming in!

Everyone is sad to say good-bye to Miss Cartwright and wish her lots of luck in her new ventures

Easter Week

Thank you for the wonderful work on the Easter Gardens. They were wonderful to have in the class, albeit for a short time.

Happy Easter from Year 4
It’s been a short but packed week. We finished reading “Odd And The Frost Giant”, which we all loved. The children wrote some great writing in the adventure story genre and when asked what they’d learnt from this, said:
“I’ve learnt how to write similes.”
“how to use dialogue”
“how to tell a story from a different point of view- from the “baddy’s” point of view”
One technique to get children talking and sharing ideas is hot-seating and we enjoyed using strategy to get closer to the characters in the story this week:

The children also really enjoyed experimenting with “Chrome Music Lab”, a fantastic piece of software to write melodies with lots of different apps which the children can use at home, if they choose to.

It was lovely to see parents at both the assemblies this week – the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday and Easter celebration on Wednesday. Well done to the children who won prizes for their careful, beautiful artwork. All the entries were stunning.

We are all sad to say good-bye to Miss Cartwright. In year 4, she has been more than the PE teacher as she has listened to readers, accompanied us on trips and generally supported the children in the school day. We will really miss her, but wish her well as she starts her degree. She has a brilliant future ahead of her and many other children will benefit from her teaching.
The office will inform all parents the details of netball club after we return from the holiday. It will start a few weeks into the summer term, with the start date and the day yet to be confirmed. When it does start any interested year 4s are very welcome to join. There are no more league games or tournaments now so the focus will be on playing together as a team and skill practice. I know that there are some very keen netball players which is fantastic there is a brilliant opportunity to build new, confident school team next year!
I hope you all have a lovely two-week break together, starting with celebrating the Good News of the Resurrection and then enjoying relaxing, seeing family, going on holiday or whatever plans you have to have a good time. I look forward to seeing everyone in April. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter from Year Six
As we reach the end of the season of Lent, our year six chaplaincy team led the school in solemn reflection through the stations of the cross.
Following our solemn Passion assembly, we got ready to celebrate the joy of Easter with the Easter art competition, organised by the chaplaincy team. Well done to Archie and Rukksika on your winning paintings!

The class have also been busy this week completing their playground design project in DT. I have been very impressed by the creativity and careful construction!

After such a short whirlwind of a term, year six are heading towards their final term of primary education: there is still much to learn and lots to look forward to.
Have a happy and blessed Easter!
Nursery – 22.04.2024 and 28.03.2024
Last week we continued looking at the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and had a go at making them, the children helped to sieve, mix, stir and roll!

We have also been keeping a close eye on the chicks in Reception. Last week we watched in excitement as they came out of their eggs and got use to their new surroundings. Yesterday we got to hold them before they go off to live with Miss Osman.

Summer term begins on Monday 15th April.
Have a lovely Easter break and a well deserved rest.
Miss Taylor
Year 2 wish you a very …

The children have had a very spiritual last few days of term while reflecting on each part of Holy Week. As the week has gone by, the children have retold the key events, including Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the washing of the disciples’ feet at The Last Supper and his death on the cross on Good Friday in their own story booklets that they have thoroughly enjoyed illustrating. The children are very proud of their books, which they will finish by writing about Jesus’s resurrection when they return from a well earned Easter break.

The children should be very proud of their Easter gardens that looked tremendous when displayed for everyone to see at the Easter celebration. Here are the photos to prove it!
We all hope that you have a very happy and holy Easter, filled with love, faith and chocolate!
Year 2 Food Technology
This term, we have been learning about the Eatwell plate and what foods go in each food group. We have learned that it is really important to have foods from a variety of food groups in order to eat healthily. We taste tested combinations of ingredients to see what went well together and then designed a wrap that would be tasty and healthy.
We had great fun preparing ingredients for our wraps and learned how to chop foods up with a knife by making a bridge with our hands. Once we had made our wraps, we reviewed them against our success criteria to see just how tasty and healthy they were. We tried to include ingredients from at least three food groups in our wrap and we have found that there are new foods that we will try.
When reviewing the wraps, many of the children said that they were wonderful, tasty, fantastic, delicious and brilliant. Stefan said ‘I loved it so much’ and Teo wrote ‘I’ve never had a wrap that good!’ Well done to the Year 2 chefs who have learned a great skill that they will be able to do at home too.
Reception – New life!
What a week everyone!!! So many things are growing in our classroom, so many things to care for… It’s all helping us to grow in love and care and be a little bit more like Jesus!
As probably you all know the eggs arrived on Monday and started hatching Tuesday evening. On Wednesday morning we had 3 chicks and the rest of the eggs hatched during the day. And that was very exciting for the children, watching them peck and slowly breaking the shell.

The chicks are now all hatched and healthy. They are eating and drinking and of course ready to be cuddled! Everyone had a turn and all the children were super careful while holding them.

Our beans are doing really well too. We make sure that the cotton is moist all the time and that they get plenty of sunshine. Some of them are still sprouting as others formed roots and leaves. Soon they will be planted in the garden!!!

In Little Wandle this week we began reading words ending in -ing. We are also continuing to revisit the tricky words, digraphs and trigraphs. The children are also learning how to write some long sentences like: The goat was born this morning.

In Maths we were learning to see greater numbers as a whole number and its parts at the same time. The children were encouraged to represent their different compositions of
numbers to 10 by providing varied representations to show the different compositions.
We used the stem sentence 5 and 5 are a bond to 10, 6 and 4 are a bond to 10, etc.
The children used visuals to support their understanding.

In RE we continued thinking of different ways to grow in love and care. Thank you very much for bringing your Lenten promises to school. They are now part of a beautiful display. The children are very good at remembering their promises!

Dates to remember:
Monday 25th March – deadline for Easter bonnets
Tuesday 26th March at 9:00 am – Stations of the Cross reflection assembly
Wednesday 27th at 9:00 am – Easter art competition parade
Thursday 28th at 9:15 am – Meet the chicks and Easter craft morning
Thursday 28th – Nursery and Reception cake sale (after school)
Thursday 28th – Last day of term. School finishes at 1:30pm
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Solakova