Ten years ago, a number of trees were planted around the school grounds by children who are now at least sixteen and these trees are growing really strongly and are much taller than anyone at school! To continue this legacy, an avenue of trees has been planted at the top of the junior playground. They may look small now, but in ten years time, imagine how tall they will have grown!
Year 2 are sculptors
We all love Art and Design here in Year 2 and we have been exploring the artwork of the amazing artist Charles McGee over the last half term. We shared our wonderful sculptures in our class assembly and we are very pleased to present them here, displayed as if they were in an art exhibition!
Year 2 focus on their wellbeing
We all performed brilliantly in our class assembly this week and we are very proud of ourselves. As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we shared our top tips for how to boost wellbeing and cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down.
Here are our top tips for good wellbeing:
First of all, connect with the people around you. We created a paperchain to show all the things we do that connect us together.
Don’t forget to Be Active: we start each day with a song and dance and we love to run laps around the playground to keep extra fit.
Remember to Give: small acts of kindness are a great way to give to one another. We look out for our friends in the playground and give our clothes to charity to help to raise money.
Take notice: we love to spend time in the great outdoors and we have planted some young trees in the field outside. Over our time at St Adrian’s we will look after these trees and we look forward to seeing them grow.
Finally, don’t forget to Keep Learning. There are so many wonderful things to find out and each day, we love to learn something new!
Reception – Children’s Mental Health week
Hello children, parents and carers
It’s been a lovely week of thinking about feelings, emotions, mental health and wellbeing. Lots of the activities that took place were closely linked with this year’s theme ‘My voice matters’. We played games and enjoyed our time together on the carpet to help the children build a bank of ideas on how they can express themselves.
‘Are you listening carefully?’ This was the question we’ve asked the children. We played ‘The whisper game’ where everyone had to pass the message around the circle from child to child. We made string telephones working in pairs and noticed that when the string gets loose we can’t hear that well.
We also talked about how important eye contact is and played the ‘Eye signaled game’.
In PE this week we danced and did yoga and the children truly enjoyed both activities. They all commented on how well and refreshed they are feeling after the dancing and how calm and content after the yoga:
We also did wonderful writing thinking about our likes and dislikes. Here are some of the examples for you to enjoy 🙂
And finally we began reading a wonderful book called ‘Ruby’s worry’. We all learnt from Ruby. She’s a perfectly happy little girl, until she discovers a worry. The worry – depicted as a scribbly yellow shape – is hardly noticeable at first, but starts to grow and soon it’s with her all the time, stopping her from doing the things she loved.
We made a chart of how Ruby was feeling before the worry and how she was feeling after the worry and discussed the importance of sharing your worry with someone you can trust. That can be your friend, teacher or family, anyone you feel comfortable with. Next week we will create our worry box and the children will be able to draw or write their worry and share it with the rest of us. We all know that if we do that the worry will just disappear :)!
On Tuesday we talked about how to stay safe while using the internet. Smartie the Penguin was very supportive and he helped us understand the importance of never clicking on websites we are not sure of. We watched his story and created posters to take home. We also learnt his internet safety song.
In Little Wandle we started reading very, very long words like picnic and magnet, and even longer ones like bedroom and carpark. We’ve been revisiting phase 2 and phase 3 digraphs and some of the tricky words. In your orange books this week you will find your first longer words. Please practice them at home for building confidence and fluency. In class, when we read the longer words, we use the term ‘chunk’. For example the word bedroom can be chunked into two smaller words ‘bed’ and ‘room’. That really helps the children hear all the sounds in those very challenging phase 4 words.
In Maths the children were introduced to the concept of doubling and they learnt that this means ‘twice as many’. We had plenty of opportunities and the children had to answer very tricky questions like: ‘What does double mean?‘ or ‘Where can you see a double?‘.
We also practiced physically making doubles, using manipulatives and mark making.
In RE we created a wonderful ‘Mary and Joseph are taking baby Jesus to the Temple’ drawings. We also practiced tricky words and ‘igh’ trigraph by writing ‘He is the light!’ Have a look at our wonderful display. No doubt that you will love it 🙂
We are very excited to show you our wonderful Still Art paintings. They are now complete and the water colors look lovely. We all all very proud!
Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on Monday for another fun filled week.
Mrs Solakova
Children’s Mental Health Week in Year 3
This week has been bustling with activities centered around children’s mental health and Safer Internet Day. To kick off our week, we delved into the theme ‘My voice matters’ in class, exploring ways to use our voice to share what matters to us. We took part in a dance and yoga session to help us focus on our physical well being.
For Safer Internet Day, we immersed ourselves in various activities aimed at enhancing our online safety awareness.
On the move with Year 6
This has been another busy and exciting week as we have looked for ways to care for our well being, including keeping ourselves safe online. We have learnt about the positive and negative affects of influencers, enjoyed a taster of street dance and found a moment of calm through yoga. As we have gone along, we have taken time to reflect on the golden moments in our day too.
As we have thought about ourselves, we have also thought of our place in the global family and learnt about the pushes and pulls of migration. Our posters bring together our personal views, together with what we have learnt about the benefits and disadvantages to source and host countries from migration and our persuasive writing skills.
Feeling good on and off line
.. has been the theme of this week. Some of what we have done is in the bulletin. On Thursday, the children also thought of an achievement they are proud of and shared this with their table. Also key to good mental health is a healthy outdoor environment and the Eco Councillors and other children planted some saplings on the field which will hopefully grow to provide shade and a home for birds and other animals.
The children are really enjoying “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” which is a beautifully written story of bravery and adventure, laced with plenty of humour.
Reading rich, varied and creative literature is a key aspect of good learning and the children are also loving exploring nonsense poetry, specifically “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll.
They have been learning about data – what it is, the pitfalls of collecting what seems to be straightforward data, and how well-suited computers are to gathering and processing it. They used data loggers, which are borrowed from a local computer hub.
Here is the display of the children’s writing about the (imitation) Roman artefacts we have here and their excellent accompanying sketches the children took great care in drawing.
The children used data loggers for the first time today. They recorded the levels of light and noise and the temperature in different parts of the classroom. Some children went to great lengths to ensure different readings!
Wishing you a relaxing, happy weekend.
Nursery – 09.02.2024
This week we took part in some of the well being activities including Dance with Miss Parkes and Yoga with Miss Cartwright.
In maths this week we carried on looking at and exploring the number 4. We helped Pete the cat get some new buttons for his coat, put 4 objects on a 5’s frame and made squares and rectangles using sticks.
In phonics this week we thought about the sound ‘c’, can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘c’? Upload what you have found onto Tapestry.
Other pictures this week:
It would be lovely if children could share family pictures with us as we are thinking about all the wonderful things families do together. These can be either given in or uploaded onto tapestry.
Important Dates
Half term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February.
Parent Consultations – Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February. Booking via arbor.
World Book Day – Thursday 7th March – Come to school dressed up as your favourite book character.
There will be no reading morning on Friday 8th March as we we will be going to the Mothers Day Assembly – parents welcome.
Friday 22nd March – PTA Break the rules day
Friday 22nd March – EYFS Cake sale after school
School finishes at 1:30PM on Thursday 28th March.
Summer term begins on Monday 15th April.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor
Reception – NSPCC Number Day!
Hello children, parents and carers,
This week we’ve enjoyed lots of activities, but the best part was the Number Day on Friday. All children came to school dressed in spots, stripes and numbers and they all looked amazing. In continuous provision the children enjoyed lots of mathematical activities. Numicon prints on the playdough table, ten frames and counting bears and sweet jars ready to be filled with candies. All the activities helped us to secure our understanding of numbers 6, 7 and 8 and to practice the 5 and a bit equations. Here are some photos of the day:
Outside and inside we measured and balanced and poured and emptied. Talked about full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, heavy, light… lots and lots of mathematical language!
The children also used the stem sentence ‘1 more than ….. is …..’ . Then they made flowers and on each petal the number was one more than the previous one.
In Little Wandle we’ve learnt the last digraph and trigraph from phase 3 sounds and from now until Summer term we will concentrate on reading longer words like puppet, bigger, hammer using all phase 2 and phase 3 sounds.
We were also busy learning 3 new tricky words: are, sure and pure. The last two proved to be extra tricky, so please make sure you practice them at home too!
This week we also started a new Art topic – Still Life Art. First we designed our own still art compositions. As you can imagine everyone had a different view and they are all different. Showing a couple here, but please come and check them out during next week’s reading morning. Then we sketched them on a special paper and next week we will start using the watercolours. Very exciting :)!
Dates to remember:
Wednesday 14th February, 9.15am – Ash Wednesday Service at St Barts – parents are welcome to join.
February half term – 19th – 23rd February
Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on Monday for another fun filled week.
Mrs Solakova
Number day in Year 3
We marked Number Day with a series of engaging activities, including number investigations, times table games, and challenging number games that tested addition and subtraction skills.