As part of Geography week this week we looked at and talked about what happens when plastic (and of course all rubbish) ends up in the rivers, lakes and oceans and what can happen to the sea life that live there. We took part in an activity where we had to remove all the plastic from the water tray.
We went back into the hall this week for PE and had a great time playing parachute games.
We continued our work on the hungry caterpillar this week and are keeping an eye on the caterpillars as they get bigger. We made some smoothies using the food from the book.
In RE we learnt that the word ‘Alleluia’ is the Church’s special Easter word meaning ‘Praise God!’ and we made a flag using the Pentecostal colours.
Other photos this week:
Important Dates
Friday 3rd May – No Reading Morning – Crowning of Mary Assembly at 09:05 – Parents Welcome
As part of our learning in Art and Design, we have been exploring butterflies in art. We explored the artwork of milliner, Philip Treacy who created a tremendous headpiece filled with butterflies made out of painted turkey feathers.
We were inspired by Philip Treacy’s artwork and had a go for ourselves. Just look at our wonderful class creation!
Our mannequin is ready to go!
We enjoyed building up our headpiece with butterflies we had created.
At the beginning of the week, we celebrated Earth day, reflecting on the things we’re grateful for on our planet. We also created pledges to protect it.
We began our new geography topic, which explores Europe and North America. We have linked this to our English work, where we have been developing our speeches about plastic consumption and how we can preserve our planet. We used our geography skills to analyse data to find out which country had the highest plastic usage.
This week, we have celebrated Earth Day and explored the theme of ‘Planet vs Plastics’.
As part of our geography week, we have used our field-work skills to conduct a survey of packaging in our packed lunches. Our analysis of this data has shaped our thinking on what we can practically do at St Adrian’s to reduce our plastic waste.
In English, we have learnt more about the issues facing our planet, reading Georgia Amson-Bradshaw’s book ‘Plastic Planet’. We are putting this expertise to good use as we combine it with what we have learnt through our field-work to prepare speeches for the school council’s ‘Talk It Out’ competition.
We have also shared our knowledge by creating a class website in Computing to share some of the issues that we face living in an increasingly ‘plastic planet’.
In other learning, we have enjoyed exploring light in science, using our understanding of reflection to make periscopes.
Welcome everyone to Summer term! I really hope that you’ve enjoyed your Easter holiday and are ready for another busy term. We have lots of exciting adventures planned and I am really looking forward to the wonderful learning in the coming weeks! We began a new project this week, a sensory garden full of scented and colourful plants. In there you can smell different spices like rosemary and curry!
In Little Wandle this week we revisited everything learnt in Spring 2, therefore no new sentences/tricky words will be added to your childs orange book. In your childs book bag you will find the new summer home learning grid. Please choose at least three of the activities and once ready, share them with us. We can’t wait to see them!!!
In Maths the children focused on the concept of 3-D shapes and their properties. We already explored some of the properties of these shapes earlier when sorting objects that are 3-D, looking at 2-D shapes, however this week we were naming the 3-D shapes and discussed how we know that that a shape is 3-D, and not 2-D. We explored the idea of flat faces and curved surfaces in activities such as printing and rolling/sliding the shapes down a ramp. We also learnt how to see the 2-D shapes within the 3-D shapes.
The children also embedded their learning by going on a 3-D shape around the school! They found lots of cubes, cuboids and spheres, however the pyramids and cones were trickier to spot.
RE Pentecost – Good news. In this new theme the children will learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and serving as a way of life. They will explore what we mean by Good news and know that everyone at times will have good news to share. They will appreciate their own good news, talk about how they feel when they have good news to share and celebrate the good news that they hear from other children and adults. These experiences will lay the foundation to help children understand the Good News that Christians celebrate at Easter – that Jesus is alive! This week we read ‘The jolly postman’:
We discussed how it feels when we hear good news and then talked about good news we can share with each other. Have a look at some of the wonderful examples:
Each term, the children are given a selection of activities to do at home that greatly enhance their learning across the curriculum. The children enjoy sharing this learning with their friends and it is often added to our displays for everyone to see. The Year 2 summer home learning grid has now been published on the Google Classroom and we are looking forward to seeing just how creative the children get this term, too.
Internet safety posters
Eatwell plates
Our favourite story from the bible.
Noah’s ark …
was very popular!
More posters to celebrate our favourite bible story.
On Wednesday, we went to the Cathedral. We developed our map reading skills by using grid references to help us locate key objects in the Cathedral. Our favourite part of the day was making the clay tiles. We were inspired by the beauty of the Cathedral.
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Some of the children shared with us on Tapestry the lovely things they did in the Easter holidays and it would be lovely if all the children could share some photos with us. If you haven’t done so already, please pop some holiday snaps onto Tapestry so the children can talk to us about what the did in the holidays.
This week and next we will be looking at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Lots of the children already know this story but it is a lovely way to start summer term and we have waited what seems like a very four long days but finally the caterpillars arrived in class yesterday. We will watch and observe them over this half term and hopefully before we break up for May half term we will have 5 butterflies.
This week we played in the hungry caterpillar tray and acted out the story during yoga.
Our new home corner opened this week – Pizza Parlour. The children can now make and serve yummy pizzas in the kitchen.
Our new role play also opened today which the children enjoyed spending time in.
The children have enjoyed being back together this week.
The children will continue to go to the Library on Wednesday each week, the previous book needs to be returned before a new one can be taken out. The children will be now carrying their own book bag to the library this term therefore it would be helpful if the book bags only had their orange reading diary in them.
We had a wonderful time at the cathedral on Wednesday. The children’s behaviour was excellent, they listened very well and really enjoyed the practical map reading activities, outdoors. They created some beautiful illuminated letters, each one different and individual.